WAIS-IV Scoring

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By Chloe Smith on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – IV (WAIS-IV)

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) is a resource that provides the most advanced measure of an individual's cognitive ability. It features a core battery of 10 unique subtests that focus on the four specific aspects that work to configure an individual's overall cognitive functioning (Pearson, 2019).

This psychological assessment can only be administered by licensed mental health professionals. Those who can perform this assessment know the specific requirements within each subtest administration and how to write the lengthy report accurately after the evaluation.

Although there are guides within the WAIS-IV that support psychologists when it comes to administering the test, a range of psychological techniques support administration to make it as comfortable as possible for both the test administrator and the client.

Printable WAIS-IV Scoring

Download this WAIS-IV Scoring to understand a patient's cognitive strength.

When is the WAIS-IV used?

There are several settings where the WAIS-IV is utilized for clinical psychologists:

Clinical assessment

Psychologists will use the WAIS-IV to get a good understanding of an individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses. It can support diagnosing any intellectual disability, learning disorders, and mental impairments.

Educational settings

The WAIS-IV can be used in educational settings where children might display signs of mild cognitive impairment through their learning. It can be used to identify any difficulties children may be having and to specialize in education dedicated to their direct needs.

Neuropsychological settings

Brain injuries, disorders, or disorders significantly impacting an individual's cognitive functioning can be identified through neurological appointments where the WAIS-IV is utilized.

Research settings

Psychological research may also utilize the WAIS-IV in studies that are related to cognitive ability, intellectual ability, and neuropsychology.

Who is the intelligence scale for?

The WAIS-IV is designed for individuals aged 16 years to 90 years and 11 months. They can be obtained through needing one or requesting to take it. The WAIS-IV continues to be the most widely used clinical psychology resource.

It can assess cognitive functioning in people with psychiatric conditions, assess functioning in those with a brain injury, and evaluate brain dysfunction diagnostic purposes (Cherry, 2022).

Anyone can undergo the WAIS-IV as professionals can determine what factors need to be considered within each subtest level. The WAIS-IV is designed for children above 16 years, so careful consideration of the type of scale IQ test would be needed. Check out our guide on the WASI.

Understanding the scoring system

The scoring system for the WAIS-IV can be a little confusing, so it's okay if you take your time to comprehend this. You can also find the scoring manual in your box set that will explain further.

The WAIS-IV is made from four cores. These include:

  • Verbal comprehension index (VCI)
  • Working memory index (WMI)
  • Perceptual reasoning index (PRI)
  • Processing speed index (PSI)

Verbal comprehension index scores

The VCI is a score derived from a selected range of subtests from the psychometric properties. The VCI is designed to measure an individual's verbal comprehension concerning their knowledge and reasoning.

VCI scores include the scores from the following subtests:

  • Similarities
  • Vocabulary
  • Information

Working memory index scores

This index reflects an individual's ability to take in information and hold it in their working memory. The active memory index focuses on keeping that information in mind while performing a task classed as a mental operation (Greenwood, n.d.).

WMI scores include the scores from the following subtests:

  • Digit span sequencing
  • Arithmetic

Perceptual reasoning index scores

This index focuses mainly on organization with visual information an individual has received. Within this index, the individual is tested on their nonverbal skills that require more visual puzzles to engage in what they comprehend (Greenwood, n.d.).

PRI scores include the scores from the following subtests:

  • Block design
  • Matrix reasoning
  • Visual puzzles

Processing speed index scores

This index is precisely what you might be thinking it is. This index focuses on the speed at which an individual can process visual information

PSI scores include the score from the following subtests:

  • Symbol search
  • Coding

WAIS-IV Scoring template example (sample)

We at Carepatron are dedicated to improving mental health practitioners' lives. That's why we've gone ahead and created an easy-to-follow WAIS-IV Scoring Template for when you're administering a Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV. Check it out below:

Download this free WAIS-IV Scoring Template example here:

WAIS-IV Scoring Template example (sample)

Interpreting the results: next steps for patients

Interpreting the results of a WAIS-IV takes a lot of concentration. You will need to use the interpretive manual during this stage and consider other factors such as culture, the individual's history, and any additional information you, as a psychologist, see relevant.

The following steps are general steps that may typically happen after a WAIS-IV is administered and the results have been determined.

Schedule another meeting

During this time, discussing the individual's concerns or questions regarding the WAIS-IV is essential. The entire administration can seem out of their comfort zone for an individual with little to no understanding of how the intellectual ability tests work.

