GAD 2 Scoring
Learn how to interpret the General Anxiety Disorder 2-item test answers with the GAD-2 scoring template. Click here for a free template and guide.

What is a GAD 2 Scoring Guide?
A provides information on interpreting the scores you've obtained from the screening tool referred to in this guide, the Generalised Anxiety Disorder 2-item test (GAD-2). On our GAD-2 scoring guide template, expect to see the following:
- A table with the possible scores and their corresponding interpretations.
- A space to place the client's score and interpretation according to the table.
- A dedicated space for any notes you may have.
GAD 2 Scoring Template
GAD 2 Scoring Example
How to use the GAD 2 Scoring:
Step 1. Access and download the template
Access and download a digital and printable version of the ??GAD-2 Scoring? sheet by doing either of the following:?
- Click the ??Download Template? or the ??Use Template? button
- Search for ??GAD-2 Scoring? on Carepatron's template library's search bar on the app or website.
Step 2. Conduct the GAD-2 test
Before you proceed with scoring, you must conduct the GAD-2 test. If you don't have a copy of the test, we'll provide it below.
Question: Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?
- Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge
- Not being able to stop or control worrying
Score each of the questions on a scale of 0-3. Each number means the following:
- 0: Not at all
- 1: Several days
- 2: More than half the days
- 3: Nearly every day
Step 3. Interpret the score obtained
After adding the scores from the two questions in the GAD-2 test, use the GAD-2 score template to help you interpret the score.
Step 4. Fill out the template
To have records to refer to in the future, write down the client's total score and its corresponding interpretation on the GAD-2 score template. Don't forget to write down notes such as the following steps, further testing recommendations, etc., if you have any.
Step 5. Securely store the template
Since the template carries sensitive information, you must store physical copies at a secure physical location or digital copies on Carepatron to limit access to only relevant parties.
GAD 2 scoring interpretation
Get a score to interpret by getting the sum of your clients' answers on the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2 test. Afterward, use the scoring sheet template for your GAD-2 scoring interpretation.
Each score has a corresponding interpretation, so it's as simple as matching the score to the severity of anxiety to make sense of the score obtained.
Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JB, Monahan PO, L��we B. Anxiety disorders in primary care: prevalence, impairment, comorbidity, and detection. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146:317-25.
Commonly asked questions
The referring physician, usually a licensed mental health practitioner, who conducted the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2 test on their client is responsible for scoring the GAD 2-item test.
It�??s scored immediately after the referring physician conducts the GAD-2 test.
The GAD-2 Scoring Sheet can help the referring physician by being a document where they can write down additional notes they have and by being a point of reference when interpreting the obtained score.