AA Step 6 Worksheets

Enhance your recovery journey with the AA Step 6 Worksheet. A valuable tool for self-reflection and growth in addiction recovery. Start today.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is an AA Step 6 Worksheet?

An AA Step 6 Worksheet is a valuable resource used in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) programs to guide individuals through the sixth step of the AA Twelve Steps. AA is a worldwide fellowship that helps people struggling with alcohol addiction to achieve and maintain sobriety. Step 6 is a critical stage in recovery, where individuals prepare themselves for the spiritual transformation necessary for long-term sobriety.

This worksheet is typically a structured document or form designed to help individuals reflect on their character defects, shortcomings, and behaviors contributing to their addiction. It provides a structured framework for self-examination and personal growth.

The AA Step 6 Worksheet is a valuable tool because it aids in the self-examination and personal growth necessary for recovery. It helps individuals become aware of their flaws and work toward becoming better, more responsible, and spiritually connected individuals.

You can visit the Carepatron website for further information and resources related to clinical documentation and addiction recovery, including the .

Printable AA Step 6 Worksheet

Download this AA Step 6 Worksheet to help clients in completing Step 12 of the program.

How to use the AA Step 6 Worksheet

Step 1: Self-Reflection

Begin by setting aside dedicated time and finding a quiet space for introspection. Review your journey in recovery, acknowledging your past actions, behaviors, and character defects that have contributed to your addiction.

Step 2: Access the Worksheet

Obtain an AA Step 6 Worksheet, either in printed form from an AA meeting or a trusted source online like Carepatron. Ensure you have a pen or pencil to fill out the worksheet.

Step 3: List Character Defects

Start by listing your character defects. These can include selfishness, pride, anger, or any other negative traits you've identified in your self-reflection.

Step 4: Be Specific

Provide specific examples of situations or behaviors where these character defects have manifested in your life.

Step 5: Willingness to Change

Reflect on your willingness to let go of these character defects. Are you ready to work on them and make the necessary changes in your life?

Step 6: Higher Power Connection

Consider your belief in a higher power or spiritual force. Reflect on how this belief can help you in your journey to overcome your character defects.

Step 7: Action Steps

Develop a plan to correct character defects, including making amends, seeking guidance, practicing humility, and engaging in self-improvement activities.

Step 8: Share and Discuss

Share your completed worksheet with a trusted AA sponsor or mentor. They can provide valuable insights, support, and guidance.

Step 9: Regular Review

Keep your Step 6 Worksheet as a reference and a reminder of your commitment to personal growth and recovery. Regularly review and update it as you progress in your journey.

Step 10: Move to Step 7

Move on to Step 7 of AA Twelve Steps after completing the Step 6 Worksheet to actively work on your sobriety and personal growth under the framework of Alcoholics Anonymous.

AA Step 6 Worksheets Example (sample)

An example of an AA Step 6 Worksheet provides a practical illustration of how this tool is structured and what it entails. Typically available in PDF format, such worksheets contain sections for individuals to list their character defects and engage in self-examination.

In the worksheet, one may find a section titled "Character Defects" where individuals can jot down their identified negative traits like resentment, dishonesty, or selfishness. A vital aspect of the worksheet is its "Specific Examples" section, which prompts individuals to delve deeper by citing specific incidents or situations where these character defects have manifested.

The worksheet also includes a "Willingness to Change" section, urging individuals to assess their personal growth and transformation readiness. The "Higher Power Connection" segment encourages reflection on one's spiritual beliefs and role in recovery.

The worksheet typically has an "Action Steps" section where individuals outline concrete actions they plan to take to address these character defects. Sharing the completed worksheet with a sponsor or mentor is another key step in fostering accountability and guidance.

Regularly reviewing and updating the Step 6 Worksheet reinforces commitment to the journey of recovery and personal development. 

Download this AA Step 6 Worksheet Example: 

AA Step 6 Worksheets Example (sample)

When would you use this Form?

