Food Intolerance Test

Our Food Intolerance Test is an accurate diagnostic tool that uncovers specific food intolerances, guides dietary adjustments, and identifies triggers for adverse reactions.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Food Intolerance Test?

A diagnostic method for detecting probable food sensitivities or intolerances in people is called the This test seeks to identify specific foods or dietary ingredients that cause unfavorable bodily responses. Food intolerances are defined by difficulty digesting particular meals or responses to specific food components, in contrast to food allergies, which include an immunological response.

The test usually involves examining a sample of saliva, hair, or blood to check the presence of immunological markers, antibodies, or other signs of food intolerance. Alternatively, certain tests may depend on testing specific chemicals, such as histamine or lactose, to determine tolerance levels. After the sample has been taken, it is transported to a lab for analysis. The results are then sent to the patient or their healthcare practitioner.

Food intolerance tests examine a wide range of potential triggers, including common allergenic foods like milk, eggs, wheat, nuts and other components such as gluten, lactose, or food additives. Some tests may target a specific food group, while others offer comprehensive panels that assess multiple foods simultaneously.

A food intolerance test's main goal is to assist people in identifying foods or components that contribute to adverse reactions in their bodies. People may make educated food decisions and reduce or control their symptoms by identifying these triggers. This might involve an elimination diet, in which probable trigger items are momentarily excluded from the diet, followed by a reintroduction phase to verify the responses.

However, it's important to note that food intolerance tests have limitations. Some tests' scientific validity and reliability have been questioned, as their accuracy can vary, and false positives or negatives may occur. Therefore, it is crucial to interpret the results with caution and in conjunction with clinical evaluation and guidance from a healthcare professional.

Printable Food Intolerance Test

Download this Food Intolerance Test to patients for food intolerance.

How does it work?

When using a Food Intolerance Test template, the following steps are typically involved:


To acquire appropriate data, address the patient's symptoms, medical background, and eating habits.

Test Selection

Choose the right food intolerance test based on the patient's unique requirements and potential trigger foods or components.

Sample Collection

Give the patient specific instructions for obtaining the sample, such as the needed sample type (blood, hair, or saliva). 

Laboratory Submission

Help the patient correctly package the sample and submit it to the specified lab while ensuring all transportation regulations are followed.


Tell the patient what to expect in terms of how long it will take to get the test results, which might vary based on the lab and the particular test.


When the findings are made readily available, carefully examine and interpret them while considering the particular foods or ingredients that contribute to increased levels of reactivity.

Patient Education

Make an appointment for a follow-up visit to go through the results with the patient, explain the relevance of the results, and offer advice on dietary changes.

Elimination Diet

Recommend an elimination diet where probable trigger foods are temporarily eliminated from the patient's diet based on the test results.

Reintroduction Phase

Following a period of elimination, assist the patient with reintroducing the foods one at a time while keeping an eye out for any adverse reactions or symptoms.

Follow-up and Monitoring

Keep in touch with the patient frequently to monitor their progress, discuss any problems, and alter their diet as necessary.

Food Intolerance Test example (sample)

This comprehensive Food Intolerance Test example is specifically tailored for medical professionals seeking a deeper understanding of the diagnostic tool. This downloadable resource provides a detailed exploration of the Food Intolerance Test, encompassing its scientific basis, methodology, and clinical applications. This delves into the various testing techniques, including sample collection, laboratory analysis, and result interpretation, allowing medical professionals to navigate the process confidently. 

It also covers relevant topics such as differentiating food intolerances from allergies, common trigger foods, and evidence-based dietary modifications. With this Food Intolerance Test PDF, healthcare providers can enhance their knowledge, refine their diagnostic skills, and optimize patient care for food intolerances. Stay informed and elevate your practice with our comprehensive Food Intolerance Test PDF.

Download this Food Intolerance Test Example (Sample) here:

Food Intolerance Test example (sample)

Scoring guide

To quantify the reaction shown in the test findings, each food item or component is given a value as part of the Food Intolerance Test Score. The values may be categorized as mild, moderate, severe, or numerical on a scale from 0 to 4. For this template, this is the interpretation of the results:

Elevated values >30 IU/mL

  • This indicates a strong antibody reaction
  • Stop intake of these foods immediately for at least 3 months
  • Choose alternate foods from the same group
  • Consult your physician

Borderline values 24-30 IU/mL

  • This indicates mild to moderate antibody reaction
  • Reduce the intake of these foods for at least 3 months
  • Choose alternate foods from the same group

Normal values <24 IU/mL

  • This indicates no significant antibody reaction
  • No dietary restriction if there is no previous history of reaction
  • If symptomatic, consult your physician even though the test is negative

Healthcare experts examine the test results and evaluate the amount of reactivity for each item to grade the evaluation. The values or grades given reflect the degree of the reaction. For instance, a grade of "non-reactive" or several 0 may imply no or little reactivity, whereas higher values or grades signify higher degrees of reactivity.

Using the Food Intolerance Test Score, medical practitioners may rank trigger foods or ingredients according to their respective values. This knowledge aids in directing dietary adjustments, such as removing or lowering highly reactive meals, while considering the possibility of including foods with lower reactivity levels.

When would you use this test?

Healthcare professionals can benefit greatly from the Food Intolerance Assessment test when addressing suspected food intolerances and conducting investigations. Here are some situations when the exam could be suitable and helpful:

Unexplained Digestive Issues

A food intolerance assessment can assist in pinpointing trigger foods that may be the source of a patient's discomfort when they arrive with unexplained digestive symptoms such as bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, or constipation.

