Safety Program Template PDF Example
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What is a Safety Program Template?

A Safety Program Template is a resource used to structure effective Safety Programs, which are crucial to averting accidents, illnesses, and fatalities, along with the associated hardships for practitioner teams, clients, their families, and their employers (OSHA, n.d.). These programs can be used for a variety of reasons and scenarios, but are most prominently developed for client and staff safety. 

An effective Safety Program aims to proactively oversee workplace safety, health, and wellbeing. It should begin with a foundational program and objectives that expand as the program progresses (OSHA, n.d.). In considering this, the template structures the elements required to manage safety, including: 

  • Management objectives for the safety program: these are goals and validations by the lead coordinator. 
  • Roles and duties for overseeing bodies and staff: these include the responsibilities of all involved, injury and illness documentation, and assessments relevant to the facility. 
  • Incident assessments: this includes the protocols for assessment, and injury or illness reports. 
  • Risk analysis: this outlines the types of risks that individuals may be exposed to, and the resources that promote safety. 
  • Risk prevention and mitigation: safety practices, training programs, resources, and assessments to update information regarding risks. 
  • Effective communication: this involves the communication between individuals involved, ensuring everyone is on the same page. 
  • Training programs: this involves consistent upskilling and education regarding safety. 
  • Evaluation: regularly re-assessing the program, and making adjustments where appropriate. 
  • Documentation: keeping accurate records of any safety-related incidents, such as injuries or illnesses. 

Workplaces such as hospitals, private practices, and other companies that implement safety management programs can reduce health suffering, economic losses, and workplace incidents (Findley et al., 2004). Using our Safety Program Template, these facilities can access a framework that centralizes the goals, monitoring, and outcome assessments necessary to elevate levels of safety and health.

Printable Safety Program PDF

Facilitate a safe workplace with our free Safety Program PDF

How does it work?

The Safety Program Template works as a resource that can be used by employers or management staff, to develop effective protocols that enhance workplace health and safety. Here are a few steps to guide you when using our template: 

Step 1: Access the template 

Depending on your practice preferences, you can access the template and edit it digitally, or download a PDF version using the link below for a printable physical copy. 

Step 2: Management commitments

Outline the goals and responsibilities of the company in regards to safety, as well as the dedicated overseeing individual. This will direct the information and protocols within the safety program.

Step 3: Outline responsibilities 

Outline and delegate the responsibilities of management and staff in regards to safety, this ensures that everyone involved is on the same page. We have created a general list, but you may adapt this to suit your organization. 

Step 4: Document emergency procedures

Note all of the essential information for emergencies, including emergency contacts, first aid kits, and evacuation locations.

Step 5: Incident reporting

Ensure that you document the follow-up protocols for incidents, including staff records as well as formal incident reports. These can help identify causal and enable the organization to develop procedures to reduce the risk of recurrence.  

Step 6: Risk appraisal

Analyze all potential risks involved in equipment use, protocols, or work-related tasks and develop a plan for how these may be mitigated. 

Step 7: Control hazards

Develop and document procedures or tools to reduce or eliminate hazards. The template describes a few ways to do this, but you may adapt these to suit your organization. 

Step 8: Communication

Ensure staff are provided learning opportunities by outlining how the organization will communicate and train staff. 

Step 9: Ongoing progression

To be proactive, it is essential to continue monitoring risks and revising the program.

Safety Program example (sample)

To show you how a Safety Program Template may be used in practice, we have created this example. The example takes the previous steps from our ‘How to’ section and uses fictional information to fill in the Safety Program Template PDF. It is recommended you view this example and use it as a reference when creating your own, however, please consider that this is an example and should not replace safety information or procedures within your practice. 

The example can be accessed here, or downloaded as a PDF for a tangible copy by following the link below:

Download the Safety Program Template example PDF. 

Safety Program example

When would you use this template?

The Safety Program Template is a tool primarily designed to create a cohesive document that outlines all risks, hazards, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to safety management. This is a general template that can be customized to enhance safety in a variety of circumstances, which may include:

  • Enhance safety: In organizations or workplaces where there are many hazards that threaten safety, this template can help mitigate risk-related incidents. 
  • Risk appraisal: The template can be used to identify risks and begin action planning for eliminating or reducing risks. This can help enhance workplace safety, and ensure that organizations are proactive in their approaches towards health and safety.
  • Developing resources: Individuals in managerial positions may use this template to develop educational resources such as posters or signage to enhance risk awareness. These can reduce the number of incidents.
  • Inform training opportunities: This template may highlight knowledge or skill gaps amongst staff in relation to safety procedures. These can then be used to inform training procedures or seminar opportunities. 
  • Incident follow-up: After an incident has occurred, this template can provide guidance on how incident reports should be constructed, and may provide steps to follow-up. These can update safety procedures to overcome risks, reducing future incidents.

