
Know more about the purpose and function of creatinine tests and get a free request form template by clicking here. 


By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Creatinine Test?

A creatinine test is a medical test that measures the creatinine levels in one�??s blood to evaluate if one�??s kidneys aren�??t damaged and still working correctly. There�??s a need to check one�??s creatinine, the waste product of broken-down creatine, a substance found in one�??s muscle, to assess if the kidneys can still filter creatinine out of the blood and exit one�??s body as urine.

Although this test can be done independently, it�??s usually performed with other tests like the basic metabolic panel (BMP) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test. The procedure of a creatinine test generally involves collecting a blood sample and analyzing the blood using a colorimetric, 2-point kinetic method. However, one can check one�??s creatinine by exploring urine culture.

The frequency of a creatinine test varies depending on the patient�??s current or previous condition. If the patient has diabetes, any condition, or medication that can affect one�??s kidneys, they will undergo the test at least once a year.

Printable Creatinine Test

Download this Creatinine Test to evaluate a patient�??s kidney.

How does it work?

Step One. Access and Download the Template

Ensure you have a digital and printable copy of the creatinine test template that doubles as a request form and document for interpretation. Obtain a copy by doing either of the following:

  • Clicking the �??Download Template�?� or �??Use Template�?� button
  • Searching �??Creatinine Test�?� on Carepatron�??s template library�??s search bar on the app or website. 

Step Two. Interview, Assess, or Examine the Patient

Before a referring physician can request a creatinine test, they should interview the patient to know more about their symptoms, assess their current condition, or do a physical examination. At the very least, if the patient isn�??t suspected of having a condition or feeling unwell, you may include the test as part of their routine checkup. 

Do note that it�??s best to ask the patient if they are taking any medication that may affect the results and prepare them beforehand by requesting that they don�??t eat meat 24 hours before the test. 

Step Three. Collect the Sample

Since the template can function as a request form, for the patient to prove that the referring physician requested the creatinine test, they can show it to the practitioner in charge of collecting the sample. Afterward, the practitioner in order can collect a blood or urine sample. 

Step Four. Analyze, Interpret, and Provide Next Steps

When the test results are available, the referring physician may use the template and record their analysis and interpretation. That way, they have a document they can rely on when formulating a diagnosis or treatment plan. 

Step Five. Securely Store the Template

Whether the referring physician uses the template as a request form and/or a document for notes, the filled-out template must be securely stored at a physical location or on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant, free clinical documentation software.

Creatinine Test Example (sample)

Here�??s a filled-out creatinine test PDF file that can give you insight into how the template may look if used as both a request form and a document for results. Do note, however, that the answers in the template are fictional. 

Obtain a copy by viewing the sample below or clicking the �??Download Example PDF�?� button. 

Download this Creatinine Test Example: 

When Would you use this Test?

Multiple healthcare practitioners may use the creatinine test when they: 

  • Want to know the patient�??s overall health via the results of this test on a basic metabolic panel
  • Need to diagnose a suspected kidney disease that a patient may have based on their condition, signs, or symptoms
  • Are monitoring the progression of the kidney diseases, with or without treatment, and the function of a transplanted kidney
  • To check for any side effects of drugs or medication that may affect the kidney. 

What do the Results Mean?

Results are usually analyzed and interpreted within the context of the patient�??s medical history, lifestyle, last meal, current condition, etc. However, if you need a general idea of what each result on the creatinine test means, here are some simple interpretations you may write down on your free creatinine test template:

  • Higher than normal serum creatinine level: Kidneys aren�??t working well
  • Higher than 90 and 120/mL/min/1.73 m2: Suspected kidney damage with loss of renal function

Why use Carepatron as your Creatinine app?

Aside from being an app where you can get a copy of the creatinine test template, Carepatron is also a general practice software that can help you efficiently manage your practice.

On a single platform, you can find tools and features that can help you streamline processes related to:

  • Clinical Documentation: With over 1000 templates of notes, invoices, and medical documents that you can customize, fill out, store, and digitally access, you can save time and effort documenting important clinical information on patients.
  • Medical Billing: Process payments quicker and offer more payment options to patients to speed up the medical billing process.
  • Telehealth: On Carepatron, you can schedule, create notes within your telehealth app, and accept payments without stress.

The same tools and features can also help you automate tasks related to:

  • Appointment Reminders: Set up a system that can send automated reminders of appointments (payment reminders included!) to patients via SMS or email.
  • Patient Records: Store patient details and records in our patient portal to effortlessly pull out when needed.

These are only a few of the many things you can do on Carepatron. More awaits you at a practice management software that can handle your demands and match your needs.

So, don�??t miss out on discovering what Carepatron can do for you today. Sign up for a free account!

Clinical Documentation Software


Who typically requests a Creatinine Test?
Who typically requests a Creatinine Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Creatinine Test?

General practitioners and nephrologists are most likely to request a creatinine test. 


When are Creatinine Tests used?

Creatinine tests are used during a routine check, diagnosis, or monitoring of the patient�??s kidney condition. 

How long does a Creatinine Test take?

Collecting a blood sample for a creatinine test will only take a few minutes. However, obtaining test results, analyzing, and interpreting said results can take hours, depending on the practitioners in charge. 

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