Organ Maps

Use this organ map as an on-hand guide, educational resource of anatomy and physiology, or document to record patient condition observations.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is an Organ Map?

An is a diagram that shows the location of the internal organs in a human body. It’s usually used as a guide or educational resource to be more familiar with anatomy and physiology. Though commonly used by medical and nursing students in school, medical professionals can also use organ maps to refresh their knowledge. Our organ map, in particular, isn’t only for the abovementioned purposes. Still, it can also double as a document where practitioners can write down any notes, findings, and observations on the patient.

As a medical practitioner or student, you don’t need a rundown of the organ systems you will find on an organ map. So, instead of enumerating the organs, you’ll find on our take of an organ map template, we’ll provide you instead with instructions on how to download our template, when to use it, and the benefits of using our template. Keep reading below to obtain these pieces of information.

How to use the Organ Map

Step One. Access and Download the Template

To access and download a digital and printable copy of the “Organ Map” template, you can do either of the following:

  • Click the “Download Template” or “Use Template” button
  • Search “Organ Map” in the Carepatron’s template library’s search bar on the website and app

Step Two. Examine the Patient

During a head-to-toe assessment, the referring physician can bring out a copy and keep it close to refer to the location of the organs and how they connect or write down any concerns your patient has before the examination.

Step Three. Fill Out the Template

Once you finish the examination, you can write or type down your findings or observations. You can even encircle the affected area and write down any notes beside the organ.

Step Four. Securely Store the Template

When you’ve filled out or completed the template, store it in a folder on the patient’s profile with other relevant documents, if they have any, for easy access.

Step Five. Proceed with the Next Steps

If your patient’s concerns or observations require further tests or examination, you may proceed with the following steps.

When would you use this Form?

This template isn’t designed for a single healthcare professional. Rather, any healthcare practitioner who needs access to a resource, whether a specialist or a nurse, can use and benefit from a fillable PDF file of the Organ Map.

In case you need any ideas of the situations or circumstances when to use our template, we’ve provided a list below:

  • When you’re doing head-to-toe assessments.
  • When you’re figuring out which is the best area to insert (e.g., a tube), inject (e.g., medication), and attach (e.g., blood pressure monitor cuff).
  • When you want to check the progression of a disease and possible affected areas if it worsens.
  • When you want to understand the condition better or explain it to the patient.
  • When you must document a patient’s concerns alongside your observations during or after a test/examination.


Provides Insight on the Patient’s Condition

Referring physicians can use the organ map to provide better insight into the patient’s condition. They can use it as a reference when the patient describes the pain in a general area, for example, the lower right quadrant of the stomach, rather than specifying that it’s the appendix. Aside from that, patients who have difficulty speaking can point to the source of their pain on the organ map.


Practitioners caring for a patient can use the organ map to be more accurate when documenting the patient's progress or determining the best/alternate places to inject medication, attach equipment, etc. In addition, our template can also be used as a document for progress notes or as a basis for specific examinations or tests.

Understand and Explain

In certain circumstances, visuals can help practitioners understand the condition and treatment plan. Patients, too, may better understand the planned treatment with visual aids.

Easily Accessible

Compared to anatomy and physiology textbooks, our free organ map is more portable and easily accessible on PDF editor on any gadget you have on hand.

Who typically uses Organ Maps?
Who typically uses Organ Maps?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses Organ Maps?

Medical and nursing students are the people who typically use organ maps or diagrams. 

When are Organ Maps used?

Organ maps can be used when the practitioner is making notes/observations/findings on the patient’s condition, explaining to the patient the treatment, or refreshing their memory on the location of organs in the human body. For more specific situations or scenarios when you can use it, refer to the “When would you use this form?” section above.

How can the Organ Map help a person?

The organ map can help them refresh their knowledge, visually explain the diagnosis/treatment to their patients, and be a document where the referring practitioner can write notes without opening a separate app. 

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