Play Therapy Progress Notes Template

Download our high-quality play therapy progress notes template to boost quality note-taking for therapists and counselors. You can work towards greater cognitive functioning and higher clinical outcomes.

By Ericka Pingol on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What Is A Play Therapy Progress Notes Template

Play therapy progress note templates allow you to engage in greater child therapy that endorses higher outcomes and facilitates strong professional connections with your clients. With play therapy progress notes, you can uncover underlying psychological issues without compromise, and help children process their emotions more healthily. These progress notes can reveal valuable insight to improve treatment, and work towards more accurate plans that pinpoint reliable coping strategies.

With the progress note, all the organization is done for you. Simply fill out each relevant section, and capture all the critical data for you to strengthen health outcomes, and better understand children’s verbal and nonverbal cues. Collaboratively work with the child and their caregiver to establish short and long-term goals, and communicate more effectively - which is always a win! Play therapy progress notes are one of the best forms to integrate a more streamlined workflow, whilst prioritizing the needs of your clients.

Printable Play Therapy Progress Notes Template

Download these progress note templates for play therapy to improve clinical records, productivity, and patient outcomes.

How To Use This Play Therapy Progress Notes Template PDF

To use the play therapy progress note effectively, it is important that you follow these steps. 

Step One: Download the PDF

The first step is to download the play therapy progress note PDF, which should open automatically in your PDF software. Here, you can edit the information, or print it for handwriting purposes if that’s your thing.

Step Two: Fill in the play therapy progress note

To complete the play therapy progress note, fill in each of the sections, making sure to include all relevant details. Keep in mind that you should also be concise, and only write what is necessary for the client’s treatment. 

Step Three: List your credentials

To authorize the document, the next step is to include the first and last name of your client, as well as their date of birth, and the date of your session. 

Step Four: Store the progress note securely

Finally, once completed, you need to store the play therapy progress note in a secure platform that is HIPAA compliant. This can protect you from security breaches, and any data hacks that can occur when using online technology. If you prefer physical copies, make sure they are filed away somewhere secure.

Play Therapy Progress Notes Example (Sample)

If you want to hit the ground running, take a look at our play therapy progress note examples. You enhance the quality of your care and save time without having to plan each section of the note. Simply fill out each section with the relevant information, in order to create high-quality notes that attend to your client.

Download this Play Therapy Progress Notes Example here: 

Play Therapy Progress Notes Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Progress Notes Play Therapy Template?

Play therapy is used across a variety of health and social contexts, and can be used by a variety of healthcare professionals. Play therapy can look different depending on your practice, and can be highly adaptable to whatever your needs may be, and whatever resources you have. If you work with children, and in some cases, adults, who require play therapy to improve cognitive functioning, thinking, and wellbeing, then play therapy progress notes are right for you. 

Individuals who may implement play therapy progress notes include the following:

  • Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Child psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Psychiatrists 
  • Life coaches

It’s important that no matter your area of expertise, you always include information that is relevant to your client and their healthcare goals, and that you adapt the format to suit your specific needs. Healthcare professionals can approach play therapy notes very differently, depending on their favored treatment method, so make sure that you are carrying out practices that best suit you.

Why Is This Template Useful For Therapists?

These templates are useful for therapists in the sense that they can facilitate the following:

  • Easy client management - With play therapy progress note templates, you can monitor and track the progress of your client over time. This is a good record of how effective your treatments are, and whether amendments need to be made.
  • Simple organization - Play therapy progress notes provide the essential backbone for you to structure your notes, and elevate the consistency across clients. 
  • Greater accuracy - Sometimes it can feel like a huge undertaking to remember all the relevant parts that you should include within a progress note. However, by using a template, you no longer have to spend time taking into account all these considerations. Each section allows you to note the important facts, which can contribute to more effective plans.
Therapist Software

Benefits Of Using The Play Therapy Note Template 

There is a multitude of benefits to implementing play therapy progress notes within your practice. You can elevate different components of client treatment and healthcare operations, and prioritize patient needs.

Greater coordination of care

With play therapy progress notes having a standardized format, you can easily share their contents with fellow healthcare professionals. This is especially beneficial in the case of referrals, where other practitioners and clinicians may have to pick up where you left off. These progress notes provide a broad assessment, with enough specificity to paint an accurate picture of the situation. 

Higher transparency 

Play therapy progress notes are the no-fluff solution to healthcare and mean you can record all of the important details; underlying or otherwise. It can be difficult to get straightforward answers in healthcare, which is always frustrating, with these notes avoiding just that. You can capture all the essentials to communicate more effectively with clients, and their caregivers if needed. 

Increase reflective processes

Play therapy progress notes are an excellent record of your therapeutic operations and mean you can review these at any time. You can check whether certain treatment options were effective, why they might not have been, as well as a myriad of other health questions, queries, and concerns. You can reflect on the quality and level of care you provide, which is always good practice.

Legal and insurance protection

Progress notes are a good way to record all treatment, medication, and/or equipment used during your sessions. This means that when it comes to making insurance claims, you can be reimbursed more accurately, and according to what you actually used. Additionally, if a case ever reaches court, or is legally assessed, you can be secure in your professional judgment with sufficient evidence provided. 

Elevate your consistency

With our progress notes template providing a unified format, you can ensure you treat each client with the same level of care, and that you are consistent across notes. You can provide the same level of quality without compromise. Standardizing is always a huge plus, as you can develop a robust cognitive framework across your therapy practice.

Why Use Carepatron For Play Therapy note?

Carepatron is one of the best options out there for you to streamline your workflow, and ensure that you produce high-quality play therapy progress notes every time. Healthcare can be overwhelming at times, not to mention extremely time-consuming, and Carepatron aims to alleviate these frustrations and pains, and has developed software with these needs in mind. 

As an all-in-one platform, Carepatron is highly sophisticated and super intuitive to use. You can have access to a wide resource library with templates and guides to help support you, as well as HIPAA-compliant storage services to protect your information and keep it safe. With 24/7 monitoring and customer support, you can have all your queries answered, and be on your way to success. 

We also can’t forget Carepatron’s other high-quality features, including automated reminders, appointment scheduling, medical billing and coding, voice-to-text transcription services, as well as online payments, and a patient portal! Phew! 

With Carepatron, optimize your healthcare, and achieve your health goals without compromising on quality.

Play Therapy Software
How do you write play therapy progress notes?
How do you write play therapy progress notes?

Commonly asked questions

How do you write play therapy progress notes?

There’s no one right way to write play therapy progress notes, however, the simplest way to go about it (and the most effective) is to answer each section of the progress note with specific information. Be concise, avoid abbreviations, and sign mistakes, and use evidence to support your statements.

How to format a play therapy progress note?

Fortunately, the play therapy progress note covers all your bases. You don’t need to put in any extra effort beyond what is required within the template. Simply fill out each subjective, objective, assessment, and plan section, and complete it with your signature at the bottom. It can be formatted through electronic means, or you can print the note out, handwrite it, and then scan it back into your preferred system.

Can I include photos?

As you probably know, play therapy involves a lot of physical interactions with children and models in order to better understand cognitive functioning and psychological issues at hand. Sometimes including photos offers greater insight than description, so feel free to include photos in an attachment if you deem it valuable to the client’s assessment.

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