Clarify misunderstandings

During the meeting, you can clarify any misunderstandings the individual may have about the subtest administration. This may include differentiating the two subtests, such as PRI and PSI. If they are concerned about a single subtest, now is an excellent time to help them comprehend what the subtests measured and about item difficulty.

Strengths and weaknesses

During the meeting, it's a good idea to consider the client's strengths and weaknesses on any of the indexes. This can support your interpretation of the individual's scores and their performance on the IQ test.


Informing your clients of your recommendations can support the therapeutic alliance. The recommendations you give will be tailored to the individual. For example, if the client has sought out an IQ test after a brain injury, they may or may not be fit to return to work. Or if the client has taken the WAIS-IV to discover their strengths and weaknesses for a new job. Your recommendations will help them understand the overarching meaning of their score results.

Research and evidence

It almost seems as if the era of the WAIS-IV is about to end, with the upcoming WAIS-V being in the works. That's not to say that the WAIS-IV isn't still accurate. This intelligence test has been around for a while, since 2008. This means it has withheld 16 years of research and criticism.

The WAIS-IV was developed over a total of five years. It encompasses the most updated index structure compared to the previous editions and stays relevant and consistent with factor analytic research (Holdnack, 2019).

The WAIS-IV has many benefits as well. It's a great test as it has high test re-test reliability, which makes sure that it can be used multiple times and still produce high-quality and meaningful results (Cherry, 2022). However, just like every other psychological tool, some criticisms have been made that can support psychological professionals in their decision to utilize this resource.

The WAIS-IV doesn't account for an individual's non-academic aspects. These include cultural aspects, motivation, creativity, and social skills (Cherry, 2022). However, the psychological professional administering the test should be able to consider this.

Other research also suggests that the WAIS-IV can be relied on to make clinical diagnoses, such as assessing minor, mild, and moderate brain injury (Cherry, 2022).

Why use Carepatron as your psychology software?

Carepatron is the perfect place for all your psychology software needs.

Here at Carepatron, we are dedicated to simplifying all healthcare professionals' lives. We take this very seriously as we are motivated by our mental health care specialists mainly. With over 200 templates dedicated to therapy techniques you can utilize in your clinic, you can ensure you're obtaining only the most significant and genuine information to use in your clinical setting.

We're also big on our OS system. Carepatron has a range of tools and resources that set us apart from other healthcare systems.

When you choose Carepatron, you can access therapy practice management software that supports you and your co-workers. You can look forward to our ability to set patient reminders with our patient appointment reminder software, the ease of our clinical note system with our clinical documentation software that allows you access from home or the office, and the payment part of the session with our medical billing software.

So, what are you waiting for? Download Carepatron, and you can access various psychological and other resources that allow you and your client to make sure you are analyzing your patient's requirements as quickly as they need.

Clinical Documenation Software


Cherry, K. (2022, December 6). How Does the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Measure Intelligence? Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-wechsler-adult-intelligence-scale-2795283

Greenwood, V. (n.d.). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV. Retrieved February 1, 2024, from https://www.washingtoncenterforcognitivetherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/greenwood_description-wais-1.pdf

Holdnack, J. A. (2019, January 1). 4 - The WAIS-IV's development, expansion, and future as a cornerstone in comprehensive cognitive assessments (G. Goldstein, D. N. Allen, & J. DeLuca, Eds.). ScienceDirect; Academic Press. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780128022030000043

Pearson. (2019). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Fourth Edition. Pearsonassessments.com. https://www.pearsonassessments.com/store/usassessments/en/Store/Professional-Assessments/Cognition-%26-Neuro/Wechsler-Adult-Intelligence-Scale-%7C-Fourth-Edition/p/100000392.html

TSLAT. (n.d.). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Fourth Edition. TSLAT. https://www.txautism.net/evaluations/wechsler-adult-intelligence-scale-fourth-edition#:~:text=Available%20from%20Pearson-

What ages can take the WAIS-IV?
What ages can take the WAIS-IV?

Commonly asked questions

What ages can take the WAIS-IV?

This full-scale IQ test is designed for individuals ages 16 to 90 years and 11 months. It's important to remember this as this will determine what type of intelligence scale can be used on your client.

How long will the test take?

You can expect around 60 to 90 minutes will be needed for total completion. Depending on their circumstances, Different clients will take a shorter or longer time. It's important to note any time taken on other subtests as it could be helpful information.

When was the WAIS-IV developed?

The WAIS-IV continues the WAIS-III, which has similar activities concerning all indexes. It was published in 2008. We can look forward to the WAIS-V, which should be out soon!

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