What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet

Enhance your healthcare relationships with the What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet. Define your ideal partnership today!

By Bernard Ramirez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

is a modern cognitive-behavioral therapy approach that has gained prominence in mental health and can be particularly valuable in addressing relationship problems. ACT is rooted in the principles of mindfulness and acceptance, offering a unique perspective on the challenges individuals face in their relationships. Healthcare practitioners can find ACT especially beneficial when working with clients dealing with interpersonal difficulties.

ACT focuses on nurturing psychological flexibility through mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment. Mindfulness encourages individuals to engage in relationships, fostering empathy and improving communication.

Acceptance acknowledges that conflicts and negative emotions are inherent in human interactions. ACT teaches clients to embrace discomfort and painful emotions to approach relationship issues with increased resilience and openness. Values clarification assists clients in discerning their fundamental values and recognizing what holds genuine importance in their relationships.

By harmonizing their actions with these core values, individuals can make decisions that contribute to healthier and more gratifying connections. Committed effort, the final component of ACT, guides clients in taking purposeful and proactive steps toward creating and sustaining more beneficial relationships. This includes addressing issues constructively, fostering effective communication, and implementing necessary changes to enhance their connections with others.

In the context of relationship problems, ACT provides valuable tools for healthcare practitioners to assist clients in resolving conflicts, enhancing communication, and fostering deeper emotional connections. By teaching clients to be present, accepting of their own and their partner's imperfections, and committed to building harmonious relationships based on shared values, ACT can be a powerful therapeutic approach for improving the quality of relationships and overall well-being. It empowers individuals to create the loving and supportive relationships they desire while acknowledging the inherent challenges of human connection.

Printable What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet

Download this What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet to strengthen your relationship.

How to use the What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet:

The What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet is a valuable tool designed to assist healthcare practitioners in facilitating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) discussions regarding their client relationship goals and desires. This worksheet serves as a structured framework to help individuals explore their ideal relationships, assess their current relationships (if applicable), set meaningful goals, and commit to actions that align with their values. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how healthcare practitioners can effectively utilize this resource:

Step 1: Introduction

Explain the purpose of the "What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet" to your client. Emphasize that it's intended to promote self-reflection, goal-setting, and positive changes within their relationships.

Step 2: Defining Your Ideal Relationship

Encourage your client to describe their ideal relationship vividly. Ask them to envision the essential qualities, characteristics, and values they seek in a relationship. This step sets the foundation for understanding their aspirations.

Step 3: Assessing Your Current Relationship (if applicable)

For clients currently in relationships, guide them in evaluating how their existing relationship aligns with their ideal vision. Encourage an honest assessment of both strengths and areas that require improvement.

Step 4: Setting Relationship Goals

Help your client formulate short-term and long-term relationship goals. These objectives should be specific, measurable, and aligned with their values and aspirations. Discuss the importance of setting achievable goals.

Step 5: Committing to Change

Guide your client in identifying concrete actions they can take to move closer to their ideal relationship. Discuss the significance of commitment to these actions and how they align with the values specified in Step 2.

Step 6: Reflection and Review

Encourage your client to plan follow-up sessions to review their progress and adjust their goals and actions as needed. Emphasize the value of self-compassion and acceptance in their journey.

What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet Example

The What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet PDF is a structured tool for healthcare practitioners to guide clients through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) discussions about their relationship goals. This template facilitates exploring clients' ideal relationships, assessments of their current relationships (if applicable), goal setting, and actionable steps aligned with their values.

It promotes self-reflection, empathy, and effective communication within relationships, helping clients move towards more fulfilling and harmonious connections. This downloadable PDF resource empowers individuals to work towards their desired relationships while emphasizing self-compassion and acceptance.

Download this What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet Example:

What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet Example

When would you use this What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet?

The "What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet" is a versatile tool that can be effectively used by various healthcare professionals, including therapists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers, to address multiple relationship-related concerns. 