Benefits of the Safety Program  

Using our free Safety Program Template can provide many benefits that enhance the health and safety of all involved within your organization. The following are some common experiences and what they may mean for individuals:

Reduce work-related injury or illness

By introducing the safety program, organizations can implement protocols that enhance the safety of all involved, reducing injury and illness. 

Enhanced compliance

Having a safety program can ensure that all staff are well-informed of their responsibilities and tasks, which may enhance compliance with safety procedures. The template itself outlines all expectations and requires all involved to validate their commitment to upholding their responsibilities by signing at the end. This may be used as part of legal documentation or contracts. 

Enhanced communication

Having a safety program documents all of the expectations and protocols surrounding safety along with how these responsibilities are delegated ensures that everyone is on the same page. Furthermore, by providing a copy to each person and having one accessible in the workplace can clear any miscommunications or misunderstandings.   

Increased awareness

In following the safety plan, individuals may gain a broader understanding of the risks that compromise their safety, allowing them to identify a risk or hazard. This can cause widespread awareness, which may also inform further protocols when new risks are identified.  

Reduced costs

By eliminating or reducing risks to safety, a safety program can reduce illness or injury, which may save costs to individuals and the organization.

Additional tips

Using our Safety Program Template to identify, manage, and eliminate risks related to workplace incidents can be extremely effective in promoting safety. To further enhance this process, here are some additional tips and considerations to implement in your approach: 

  • It is essential to internally track and communicate any improvements to the program with your insurance company. This can lead to more policy options at renewal, and more cost-effective rates that may reduce costs related to insurance.  
  • To increase adherence to safety protocols, it may be beneficial to introduce incentives or validate positive safety actions where possible. This may promote a culture of positive actions surrounding safety within the space. 
  • In some instances, it may not be feasible to complete an immediate full incident investigation. If this is the case, complete a brief report or summary containing basic information such as the date, description, and personnel information for insurance submissions. When it is appropriate, this can be updated. 
  • When devising safety procedures or policies, ensure that you review regulations related to the procedure and seek suggestions from staff involved. This ensures legal compliance, and integrates direct staff experience to develop effective solutions. 
  • In terms of training, it is essential to document the frequency, type, and information gained from training.

Why use Carepatron as your Safety Program app?

Carepatron’s Safety Program app and software offer an optimal solution for managing clinical documentation, providing all of the necessary resources and information in one place. 

At Carepatron, our goal is to offer practical solutions that enhance practice management, and optimally save time and resources consumed by typical practices. This allows you to concentrate on delivering the best possible experience to all involved with your organization, including your staff and clients. 

The Safety Program app provides ongoing access to resources, including templates like this, to streamline your approach to administrative and management processes related to safety. This allows consistent access to the safety program, ensuring that all are well-informed about the expectations and procedures relating to safety. Furthermore, this may enhance communication and collaboration by enabling easy sharing of information and incident reports, allowing all to be on the same page. 

Additionally, our software integrates features like clinical documentation and our practice management software essential to managing safety, providing an all-in-one experience. This is most advantageous in the context of managing safety, given that there is typically a multitude of documents and information required for storage. 

Embark on the journey to enhancing safety by choosing Carepatron today!

Clinical documentation software benefit


Findley, M., Smith, S., Kress, T., Petty, G., & Kim, E. (2004). Safety Program Elements in Construction. Professional Safety, 49(2), 14-21.

GBE&W (n.d.). General Safety Plan Template. George Belcher Evans & Wilmer.

OSHA (n.d.). Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs. OSHA.

How do you create a Safety Program?
How do you create a Safety Program?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Safety Program?

A Safety Program can be created by simply using Carepatron’s Safety Program Template! The template structures all of the necessary information required for an effective program, allowing you to save time on formatting, and focusing on developing effective safety procedures.

When are Safety Program Templates used?

These templates are primarily designed for organizations or workplaces to optimize their safety, but can also be used as a means of analyzing risks or developing incident report protocols.

How are the Safety Program Templates used?

The templates are used as a baseline structure for individuals to construct their own Safety Program relevant to their space. It may also be used to develop programs for specific hazards or procedures.

Who creates a Safety Program Template?

A Safety Program Template is most typically created by individuals at the managerial level responsible for safety, with input from other staff members. This may be a safety supervisor, CEO, or department supervisor.

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