Grow Coaching Model
Use the GROW Coaching Model in your practice to help your clients create or achieve their goals. Get a free PDF template!

What is a GROW Coaching Model?
The GROW model, also known as the GROW model of coaching or growth model coaching, developed by Sir John Whitmore, is a coaching framework for mentoring. It enhances coaching skills and is one of the coaching tools one can use to start coaching conversations or structure coaching sessions.
The acronym GROW serves as a coaching process step or a valuable guide for planning one's journey toward a goal toward personal development, with each letter representing a specific meaning and concept. Here's an overview of each of the letters of the GROW model coaching:
- G(oal): G stands for goal. During this session, the client shares with the facilitator what they want to achieve. It's highly encouraged that the facilitator aids the patient in polishing their goals into SMART goals, which stand for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
- R(eality): R is for reality. During this session, the facilitator encourages the client to describe their current reality. This step mustn't be missed as it helps determine their starting point and what resources they can take advantage of that exist in their life.
- O(ptions): O is for options. During this part of the session, the facilitator brainstorms with the clients to explore options and find the many best ways to reach their goals with their reality in mind.
- W(ill): Finally, W is for will. Now that the client has a better understanding and clearer path toward their goal, it's time for them to take the steps. During this part, the facilitator mainly aids the client in coming up with concrete actions toward their goal and ways to motivate them.
Unlike other frameworks or models, it's important to note that the GROW Coaching Model is designed for the facilitator to help the client make their own decisions when goal setting instead of directing or advising them towards a path the facilitator thinks is best.
Grow Coaching Model Template
Grow Coaching Model Example
How does our GROW Coaching Model work?
Do you want to use the GROW model coaching framework during your coaching conversation or session with a client? Make structuring and conducting the sessions easier with our GROW model template.
Step 1: Access the template
You can access the GROW Coaching Model template from this guide. Click "Use template" to open it within the Carepatron platform, where you can customize this resource. You can also click "Download" to get a free fillable PDF copy of this form.
Step 2: Explain the worksheet
Though it's straightforward, you must explain to the client how to fill out the worksheet so that it benefits both of you, especially them.
Step 3: Fill out the worksheet
Give your client a copy of the GROW Coaching Model worksheet so they may write down their answers. Tell them to refer to the coaching questions underneath each letter so they can better think of their answers. Alternatively, provide them with guiding questions of your own.
If they cannot write their answers, they may answer verbally instead, and you may type or write down what they say.
Step 4: Discuss with the client
Once the worksheet is complete, adopt a coaching mindset you can use as a guide while you process the answers with the client. We will leave it up to you how you will conduct your coaching session.
Step 5: Store securely
Don't forget to store the worksheet in a physical location. For easy access, we recommend storing it digitally on a HIPAA-compliant EHR like Carepatron so clients can look at their worksheets at their convenience through the patient portal.
When would you use this GROW Coaching Model template?
Medical practitioners such as therapists, counselors, psychiatrists, and psychologists may use this GROW Coaching Model. However, this framework and template are specifically designed for life coaches who are helping their clients who:
- Are going through a significant change in life or career
- Are lost or stuck and don't have a goal in life
- Want to improve their productivity, focus, and overall performance, especially at work
- Want to hone their time and stress management skills
- Want a balance of work and personal life
- Want to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health
- Want to develop better communication skills
If clients share concerns with past trauma or mental illness, life coaches refer them to a trusted medical mental health practitioner to help them with their problems.
Benefits of using the GROW Coaching Model template
There are numerous benefits to using our template in your sessions. Here are some of them:
Simple to use
Our free GROW Coaching Model worksheet template is simple to use and even simpler to fill out. With provided guiding questions, clients can easily fill out the space allocated for their answers.
Provides structure and guidance
When one has a lot they want to accomplish, doesn't know what to accomplish, or is stuck at the dreaming stage, it can help to have a guide to help them identify what they want in life and how to get there. Aside from identifying the path and steps toward their goal, a template, in particular, will be a helpful reference when they feel lost or unmotivated.
The GROW model template can empower individuals who prefer concrete and actionable steps. The model's structured approach is particularly valuable when clients engage with you as their life coach throughout the process, fostering a collaborative and supportive journey toward achieving their goals.
Fully digital
Our GROW Coaching Model template is entirely digital, making it easy for you and your client to fill it out using any device and store it on cloud storage or a HIPAA-compliant EHR like Carepatron.
Commonly asked questions
Medical mental health practitioners can use the GROW Coaching Model framework. However, it's more commonly used by life coaches in a group setting with team members or executive coaches.
You can use the GROW Coaching Model framework when helping clients set or achieve their goals.
You or the client can use it as a worksheet, guide, or reference throughout their journey.