EMDR Negative Cognitions List

Download our EMDR negative cognition list to support your EDMR practices in evaluating and treating clients with PTSD. Gain greater insight into your client's state of mind, and integrate the list within the desensitization stage to work towards reshaping and molding positive associations.

By Chloe Smith on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What Is A EMDR Negative Cognitions List?

EMDR negative cognitions lists are an important component of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, and can be used during the desensitization phase to replace negative beliefs with positive ones. Utilizing a  means that patients can better identify their thoughts and feelings, and recognize the typical emotions that accompany PTSD symptoms. In EMDR therapy, cognitions are simply referred to as beliefs and are divided into four main categories of control/choice, safety/vulnerability, perfectionism/self-defectiveness, and responsibility. These negative cognitions are paired with target images and are an integral component of processing trauma, and by using this list, patients can encode their feelings through a subjective scale. It can be difficult to compile all of these feelings off the top of your head, which is why we've created this negative cognition list for you to incorporate within your practice right away.

EMDR Negative Cognitions List Template

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EMDR Negative Cognitions List Example

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How To Use This List For EMDR Negative Cognitions

To effectively integrate EMDR negative cognition lists within your practice, it is important to consider the following steps. To many of you, these steps may seem self-explanatory and somewhat basic, however, it is always good practice to double-check that you are following expected standards.

Step 1: Access the cognition list

The first step is to download our EMDR negative cognition list by clicking the link on this page. The form should open automatically within your designated computer software, and all sections are editable and interactive, meaning the patient can check off the cognitions without hassle.

Step 2: Distribute the negative cognition list

The negative cognition list is used by the patient to identify their beliefs, thoughts, and feelings when it comes to PTSD. As a result, the patient can check off this list during your appointment, in which case, you need to print the form out, or alternatively, they can check the list off electronically. Either way, you need to hand the form to your patient to complete, ideally during your session.

Step 3: Store securely

Lastly, you’ll need to store the negative cognition list within a HIPAA-compliant platform to ensure that patient information is protected and free from security hacks and breaches. These lists contain highly sensitive information pertaining to the client's condition, so it's important that you prioritize their confidentiality.

Who Can Use this Printable EMDR Negative Cognitions List (PDF)?

EMDR negative cognition lists can be administered by trained and qualified mental health professionals who specialize in or have experience with, EMDR practices. As a result, it is commonplace for psychologists to administer this list to patients, to support other aspects of EMDR treatment. As for the list itself, the checklist should be completed by patients, with the cognitions marked in accordance with their current thoughts and feelings. If a client prefers their mental health practitioner to complete it for them, this is perfectly acceptable, so long as the client is still voicing their thoughts and is approving of every check made. A list of mental health care professionals who work with and administer these lists include the following:

  1. Psychologists
  2. Psychiatrists
  3. Psychotherapists
  4. Therapists
  5. EMDR trained counselors

Why Is This Form Useful For EMDR Therapists

This form also has various practical uses for EMDR therapists that can make healthcare significantly easier and more convenient to deal with. These uses include the following:

Covers all bases

The great thing about the negative cognitions list is that it is developed in accordance with academic and clinical resources, and is an instrumental tool that notates the typical cognitions associated with PTSD. From the niche to the mainstream, this list collates all relevant dimensions that are needed in order to better understand the client, as well as to accurately represent their feelings associated with traumatic events.

Go paperless

The negative cognition checklist is formatted to be compatible with all electronic devices, meaning that you don't have to worry about having physical forms prepared prior to appointments. You can simply forward the checklist to your patient, or work together on a screen. It's intuitive and adapts to the modern technological demands of healthcare today.

Enhances organization

Naturally, using the negative cognition checklist means that you can also elevate organization across your practice. You don't have to spend time planning these specific dimensions or cognitions you'd like to evaluate, with all of them being listed right there for you to assess. Save time, and get back to doing what you do best; spending time with your clients.

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Benefits of EMDR Negative Cognitions List

There are also numerous benefits to incorporating negative cognition lists for EMDR treatment, which include the following:

Multidimensional examination

With these cognition lists, you can work towards assessing client cognitions across the four main dimensions of control/choice, safety/vulnerability, perfectionism/self-defectiveness, and responsibility. The cognition list is multifaceted and covers a variety of facets that are accepted and recommended within the academic and clinical spheres. Consider a variety of factors that may be contributing to your client's PTSD experience, and present statements that accurately represent their condition.

Gain greater insight

Of course, using EMDR negative cognition lists allow you to have a better understanding when it comes to your client's experience with PTSD, and the associations they have with the traumatic event. Sometimes, it can be difficult for clients to put into words what they are experiencing, and the negative cognition list acts as an excellent bridge for clients to connect with the exact nuances and feelings that they are going through.

Improve clinical outcomes

Negative cognition lists are integral to EMDR treatment and are an important part of the desensitization process. As a result, incorporating this list allows you to evaluate all important aspects without compromising on accuracy or quality, which of course, works towards higher clinical outcomes. Assimilating this cognition list within your practice should bring about greater results with half the amount of effort.

Boost coordination of care

The negative cognition list works in conjunction with other EMDR practices, and it is designed to be interoperable, no matter the training or education you have received. Elevate the level of consistency within your practice, and ensure that each patient is treated equally and fairly, with the same health approach given, no matter the circumstance. Fellow healthcare professionals should also be able to easily understand the interventions used, with this negative cognition list being universally accepted within EMDR processes.

Save time

You can also save a tremendous amount of time when it comes to assessing client cognitions. This negative cognition list compiles all of the relevant and possible cognitions, with a space provided in the case that the client wishes to elaborate on a particular thought or feeling. It is all-encompassing and means that you do not have to put any extra effort into what statements should be evaluated, and what questions should be asked.

When to use an EMDR Negative Cognitions List?
When to use an EMDR Negative Cognitions List?

Commonly asked questions

When to use an EMDR Negative Cognitions List?

An EMDR negative cognitions list should be used during the desensitization stage of EMDR therapy. It is used so patients can identify the negative beliefs they have associated with traumatic events, and these negative cognitions can be transformed into positive ones over time. The list is a great checklist for clients to reflect on their inner thoughts and feelings, and in accordance with clinically accepted instruments.

How do I write an EMDR Negative Cognitions List?

Fortunately, you don't need to write any components of an EMDR negative cognition list. All of the cognitions are listed for you, and the patient simply has to check which ones apply to them. There is also a space for them to provide additional notes, however, this is driven by the client and you do not need to write any component.

Who completes an EMDR Negative Cognitions List?

The EMDR negative cognition list is completed by the client. Typically, mental health practitioners will introduce the list during a session and go through it with their client, which may involve checking off cognitions for them, however, it is essentially the client who indirectly or directly fills out the checklist.

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