Introduction to the enneagram

The Enneagram Type Chart helps us in navigating the complexities of human nature. Imagine a tool that unveils the intricacies of your personality, helping you decipher the why behind your actions. It's a roadmap to self-discovery, a mirror reflecting the essence of who you are.

In 1997, the late Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson created the Enneagram Institute to further research and development of the Enneagram. The Enneagram Institute is actively involved in organizing and supporting workshops and courses that focus on various distinctive facets of the Enneagram and how they relate to the intricacies of human nature.

This is more than just a collection of nine personality types because it's a profound exploration of the human psyche. The Enneagram delves into the core fears and motivations that drive each person. It helps gain insights into the types looking into the subtleties that make you uniquely you without boxing you to fit into one type.

Our lives are a constant interplay of self-discovery and personal growth. The Enneagram Type Chart is a guide through this, offering a lens through which to view our behavioral patterns, goals, and the way we navigate the world. It unveils the layers of our personalities, pushing us to understand ourselves beyond the surface.

Let's say you're goal-oriented, seeking control in a chaotic world. The Enneagram doesn't box you in. Instead, it unveils how this goal-oriented nature shapes your interactions and perceptions. The beauty lies in that each person encompasses traits from all nine personality types, creating a mosaic of complexities that builds a complete picture.

The Enneagram's roots trace through generations, weaving through cultures and philosophies. It's a profound understanding of the human experience. The nine personality types are not rigid categories; they are dynamic lenses through which we can examine our own lives and relationships. It's about acknowledging our strengths and confronting our limitations.

Consider your Enneagram wings, the nuanced aspects that complement your primary type. They add shades to your personality, offering a more comprehensive understanding of your identity. The Enneagram Test, a gateway to self-discovery, invites you to explore your own boundaries and uncover the hidden facets of your personality.

As we navigate life, understanding our own needs becomes crucial. The Enneagram Type Chart provides a framework for this journey, fostering self-development and guiding us toward a more profound comprehension of our desires and fears. It's a tool for those seeking a support system, a roadmap for those striving for personal growth.

The Enneagram is a key to unlocking the mysteries of human being. It invites us to explore the tapestry of our personalities, offering multiple perspectives that enrich our understanding of ourselves, our emotions, and the world around us. It's not just about knowing your Enneagram personality type; it's about embracing the transformative power of self-awareness.

The nine enneagram types in brief

Delve into the human psyche through the lens of the nine Enneagram types, a cornerstone of the profound Enneagram system. Each type uniquely manifests human nature, unraveling its distinctive traits, motivations, and the profoundly ingrained core fear that shapes individual behaviors. Move forward with self-discovery as you read detailed descriptions of each type, providing valuable insights into the intricate interplay between basic fears and the diverse expressions of the human personality.

Type 1: The reformer

Type 1 individuals are conscientious and ethical, driven by a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers and advocates for positive change, consistently striving to improve but fearing the consequences of making mistakes. While well-organized and orderly, they may become critical and perfectionistic, grappling with issues of resentment and impatience.

At their best, Ones are wise, discerning, realistic, and morally heroic. Their basic fear revolves around being perceived as corrupt or defective, while they desire to be good, have integrity, and maintain balance.

Notable examples include Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Michelle Obama.

Type 2: The helper

Type 2, empathetic and warm-hearted, strives for closeness but may struggle with possessiveness and neglecting their needs. At their best, they embody altruism and unconditional love. Their basic fear centers around being unwanted, while they desire to feel loved and motivated by a need for love and appreciation.

Notable examples include Pope John XXIII, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Barry Manilow.

Type 3: The achiever

Threes are confident and charming, driven by ambition and a desire for recognition. While diplomatic, they may be overly concerned with their image, leading to workaholism and competitiveness. Their fear centers around feeling worthless, and they seek to feel valuable and worthwhile. Threes are motivated by a desire for affirmation, distinction, attention, admiration, and the need to impress others.

Notable examples include Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Taylor Swift, and Lady Gaga.

Type 4: The individualist

Type 4 is a self-aware and creative individual with a sensitive and reserved nature. They can be moody and self-conscious, often withholding themselves due to feelings of vulnerability. Their basic fear revolves around having no identity or personal significance, driving their desire to find themselves and create a unique identity. Fours are motivated to express individuality, surround themselves with beauty, and protect their self-image by withdrawing emotionally. They are inspired and highly creative at their best, able to transform their experiences.

Notable examples include Cindy Sherman, Frida Kahlo, and Johnny Depp.

Type 5: The investigator

Fives are perceptive and innovative, delving into complex ideas with intense focus. While independent and inventive, they may become absorbed in their thoughts and thinking, leading to detachment. At their best, Fives are visionary pioneers. Their fear of being useless drives a desire for competence, motivating them to seek knowledge and understanding as a defense mechanism.

Notable Fives include Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Jane Goodall, showcasing their intellectual and visionary contributions to various fields.

Type 6: The loyalist

The Six, a security-focused type, is dependable and responsible but can become anxious and defensive. Their core fear revolves around being without support, while their desire is for security and assurance. Motivated by a need for support and certainty, they often test others' attitudes toward them. At their best, Sixes are internally stable and courageous advocates for themselves and others.

Notable examples include Sigmund Freud, Marilyn Monroe, Julia Roberts, and Tom Hanks.

Type 7: The enthusiast

Sevens are lively and optimistic individuals who embrace versatility and spontaneity, but their numerous talents may lead to overextension and lack of discipline. Constantly pursuing new experiences, they risk distraction and exhaustion. Impatience and impulsiveness are common challenges.

At their best, Sevens focus on worthwhile goals, leading to appreciation, joy, and satisfaction. Their primary fear revolves around deprivation and pain, while they desire to be content and have their needs fulfilled.

