Coaching Evaluation Form

Discover the importance of a Confidentiality Statement in our comprehensive guide on Coaching Evaluation Forms. Download our Free PDF example.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Coaching Evaluation Form?

A Coaching Evaluation Form is a useful tool for evaluating a coach's performance, abilities, and tactics. This format is commonly used in various coaching situations, from life coaching to executive coaching to sports coaching. It collects critical information and allows for input on numerous aspects of the coach's job, such as communication, leadership, decision-making, professionalism, and more.

Depending on the coaching setting and aims, a coaching assessment form template can range from simple to sophisticated. Some types may emphasize the coach's technical abilities and expertise, while others may emphasize the coach's connections with their coachees and capacity to support growth and change.

Its primary goal is to assess the coach's skills and identify growth opportunities. The form feedback is a road map for the coach's personal and professional development. The form's scope varies, but it often includes communication abilities, leadership capacity, decision-making skills, planning, organization, etc.

A is a channel for open and constructive communication, making it necessary for every effective coaching program.

Organizations can improve the quality and efficacy of their coaching sessions by using a coaching evaluation form to provide constructive feedback to coaches, define expectations, and identify areas for future development.

Printable Coaching Evaluation Form

Download this Coaching Evaluation Form so you can effectively improve your practice.

How does it work?

Understanding and using a Coaching Evaluation Form in your organization or coaching practice can streamline the performance evaluation and feedback process. This tool can help you turn the often-difficult work of evaluating into a more structured and objective approach, resulting in successful outcomes that can drive the growth and success of your coaching practice.

Using a Coaching Evaluation Form is a reasonably straightforward process that includes a few essential elements that ensure a thorough examination of a coach's work. Each step is critical to the process's success, from selecting a suitable form that matches your specific coaching context to feedback implementation.

Step 1: Choose or Design an Appropriate Form

Choose a form that suits your needs, or design your form using a coaching evaluation form template. Ensure the form covers all relevant areas of the coach's work.

Step 2: Complete the Form

The evaluator, often a supervisor or colleague, completes the form based on their observations and experience with the coach. This includes rating the coach's performance on various criteria and providing comments where necessary.

Step 3: Review the Form

The evaluator reviews the completed form to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Step 4: Discuss the Evaluation

The evaluator discusses the evaluation with the coach, offering a chance for dialogue and understanding.

Step 5: Implement Feedback

The coach uses the feedback to improve their coaching skills and methods, contributing to personal and professional growth.

Coaching Evaluation Form Example (sample)

To help you understand the procedure, we have included a completed form in this tutorial to guide you. This is a practical example of how a completed coaching assessment form may look. Using this as a guide, you can better understand how to evaluate a coach's performance thoroughly and efficiently.

This sample also emphasizes the key components that should be included in a coaching evaluation form. It clarifies the significant areas to be evaluated, the grading system used, and the importance of thorough remarks to offer context for the scores. Evaluators can ensure they cover all necessary topics in their evaluation by analyzing this filled-out example, resulting in well-rounded, helpful input.

Download this Coaching Evaluation Form Example:

Coaching Evaluation Form Example (sample)

When would you use this Form?

A Coaching Evaluation Form is required in various settings across various coaching areas. These forms serve as a mirror, displaying the coach's abilities and places for progress. Their objective feedback contributes to a coach's constant progress and development. These forms catalyze positive transformation and growth in sports, life coaching, executive coaching, and other disciplines.

You would typically use this form during the following instances:

Performance Review

The evaluation form becomes a crucial tool during a coach's performance review. It's not uncommon for organizations to conduct such reviews periodically, usually annually or bi-annually. The assessment provides an overview of the coach's performance over a set period, offering insights into their strengths and areas needing improvement.

After a Coaching Session

Feedback is invaluable after individual coaching sessions. Especially within life coaching or executive coaching contexts, these forms provide immediate, specific feedback, aiding in quick adjustments and improvements in coaching strategies.

Onboarding or Transition

When a new coach joins the team or prepares to depart, evaluation forms can help capture insights into their coaching style and effectiveness. These insights inform the transition process and help set benchmarks for incoming coaches.

Professional Development

These forms serve as a roadmap for coaches committed to ongoing professional development. They highlight areas that require additional focus or training, allowing coaches to refine their skills further and stay on top of coaching best practices.


The utilization of Coaching Evaluation Forms paves the way for numerous benefits that go beyond the surface level of coaching. These forms connect the coach's performance and the outcomes achieved by those being coached, fostering an environment conducive to learning and development.

Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Clear Feedback

These forms offer structured and objective feedback to coaches about their performance. The specific criteria and scoring system provide transparency and clarity, allowing coaches to understand precisely where they excel and where they can improve.

2. Improved Performance

Coaches can refine their coaching methods and techniques with detailed insights and feedback. By working on their areas of improvement and capitalizing on their strengths, coaches can elevate their performance, leading to better coaching outcomes.

3. Professional Development

Coaching Evaluation Forms act as a compass in the coach's professional journey. They highlight the skills and competencies that need further development, guiding coaches toward relevant training or learning opportunities.

4. Quality Assurance

Regular use of these forms helps maintain high-quality coaching standards within an organization. They ensure that all coaches adhere to the expected performance standards, promoting consistency and reliability in coaching quality.

5. Better Client or Athlete Outcomes

Improved coaching inevitably leads to better outcomes for those being coached. Whether they are athletes improving their game, executives becoming better leaders, or individuals achieving personal growth, the benefits of effective coaching, facilitated by these forms, ripple out to all areas.

Why use Carepatron as your Coaching Evaluation app?

Carepatron provides a superior solution for your coaching assessment needs by combining technology and simplicity, resulting in a streamlined user experience. Its simple, user-friendly design makes generating, customizing, and filling out coaching evaluation forms a snap, saving time and effort while enhancing productivity.

Carepatron understands the value of feedback in coaching and optimizes the process. With their extensive capabilities, you can rapidly create forms, track answers, and evaluate outcomes from a single dashboard. This capability lets you quickly spot patterns, trends, and improvement areas, speeding up the formulation of action plans and actions.

Carepatron's platform is cloud-based, so all your coaching assessment forms and data are safely maintained in one location. You may access your forms and data at any time, location, or device. Because of its adaptability, Carepatron is a useful tool for businesses and coaches that need to work on the go or collaborate with others remotely.

Carepatron recognizes the importance of privacy and confidentiality in coaching. It uses strong security methods to protect your data, ensuring only authorized persons can access sensitive information. This commitment to security gives you peace of mind knowing that your evaluations are confidential and secure.

Finally, Carepatron is more than just an evaluation tool. It is an all-in-one work and care management platform that allows you to manage appointments, to-do lists, notes, and more, making it an invaluable tool for any coaching practice.

These capabilities make Carepatron an excellent alternative for handling your coaching assessments. Its adaptability and user-friendly interface can help you streamline your coaching operations, making it an excellent investment for your coaching practice.

Life Coach Software
Who uses the Coaching Evaluation Forms?
Who uses the Coaching Evaluation Forms?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses the Coaching Evaluation Forms?

These forms are used by anyone tasked with evaluating a coach's performance, such as supervisors, colleagues, or even the individuals being coached.

When do you use the Coaching Evaluation Forms?

These forms are typically used during performance reviews, after individual coaching sessions, when a coach joins or leaves the team, or as part of a coach's ongoing professional development.

How are the Coaching Evaluation Forms used?

The evaluator completes the form based on their observations and experience with the coach, rating their performance on various criteria and providing comments where necessary. The form is then reviewed and discussed with the coach to provide feedback and identify areas for improvement.

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