Skin Conditions

There may be a connection between some skin conditions like eczema, hives, or rashes and dietary intolerances. The examination can identify potential food triggers, enabling medical professionals to suggest suitable dietary changes.

Chronic Fatigue or Low Energy

Food intolerances may be a factor in the symptoms of people with chronic fatigue or low energy. The examination can reveal which foods contribute to varying energy levels, assisting practitioners in creating more precise dietary recommendations.

Inflammatory Conditions

Food sensitivities can make inflammatory diseases like arthritis, asthma, or chronic sinusitis worse. Through the examination, practitioners can possibly reduce inflammation and related symptoms by identifying and removing trigger foods.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Food intolerances and IBS are frequently related. The evaluation can assist in identifying particular food triggers that may be exacerbating IBS symptoms, allowing practitioners to modify dietary advice accordingly.

Chronic Migraines or Headaches

Food intolerances have been associated with chronic migraines or headaches. Conducting the assessment can help identify potential trigger foods, allowing practitioners to explore dietary modifications as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Personalized Nutrition

The Food Intolerance Assessment can help create individualized nutrition programs based on unique sensitivities, enabling healthcare professionals to provide patients with tailored dietary recommendations to support their overall health and well-being.


Using the Free Food Intolerance Test template offers several benefits for both practitioners and patients. Here are some key advantages:

Accurate Identification

With the help of the template, it is possible to examine food intolerances methodically, guaranteeing the systematic and precise identification of foods or other triggers that may give patients negative responses.

Time Efficiency

The template streamlines the evaluation procedure, saving practitioners and patients important time. It offers precise instructions and questions, supporting effective data gathering and analysis.

Patient Empowerment

The adoption of the template enables patients to participate in the management of their own health actively. They are urged to take note of their symptoms, keep dietary records, and work with professionals to find and treat any suspected food intolerances.

Enhanced Treatment Planning

Through the template's all-inclusive methodology, practitioners may create specific dietary adjustments, such as exclusion diets and stages of reintroduction, which enhance symptom management and general well-being.

Personalized Approach

Healthcare professionals may modify food suggestions according to particular sensitivities, encouraging a tailored approach to patient care and improving treatment success.

Research & Evidence

Using the Free Food Intolerance Test template offers several benThe Food Intolerance Test has gained recognition and support through scientific research and evidence over the years. Here is an overview of the history of this resource and the evidence supporting its use:

Scientific Studies

Research has investigated the association between dietary intolerances and other medical disorders. These investigations on the causes, prevalence, clinical signs and symptoms of food intolerances have shed light on how they affect people's health.

Clinical Observations

Medical practitioners and researchers have seen the differences when individuals with suspected food intolerances change their diets, particularly when trigger items are eliminated. These discoveries have helped to clarify how dietary intolerances play a part in symptom management.

Allergy and Immunology Research

The immunological processes causing food intolerances have been clarified through research in allergy and immunology. Research has linked immunological reactions, including IgG antibodies and immune-mediated pathways, to reactions related to food intolerance.

Diagnostic Advances

The assessment and detection of food intolerances have been made easier by the introduction of sophisticated diagnostic tools. The precision and reliability of identifying food intolerances have increased because of advancements in laboratory testing techniques, such as antibody testing and elimination diets with reintroduction regimens.

Clinical Guidelines

According to professional organizations and expert panels, assessing food intolerance in clinical practice is important. Clinical guidelines have been developed to aid medical practitioners in accurately detecting and treating food intolerances. 

Patient Outcomes

The value of this resource is supported by anecdotal evidence from patients who have completed food intolerance testing and adopted dietary adjustments. 

Why use Carepatron as your Food Intolerance app?

Carepatron stands out as the ideal Food Intolerance app and software solution for managing and addressing food intolerances. Here's why Carepatron is the best place to handle this type of work:

Comprehensive Food Intolerance Management

Carepatron provides a thorough and all-inclusive approach to managing food intolerances. The software offers a variety of features and tools to help medical professionals identify, monitor, and effectively manage food intolerances.

User-Friendly Interface

Carepatron boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy for healthcare professionals and patients to navigate and utilize the app's functionalities.

Data Tracking and Analysis

The food intolerance software from Carepatron enables thorough data recording and analysis. Medical experts can monitor a patient's symptoms, keep a diet and symptom diary, and assess development over time. 


Collaboration and communication between medical staff and patients are improved via Carepatron. The app promotes a solid patient-provider relationship and makes receiving continuing assistance and advice easier by enabling safe information exchange, seamless communications, and real-time updates.

Integration with Existing Systems

Software for practice management and electronic health records (EHRs) are all fully integrated with Carepatron. With the help of this connection, healthcare practitioners may optimize their operations, saving time and increasing efficiency.


Data security and privacy are top priorities at Carepatron. The app complies with high compliance requirements and uses strong security measures to safeguard sensitive patient data, guaranteeing privacy and giving practitioners and patients peace of mind.

Electronic Health Records Software
Who developed the Food Intolerance Test?
Who developed the Food Intolerance Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who developed the Food Intolerance Test?

As food intolerance tests are not standardized, many companies and organizations offer them, and no single entity can be attributed to developing the food intolerance test.

How to perform Food Intolerance test?

A food intolerance test can be performed by either undergoing a blood test to measure specific antibodies or opting for an elimination diet followed by a controlled reintroduction of suspected trigger foods while monitoring for symptoms.

What does Food Intolerance test measure?

In order to detect probable food intolerances or sensitivities, a food intolerance test looks for certain antibodies or immunological reactions to particular foods.

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