Wisdom Teeth Chart

Keep track of your patient’s molars to maintain their dental health or easily spot possible issues that may arise with the help of a wisdom teeth chart.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Wisdom Teeth Chart?

A wisdom teeth chart is a comprehensive diagram delineating wisdom teeth' number, nomenclature, and positions within the oral cavity. Wisdom teeth, or third molars, typically emerge during the late teens or early twenties, marking the final phase of dental development. This chart proves invaluable in dentistry, aiding practitioners in understanding the arrangement and potential complications associated with these molars.

The chart also refers to the one widely utilized system for tooth enumeration, the Universal Numbering System, which dentists frequently employ in the United States. According to this scheme, wisdom teeth are designated as 1, 16, 17, and 32. This sequence begins with the upper right wisdom tooth, proceeding clockwise to the lower right wisdom tooth. Correspondingly, each wisdom tooth bears a name derived from its quadrant and position. For instance, the upper right wisdom tooth is identified as the maxillary right third molar, while the lower left is known as the mandibular left third molar.

The provided wisdom teeth chart template offers a clear illustration, presenting each wisdom tooth's quadrant, number, and corresponding name. The visual aid facilitates a better comprehension of dental anatomy, supporting individuals in understanding and addressing potential issues related to wisdom teeth, such as crowding, infection, or impaction. As an essential tool in dental practice, the wisdom teeth chart guides professionals and patients, enhancing communication and informed decision-making regarding dental health.

Printable Wisdom Teeth Chart PDDF

Download our free Wisdom Teeth Chart PDF here

How does it work?

Step 1. Acquire and download the template

To conveniently acquire a valuable tool like the wisdom teeth chart, select either the "Download Template" or "Use Template" button. Alternatively, you can find the chart within Carepatron's template library on the app or website by entering "Wisdom Teeth Chart” in the search bar.

Step 2. Capture essential information

To enhance the chart's utility beyond serving as a visual aid for patient education, input essential patient details as the initial step.

Step 3: Document

Subsequently, utilize the dedicated sections to log the condition of the wisdom teeth. In addition, the template features a dedicated section for supplementary notes, allowing for observations, findings, or a list of further tests needed to investigate any issue thoroughly or clarify points of concern.

Step 4: Safeguard the template copy

Post-consultation, you must ensure the template's security by restricting access solely to authorized individuals. For digital copies, it is advisable to utilize Carepatron, a secure electronic patient record software that adheres to global security standards, ensuring the safeguarding of all patient records.

Wisdom Teeth Chart example (sample)

We provided a PDF document featuring a fully completed wisdom teeth chart template, available for both printing and digital utilization. Please feel free to examine, print, or save this template whenever you require guidance on using the blank template to assess and interpret your patient's results.

Do note, however, that it is crucial to emphasize that the details presented in the sample are entirely fictional. Moreover, the application illustrated in this chart represents one of several potential methods to augment the template's functionality. We suggest customizing the blank template further to align with your specific requirements.

You can obtain a copy by reviewing the sample below or selecting the "Download Example PDF" button.

Download our Wisdom Teeth Chart example PDF

Wisdom Teeth Chart example

When would you use this chart?

The wisdom teeth chart is a versatile tool with applications in various aspects of dental care. 

Pinpoint teeth needing intervention

Primarily, dentists employ the chart to pinpoint specific teeth requiring treatment. Dentists can efficiently identify problematic areas by referencing the chart and facilitating targeted interventions. For instance, if a patient presents with a cavity in tooth number 32, the dentist can promptly locate the lower right wisdom tooth and proceed with the necessary dental procedure.


Patients, too, find utility in the wisdom teeth chart for self-monitoring dental health. Individuals can inform their dentist about specific concerns by keeping track of missing or affected teeth using the chart. For example, if a patient notes the absence of tooth number 17, they can discuss with their dentist about potential options for replacing the lower left wisdom tooth.