The AA Step 6 Worksheet is a valuable resource within the context of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and addiction recovery. It serves as a structured tool for individuals to engage in self-examination and personal growth, addressing character defects contributing to their addiction. Here's a list of scenarios when practitioners can recommend and utilize this form:

  • Step 6 of the AA Twelve Steps: The most obvious use is during Step 6. Individuals working through the Twelve Steps can use this worksheet as part of their recovery process to prepare for the spiritual transformation required for lasting sobriety.
  • In One-on-One Counseling: Addiction counselors and therapists can incorporate the worksheet into their client sessions. It provides a framework for discussing character defects, self-awareness, and strategies for personal growth.
  • Group Therapy Sessions: Group therapy settings, common in addiction treatment programs, can utilize this worksheet as a shared exercise. Group members can complete it individually and discuss their insights and action plans.
  • Sponsorship and Mentorship: AA sponsors and mentors are crucial in guiding individuals through their recovery journey. They can use the Step 6 Worksheet to facilitate discussions and provide personalized guidance.
  • Ongoing Self-Reflection: Individuals in recovery can revisit this form regularly, even after completing Step 6. It is a tool for continuous self-improvement, helping individuals stay focused on their sobriety journey.
  • Clinical Documentation: Clinicians and healthcare professionals dealing with addiction treatment and recovery can incorporate completed worksheets into clinical documentation to track progress and tailor treatment plans.
  • Teaching Aid: Educators in addiction studies and recovery programs can use this worksheet as a teaching aid to help students and participants understand the practical application of Step 6 in the recovery process.


Enhanced Self-Awareness

The AA Step 6 Worksheet serves as a mirror, allowing individuals to confront their character defects head-on. It fosters a profound self-awareness by prompting them to list and reflect on these defects. This heightened self-awareness is a cornerstone of personal growth and recovery.

Targeted Self-Examination

This resource goes beyond mere acknowledgment; it delves into specifics. Encouraging users to provide concrete examples of situations where their character defects have manifested helps unearth deeply ingrained patterns of behaviour. This level of introspection can be transformative.

Accountability and Personalized Guidance

Completing the worksheet can be a collaborative effort. When individuals share their worksheets with a sponsor or mentor, it creates an accountability structure. These trusted guides can provide tailored guidance and support, making the journey to recovery less daunting.

Action-Oriented Recovery

The "Action Steps" section of the worksheet is particularly valuable. It pushes individuals beyond self-awareness and into action. Outlining practical steps to address each character defect empowers individuals to actively take control of their recovery. This hands-on approach is often more effective than passive reflection.

Sustained Self-Improvement

The worksheet isn't a one-time tool. It can be revisited regularly, even after completing Step 6 of the Twelve Steps. This promotes continuous self-improvement and reinforces the commitment to personal growth. It's a resource that supports lifelong recovery.

Integration into Clinical Practice

Incorporating completed worksheets into clinical documentation offers numerous benefits for addiction treatment professionals. It provides concrete evidence of a client's progress and helps effectively tailor treatment plans to address specific character defects. This integration enhances the quality of care provided.

Accessibility and Cost-Efficiency

Another advantage is that many organizations and online sources offer free AA Step 6 Worksheets. This makes it a cost-effective and readily accessible resource for individuals in recovery, irrespective of their financial means.

Utilizing the AA Step 6 Worksheet yields these multifaceted benefits. It promotes deep self-awareness, targeted self-examination, accountability, and action, ultimately leading to sustained self-improvement and long-lasting recovery. Its accessibility and integration into clinical practice make it an invaluable tool in addiction treatment.

Research & Evidence

AA Step 6 Worksheet is a crucial part of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a spiritual program founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. Step 6, "We entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," emphasizes recognizing and releasing character defects as part of recovery.

AA uses worksheets and written self-reflection tools to enhance the effectiveness of the Twelve Steps. While research into the efficacy of AA and its Twelve Steps has been ongoing for decades, the broader AA program benefits many individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

Evidence supporting the use of AA includes:

  • Longevity and Popularity: AA has been a mainstay in addiction recovery for almost a century, with millions of members worldwide attesting to its effectiveness.
  • Anecdotal Success Stories: Countless individuals attribute their recovery and sustained sobriety to AA and its Twelve Steps.
  • Research on Mutual Support: Studies on the benefits of mutual support groups, like AA, have shown positive outcomes for those involved.
  • Psychological Principles: The Twelve Steps align with the psychological principles of self-awareness, accountability, and personal growth, widely recognised as contributing to successful recovery.

While specific research on the Step 6 Worksheet may be limited, the historical context and evidence supporting AA's effectiveness underscore the value of structured self-reflection and self-improvement tools within the recovery process. These tools, including worksheets, complement the mutual support and spiritual aspects integral to AA's approach to addiction recovery.