Here are some of the most appropriate times and scenarios for using this assessment:

Couples Counseling Sessions

It can be employed during couples therapy to help partners clarify their individual and shared relationship goals. Doing so promotes understanding and collaboration in working towards a healthier relationship dynamic.

Individual Therapy for Relationship Issues

Individual therapy can be utilized when clients grapple with relationship challenges or seek to enhance their relational skills. It encourages clients to reflect on their values and aspirations in relationships.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Before entering into marriage or committed partnerships, this worksheet can assist couples in discussing their expectations and goals for the relationship, helping them start on a solid foundation.

Post-breakup or Divorce Counseling

After the end of a relationship, clients can use this resource to gain clarity on what they want in future relationships, learn from past experiences, and set healthier relationship goals.

Family Counseling

It can be adapted for family therapy to facilitate communication and goal-setting within family relationships, particularly in conflict or adjustment difficulties.

Single Individuals Seeking Relationship Guidance

Single individuals seeking guidance on finding a compatible partner can use this worksheet to clarify their values and relationship aspirations.

Self-Help and Personal Growth

Beyond therapy, individuals can use this worksheet as a self-help tool for personal growth and self-awareness, exploring their relationship desires and values.

What are the benefits of using this What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet?

The use of the free "What You Want to Be in Your Relationship ACT Worksheet" offers several valuable benefits in the context of therapy and personal growth:

Clarity and Self-Awareness

This worksheet helps individuals clarify their values, desires, and goals in relationships, fostering self-awareness that can lead to more intentional and fulfilling connections.

Effective Communication

Encouraging clients to reflect on their communication patterns and relationship aspirations promotes better understanding and communication skills, ultimately enhancing relationship dynamics.

Goal Setting

The worksheet guides individuals in setting specific, values-aligned relationship goals, providing a clear roadmap for personal growth and development within their relationships.

Conflict Resolution

It can be a valuable tool for addressing relationship conflicts by facilitating open discussions about individual needs and expectations, leading to more constructive problem-solving.


This resource empowers clients to take proactive steps toward building their desired relationships. It emphasizes personal responsibility and commitment to change.

Self-Compassion and Acceptance

The worksheet includes a section on self-compassion and acceptance strategies, promoting a healthy and forgiving attitude toward oneself, especially in the face of relationship challenges.

Why use Carepatron as your Acceptance and Commitment Therapy app?

Carepatron is a comprehensive examination platform designed for healthcare professionals specializing in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) therapy. It offers a user-friendly interface, robust data security measures, and a wide range of examination tools, allowing healthcare professionals to focus on providing effective treatment. Carepatron's ACT Therapy App provides customizable assessment templates, progress tracking, and secure patient data management, making it a convenient choice for mental health therapists.

The platform also streamlines administrative tasks, allowing professionals to focus on patient care. It supports telehealth integration, allowing practitioners to conduct therapy sessions remotely and providing flexibility when in-person sessions are impossible. Carepatron allows customization, allowing healthcare professionals to tailor assessment forms and templates for their specialization.

Client engagement is also enhanced by features like secure messaging and self-assessment tools, promoting active involvement in therapy. 

Carepatron is an excellent choice for healthcare professionals seeking a comprehensive examination platform.

Electronic Health Records Software
Who can use this worksheet?
Who can use this worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

Who can use this worksheet?

This worksheet can be used by individuals seeking to improve their relationships or by healthcare practitioners, therapists, counselors, and psychologists to facilitate discussions and goal-setting in therapy sessions.

Is this worksheet suitable for both couples and individuals?

Yes, it is suitable for both. Couples can use it together to discuss their relationship goals, while individuals can use it for personal reflection and goal-setting.

What are the main benefits of using this worksheet?

The worksheet promotes self-awareness, clarity about relationship desires, improved communication, goal setting, and commitment to actions that align with one's values, ultimately leading to healthier and more satisfying relationships.

Is this worksheet a substitute for professional therapy?

No, it is not a substitute for professional therapy. While it can be a valuable self-help tool, it is best used with therapy when addressing complex relationship issues or emotional challenges.

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