Educational tool

The wisdom teeth chart serves as an educational tool, particularly for children. Parents can utilize the chart to elucidate the significance of oral hygiene practices for wisdom teeth, emphasizing the importance of regular brushing and flossing. The chart's visual representation aids in conveying these concepts, especially as wisdom teeth are often challenging to access and prone to decay.

Help in identifying dental issues

Additionally, tooth numbers on the chart become valuable indicators in identifying dental issues such as cavities. Patients experiencing discomfort in the back of their mouth can consult the chart to determine the corresponding tooth number for the affected area. This informed approach enables patients to communicate the precise location of the problem to their dentist, expediting the diagnostic process and facilitating targeted treatment.

What do the results mean?

The results on the wisdom teeth chart offer crucial insights into the status and condition of each wisdom tooth, guiding dental care and potential interventions. Here are some possible results and their implications:


This result means that the wisdom tooth has fully emerged from the gum and is visible in the mouth. Teeth labeled erupted may require regular cleaning and check-ups. The potential for problems like decay and gum disease depends on factors like alignment, size, and shape. Ongoing dental care is essential to maintain their health and prevent complications.

Partially erupted

This result indicates that the wisdom tooth has partially emerged from the gum, with some of the crown still covered by gum tissue Partially erupted wisdom teeth are prone to infection, inflammation, and pain. The risk increases as bacteria and debris can accumulate under the gum flap. Additionally, there's a potential for damage to adjacent teeth or crowding.


This result signifies that the wisdom tooth cannot emerge from the gum and is trapped within the jawbone or soft tissue. As a result, impacted wisdom teeth pose various complications, including damage to other teeth, cysts, tumors, nerve damage, or jawbone loss. Although not visible in the mouth, dental X-rays are crucial for detection.


This result means that the wisdom tooth is absent or never developed. Do note that missing wisdom teeth are not uncommon, and they generally do not pose problems unless associated with a genetic disorder or syndrome. Some individuals may naturally have fewer than four wisdom teeth or none at all.

Why use Carepatron as your Wisdom Teeth App?

Carepatron is an advanced cloud-based practice management solution designed specifically for healthcare professionals, providers, businesses, private practices, and teams. Opting for Carepatron as your wisdom teeth app is a strategic choice, rooted in its proficiency to streamline essential healthcare tasks by consolidating them into a unified workspace. This encompasses effectively managing clinical documents, patient records, appointments, and financial transactions, presenting healthcare practitioners with a seamless platform to optimize their workflow.

Carepatron encompasses diverse features meticulously crafted to enhance user experience and boost productivity. Notably, the platform simplifies handling client records, notes, and documentation, enabling practitioners to allocate more time to clients and less to administrative duties. The integrated telehealth software further facilitates video consultations, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience for practitioners and clients.

A notable advantage lies in Carepatron's adaptability, allowing the tailoring of tools and workflows to align precisely with the unique needs of healthcare providers. This flexibility enhances overall efficiency and productivity, culminating in improved client outcomes.

By fostering connectivity among all stakeholders in the healthcare process, Carepatron actively promotes heightened communication and collaboration, contributing to expedited and more effective healthcare delivery. In the pursuit of cutting-edge management software for your practice, Carepatron emerges as the optimal choice. 

Take the proactive step of signing up and creating an account today to unlock the full spectrum of features and tools customized to streamline and elevate your healthcare practice today!

Clinical documentation software benefit
Who typically uses a Wisdom Teeth Chart?
Who typically uses a Wisdom Teeth Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses a Wisdom Teeth Chart?

Dentists or oral surgeons are most likely to use a wisdom teeth chart.

When are Wisdom Teeth Charts used?

Wisdom teeth charts are used when the patient reaches the age when wisdom teeth are expected to grow between the ages of 17 and 25.

How are Wisdom Teeth Charts used?

Wisdom teeth charts can be used as an educational resource, reference, or document to help the dentist or oral surgeon keep track of the growth and condition of the patient’s wisdom teeth.

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