Physical Form

Learn all about physical forms, their purpose, and their benefits, and download our free PDF here.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a Physical Form?

A Physical Form is a standardized document healthcare professionals use to assess and record a patient's health and physical condition. These forms serve various purposes, including sports participation, work requirements, school enrollment, or as part of an annual health check-up or standard physical exam.

A comprehensive Physical Form template typically includes sections for personal details, medical history, vital signs, and a detailed physical examination covering various body systems and pre-existing conditions. Sometimes, it may also contain a health screening questionnaire to gather additional information on the patient's lifestyle, habits, and well-being.

Physical Forms are valuable tools for medical practitioners to evaluate an individual's fitness for specific activities, identify potential health risks, and provide personalized recommendations based on the findings. An accomplished Physical Form requires a physical exam, which is critical in preventive healthcare and helps monitor an individual's progress (Elder et al., 2014).

By consistently documenting changes in a person's health and physical condition, healthcare professionals can track trends, identify potential health concerns early, and make informed decisions about appropriate interventions or lifestyle adjustments.

Moreover, Physical Forms help establish an open line of communication between patients and healthcare providers, promoting a collaborative approach to maintaining and improving overall well-being.

How does it work?

Filling out and using  our printable blank Physical Form typically involves the following steps:

Step 1: Gather relevant information

Begin by collecting the patient's personal information, such as their name, date of birth, and contact details. Also, gather essential medical history, including known allergies, past surgeries, current medications, family history of illnesses, and any habits related to tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. Include any emergency contacts.

Step 2: Record vital signs and all the necessary information

Measure vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, height, and weight. Ensure that you write them down in the work Physical Form PDF.

Step 3: Perform a physical examination

Conduct a thorough head-to-toe physical examination, assessing each body system and documenting the findings in the appropriate sections of this physical exam form.

Step 4: Complete additional sections

Complete any additional sections or tests, such as lab tests or imaging studies, and include the results on the form.

Step 5: Review and sign the form

The healthcare professional should review the completed form, sign it, and date it to validate the findings. Sometimes, a guardian or parent's signature may be required if the patient is a minor or a student.

Step 6: Print and/or store the Physical Form

Print the completed form for the patient or institution requiring it, and keep it somewhere to safe and accessible to keep information readily available without breaching HIPAA requirements. Or save it as a digital copy in your electronic patient records system.

When would you use a Physical Form?

You can use printable physical exam forms to assess an individual's health and physical condition. Here is a more detailed explanation of the scenarios mentioned:

Sports physical

Physical forms play a crucial role in sports medicine, as they help evaluate an athlete's fitness and ability to participate in sports activities safely. A sports physical focuses on the individual's medical history, physical health, and musculoskeletal condition to ensure they can handle the physical demands of the sport and minimize the risk of injury.

Work physicals

In specific industries or job positions, employees may be required to undergo a work physical to confirm their ability to meet the physical requirements of their role. This could include heavy lifting, prolonged standing, or working in extreme environments.

The Physical Form can also be used after an employee has been on extended medical leave or has suffered an injury, the form evaluates their readiness to return to work and any necessary accommodations. Alternatively, when employees are being considered for job transfers or promotions for positions with different physical requirements, the form helps assess their fitness for the new role.

A Physical Form ensures that potential risks are identified and any necessary accommodations or restrictions are implemented to maintain employee safety and well-being.

Annual check-ups for health and physical condition

Regular health assessments are an essential component of preventive healthcare. During annual check-ups, a Physical Form is often used to document a patient's vital signs, physical examination findings, and any changes in their medical history. This information can help healthcare professionals detect early signs of illness, decide if additional tests are needed, track long-term health trends, and develop tailored recommendations for maintaining or improving overall health.

In each of these cases, using a printable Physical Form streamlines the evaluation process, ensures a consistent method of assessment, and creates a standardized record that can be easily stored, shared, or referred to in the future.

Pre-employment screening

A pre-employment physical evaluation (also known as a Physical Form for Work) is a medical examination that employers often require before hiring a new employee. A pre-employment physical form ensures that the applicant is physically capable of performing the job duties and to identify any potential health risks that could impact their work performance or the safety of others in the workplace.

The importance of pre-employment physical evaluations lies in their ability to:

  • Assess the general health and physical fitness of the applicant.
  • Detect any underlying medical conditions (like heart disease or red flags (like substance abuse issues) that may affect job performance.
  • Ensure compliance with legal and industry-specific health and safety regulations.
  • Reduce the risk of workplace injuries and related costs.

Pre-employment physical exams vary depending on the nature of the job, the responsibilities of the job title, and the employer's policies. In physically demanding roles or industries with specific health and safety requirements, you will likely use a work physical form.

School physicals

Physical Forms can also be used for students. School-aged children and adolescents often require a physical examination before enrollment or participation in specific school programs, such as sports teams or extracurricular activities. A Physical Form helps document their health status, immunization records, and any existing medical conditions that might impact their ability to participate safely and effectively.


Elder, A., Japp, A., & Verghese, A. (2014). How valuable is a physical examination of the cardiovascular system? BMJ, 349, g5437.

Who needs to complete a physical examination form?
Who needs to complete a physical examination form?

Commonly asked questions

Who needs to complete a physical examination form?

Typically, individuals enrolling in school, participating in sports, starting a new job with physical requirements, or undergoing an annual health check-up must complete a physical examination form. Individuals who require a physical examination form typically include those seeking medical clearance for employment, school, sports, or travel, those with a history of medical conditions or undergoing surgery, and those requiring a health assessment for insurance purposes.

What information do individuals need to provide on a physical form?

A physical examination form typically requires individuals to provide their medical history, including pre-existing conditions, allergies, medications, and previous surgeries or hospitalizations. They may also need to disclose their lifestyle habits, such as smoking or exercise routines, and report any current symptoms or health concerns.

What is a pre-employment medical examination?

Pre-employment physicals are health assessments conducted before hiring an individual to ensure that the applicant's health is good and that they are physically fit to perform the job duties.

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