Why use Carepatron as your AA Step 6 app?

Using Carepatron as your AA Step 6 app or AA Step 6 software provides several distinct advantages for individuals in addiction recovery. Here's why Carepatron is the ideal platform for this crucial work:

  • Comprehensive AA Step 6 Tools: Carepatron offers a comprehensive suite of tools specifically designed to support individuals at every stage of their AA journey. Its AA Step 6 app includes interactive worksheets, guided self-reflection prompts, and actionable goal-setting features. This all-in-one solution streamlines the process, ensuring a focused and effective experience.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Privacy and security are paramount when working on personal and sensitive matters such as addiction recovery. Carepatron prioritizes data protection, implementing robust security measures to safeguard users' confidential information. This reassurance allows individuals to focus on their recovery without concerns about privacy breaches.
  • Ease of Accessibility: Carepatron's AA Step 6 app and software are easily accessible on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This flexibility ensures that individuals can conveniently engage with their recovery process, whether at home, in group therapy, or during one-on-one counseling sessions.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible even for those less tech-savvy. This simplicity allows individuals to concentrate on their recovery journey rather than struggling with a complex software interface.
  • Progress Tracking and Reporting: Carepatron's AA Step 6 software enables users to track their progress seamlessly. It provides comprehensive reporting tools that allow individuals, sponsors, or clinicians to monitor growth and development over time. This feature is particularly valuable for setting and achieving recovery milestones.
Clinical Documentation Software


12 Steppers. (2023, August 13). 12 step Worksheet Questions [Free download & print] - 12 steppers. https://12steppers.org/12-step-programs/12-step-worksheet/

Awake Software. (n.d.-a). 12 step workbooks. https://12step.org/tools/workbooks/

Awake Software. (n.d.-b). Worksheets from 12Step.org for All Steps. https://12step.org/tools/12steporg-worksheets/all-12-step-questions-english/

Jerumbo, A. (2022, February 28). Step 6: Tips for dealing with character defects in recovery | Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous. https://alcoholicsanonymous.com/step-6-character-defects/

Karunaratne, S. (2021). How to work Step Six | 12 step program tips & worksheets. Briarwood Detox. https://www.briarwooddetox.com/blog/how-to-work-step-six-12-step-program-tips-worksheets/

Lauroesch, M. (2021, August 24). Step 6 AA: Addressing character defects. FHE Health �?? Addiction & Mental Health Care. https://fherehab.com/learning/step-6-addressing-character-defects/

Michael, S. (2022, March 2). Step 6 AA Character Defects Worksheet. Sober Speak. https://www.soberspeak.com/post/step-6-aa-character-defects-worksheet

Step 6 �?? Take The 12. (n.d.). https://www.takethe12.org/s6/

Step 6 & Tradition 6 worksheets. (2019, September 8). Emotional Sobriety and Food. https://emotionalsobrietyandfood.com/additional-step-worksheets-2/step-6-tradition-6-worksheets/

Steppers. (2023). Step 6 �?? Becoming ready to have God remove our defects. 12 Steppers. https://12steppers.org/step-6/

Steps by the Big Book - Step 6 - Steps by the Big Book, Workbook for the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). (n.d.). Open Source. https://www.stepsbybigbook.net/show_docs.php?Type_ID=6

Valdivia, E. (2023, July 23). Suggested Workshop Material for The 6th and 7th Steps. HubPages. https://discover.hubpages.com/health/The-6th-and-7th-Steps-for-Workshops

Worksheets. (2019, April 8). 12 Step Work. https://12stepwork.com/pdf-downloads/

Who typically uses AA Step 6 Worksheets?
Who typically uses AA Step 6 Worksheets?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses AA Step 6 Worksheets?

Individuals in addiction recovery, especially those following the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), typically use AA Step 6 Worksheets for self-examination and personal growth.

When are AA Step 6 Worksheets used?

AA Step 6 Worksheets are used during Step 6 of the Twelve Steps, where individuals assess their character defects. They can also be revisited regularly for ongoing self-improvement.

How are AA Step 6 Worksheets used?

Users fill out the worksheet by listing their character defects, providing specific examples, reflecting on their willingness to change, and outlining actionable steps to address these defects. They may also discuss it with a sponsor or mentor.

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