Motivated by maintaining freedom and happiness, avoiding missed opportunities, and staying excited, Sevens exemplify various personalities, including the 14th Dalai Lama, Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, and influential figures in entertainment, business, and politics.

Type 8: The challenger

Eights are confident, assertive, and protective but may also be domineering. They fear being harmed or controlled, desiring self-reliance and control over their lives. Eights, when at their best, use their strength to inspire and improve others' lives. Their motivations include proving strength, resisting weakness, being important, dominating their environment, and maintaining control.

Notable examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt, Martin Luther King Jr., and Serena Williams.

Type 9: The peacemaker

Nines are accepting and stable, seeking harmony while avoiding conflict. They can be overly accommodating, simplifying issues to maintain peace. Their fear of loss and desire for inner stability drive their motivation to preserve the status quo. In their best form, they unite people and resolve conflicts.

Notable Nines include Queen Elizabeth II, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Audrey Hepburn, and Whoopie Goldberg.

How does this chart work?

Unlock the full potential of this chart with these straightforward steps:

Step 1: Download the template

Access the Enneagram Type Chart by downloading the template, ensuring you have the necessary tools to embark on your self-discovery journey.

Step 2: Take the enneagram test

Dive into self-awareness by taking the Enneagram Test. Discover your dominant personality type and gain valuable insights into your motivations and behavior patterns.

Step 3: Reflect

Input your name and Enneagram type into the chart. Utilize the provided space to reflect on your personality traits, growth path, and areas for improvement. This section is your canvas for self-exploration and positive transformation.

Step 4: Revisit for growth

Return to the chart regularly to revisit your reflections. Track your progress, acknowledge achievements, and identify opportunities for further development. This iterative process ensures continuous growth and a deeper understanding of yourself.

Understanding your basic personality type: the benefits

Have you ever wondered why you react the way you do in certain situations? The Enneagram Type Chart is your compass to self-discovery. Understanding your basic personality type gives you invaluable insights into your motivations, fears, and behaviors.

Enhancing relationships

Beyond self-awareness, the Enneagram empowers you to understand those around you. Delve into the nuances of the nine types, fostering empathy and building stronger connections. Recognizing the diversity in how people approach life enriches your personal and professional relationships.

Navigating challenges

The Enneagram is not just a static categorization; it's a dynamic tool for personal development. Explore growth paths tailored to your type and use the reflection space to articulate your journey. Confront challenges, set intentions, and witness positive transformations unfold.

Building a better you

The journey doesn't end with a single revelation. Regularly revisit your Enneagram Type Chart to track progress and refine your understanding. Identify patterns, celebrate achievements, and adapt growth strategies. It's a continuous process that leads to a more fulfilled and authentic version of yourself.

Empowering your life

Understanding your basic personality type isn't just an exercise; it's a life-changing endeavor. It equips you with tools to navigate relationships, confront challenges, and embark on a journey of continual self-improvement. The Enneagram isn't just about knowing; it's about unleashing the true potential within you.

Using the results to improve your relationships

Remember when we talked about the Enneagram benefits? Turns out, they offer help in leveling up your relationships. This is your starting line – a chance to reflect on how you deal with the people in your life. But here's the real gem: it's not just about you.

Take a moment to think about the people around you. Have you ever wished you had an instruction manual to understand them better? Well, the Enneagram is as close as it gets. It's like having a cheat code to decode their personalities. Now, imagine when you tailor your interactions based on that knowledge. It's a two-way street – you get them, and they get you. The result? A relationship glow-up like no other.

So, why not turn your Enneagram insights into a superpower? It's about improving yourself and making every interaction a dance of mutual understanding. Trust me, your relationships are about to get a serious upgrade.

Research and evidence

The Enneagram, a widely used typology for understanding personality and interpersonal patterns, faces concerns about its reliability and validity. A review of 104 independent samples revealed mixed evidence, with some alignment with prior theorizing and theory-consistent relationships with constructs like the Big 5. Additionally, numerous research studies discovered that the Enneagram proved beneficial for individuals seeking personal and spiritual development. However, challenges include findings of fewer than nine factors in factor analytic work and limited support for secondary aspects like wings and intertype movement, suggesting further research and consideration in clinical practice (Hook et al., 2020).

In contrast, a growing number of professionals adopt the Enneagram for personal and professional development, yet research on the impact of Enneagram training programs on ego development is scarce. A recent study, examining 122 participants, indicates positive advancements in ego development, particularly with 40–50 hours of training, emphasizing the potential benefits of Enneagram Intensive programs for psychological growth (Daniels et al., 2023).


Daniels, D., Saracino, T., Fraley, M., Christian, J., & Pardo, S. (2018). Advancing ego development in adulthood through study of the Enneagram system of personality. Journal of Adult Development, 25(4), 229-241.

Hook, J. N., Hall, T. W., Davis, D. E., Van Tongeren, D. R., & Conner, M. (2020). The Enneagram: A systematic review of the literature and directions for future research. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77(4), 865-883.

The Enneagram Institute. (2021). The 9 Enneagram types — The Enneagram institute.

Can I have more than one Enneagram type?
Can I have more than one Enneagram type?

Commonly asked questions

Can I have more than one Enneagram type?

Yes, the Enneagram recognizes that individuals can resonate with aspects of more than one type, allowing for an understanding of their core desires.

Is the Enneagram only about personality, or does it cover other aspects of a person's life?

While the Enneagram primarily focuses on personality, it provides a holistic framework that extends beyond traits, touching on a person's core desires and motivations in various life aspects.

Who typically uses the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is widely embraced by individuals seeking personal growth and professionals in psychology, leadership, and various fields involving understanding human behavior.

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