Relapse Prevention Worksheets

Our relapse prevention worksheet helps your client maintain sobriety. Designed to empower, motivate, and educate, this tool will give your client the coping skills they need.

By Karina Jimenea on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Relapse Prevention Worksheet?

Managing relapse prevention is a critical component of working with clients who are experiencing drug and/or alcohol addiction. Most individuals will experience their addiction and their recovery in unique ways, but avoiding relapse is typically a universal strategy, as preventing relapses is one of the most important parts of a sustainable recovery. A typical strategy to enforce relapse prevention involves the therapist and their client sitting down and developing a plan. Clients are usually aware of certain triggers that increase the likelihood of relapsing, and how these can and should be avoided. In addition to being aware of triggers, it is important for clients to consider what the consequences will be if they relapse. For recovery to be long-lasting, clients have to be committed – and the best way to ensure commitment is to encourage clients to reflect on the impacts that using has on their life.

To help clients in this process of recovery, we have designed a relapse prevention worksheet. It encourages both planning and reflection, enabling clients to remain vigilant and continue working toward their goals. The worksheet is intuitive and easily used, and will prove greatly beneficial for therapists who are treating clients with addiction.

Relapse Prevention Worksheets Template

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Relapse Prevention Worksheets Example

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How To Use This Relapse Prevention Worksheet

Fortunately, implementing this worksheet into your practice is extremely easy – provided you follow these steps.

Step One: Save the template

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is access and save the worksheet. There is a link to the PDF copy a little further down this page, alongside a completed relapse prevention worksheet example. If you click on this link the template will open in your device’s PDF reader, and from there you can download and save it.

Step Two: Patient to complete the worksheet

The second step involves your client completing the form. Because relapsing is a constant possibility, it is recommended that your client completes the worksheet as early as possible. The worksheet has been designed to be completed primarily by the client, but you may find they need some assistance and/or support while they write their responses.

Step Three: Store somewhere secure

These worksheets contain confidential patient information and as such, need to be stored in a HIPAA-compliant way. You can either store your completed worksheets in a physical location with security or use an online EHR platform. Both of these options are fine, provided there are adequate safeguards in place. We also recommend ensuring that the storage location can be easily accessed as it is encouraged that you review and reflect on completed worksheets.

Step Four: Review worksheets

During a client’s treatment process, it is a good idea to regularly review their relapse prevention worksheet. The client’s support system may have changed, as well as their motivations and perceived consequences of relapsing. Whenever there are any significant changes to your client’s life, you may even request they complete a new relapse prevention worksheet to ensure it is as effective as possible.

Who Can Use this Printable Relapse Prevention Worksheets (PDF)?

This worksheet has been designed to be used by healthcare practitioners treating clients with addiction issues. It is often the case that these patients will be struggling with either alcohol or drug addiction, and are actively incorporating relapse prevention strategies in their life. The specific kinds of healthcare practitioners that may be treating these clients include:

  1. Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselors
  2. Group Counselors
  3. Mental Health Therapists
  4. Psychologists
  5. Psychotherapists
  6. Psychiatrists
  7. Social Workers
  8. Nurses

Why is This Form Useful for Addiction Counselors?

If you choose to implement this worksheet into your practice, you will notice a range of different uses, including the following:

Show your clients that they are supported

Self-worth and self-esteem are important factors when it comes to clients maintaining their sobriety. This worksheet highlights the specific client’s support system, emphasizing the fact that they have people who care for and support them. Encouraging clients to reflect on this type of support will hopefully be an effective method of encouraging relapse prevention.

Guidance for therapists

The information included on a completed relapse prevention worksheet will be collected from the patient, hopefully ensuring it is as honest and transparent as possible. Therapists can use this data to inform their treatment plan and guide the content of sessions.

Go paperless

An additional use of this worksheet is its ability to help your practice go paperless. The template can be accessed, saved, shared, and completed entirely online, eliminating any printing-related costs. In addition to being environmentally advantageous, going paperless can also be extremely helpful in improving organization.

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Benefits of Relapse Prevention Worksheet Template

There are also various benefits associated with utilizing the relapse prevention worksheet. These advantages will impact the therapist and the client, and include the following:

Empower the client to maintain sobriety

This worksheet motivates clients to avoid relapsing, which in turn will motivate them to maintain sobriety. The worksheet encourages clients to think about the specific factors that motivate their own sobriety, ensuring that their therapeutic treatment is as subjective to their life experience as possible. Additionally, the worksheet demonstrates to the client the role that they plan in managing their own addiction, which is a powerful way of giving them autonomy and emphasizing the importance of their own commitment.

Recognize high-risk situations

Relapse prevention requires clients to avoid situations that may trigger unhelpful behavioral responses. For example, someone who is struggling with alcohol addiction may want to avoid walking past a liquor store. Asking your clients to sit down and reflect on these situations, as well as what the consequences would be if they relapsed, will grant them a deeper understanding of what exactly triggers a relapse. In turn, recognizing these high-risk situations will allow clients to avoid them, helping to prevent relapse.

Determine effective coping skills

In addition to considering triggers and consequences, the worksheet asks clients to brainstorm a number of different coping skills. While there is a good chance the therapist will have some valuable coping strategies, it is important to remember that every single client will have their own way of dealing with stressful situations. The coping skills that your clients respond with will give you insight into how they manage relapse prevention, allowing you to continue teaching them useful strategies.

Assess client progress

This worksheet can also be used to assess client progress. It is a good idea to keep the completed worksheets somewhere that can be easily accessed, so you can determine whether or not your client has made any significant progress. You may find that they have developed strong coping skills or are tempted to relapse in fewer situations. Whatever the improvement may be, you should remember that celebrating small achievements during recovery is very important.

Guide treatment

The worksheet is designed to be completed by clients, and as such, the information they include typically provides an honest insight into how they are currently managing relapse prevention. If your client completes this worksheet during the early stages of their treatment, you can use their responses to develop an effective treatment plan that guides your client toward desired clinical outcomes.

When to use Relapse Prevention Worksheets?
When to use Relapse Prevention Worksheets?

Commonly asked questions

When to use Relapse Prevention Worksheets?

You can decide when you want to use a relapse prevention worksheet. Most clients will have a relapse plan in place, and this resource can work very well alongside it to enforce relapse prevention. We recommend distributing the worksheet to your clients as early into the treatment process as possible, to ensure the greatest results.

How do I write Relapse Prevention Worksheets?

The relapse prevention worksheet is separated into different sections, each of which asks the client to consider different aspects of their recovery and the potential outcomes of a relapse. The order in which clients respond to these questions is entirely up to them and although we recommend they answer every prompt, there may be some areas they feel uncomfortable with or unprepared for.

Who completes Relapse Prevention Worksheets?

As we mentioned, the relapse prevention worksheet has been designed to be completed by clients. This is to ensure that the answers are as reflective of the client’s experience as possible so that the corresponding treatment plan will be effective.

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