Resources for Terapi

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Carepatron tilbyr et omfattende lager av ressurser designet for å møte de forskjellige behovene til terapiutøvere. Tilgjengelige maler og tilhørende informative guider imøtekommer et bredt spekter av terapirelaterte emner, og støtter fagpersoner på tvers av ulike spesialiseringer. Disse ressursene er uvurderlige verktøy for å øke effektiviteten av terapeutisk praksis.
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Apgar poengdiagram

Apgar poengdiagram

Bruk vår Apgar Score Chart-mal for å vurdere nyfødte spedbarn. Guiden vår vil vise deg hvordan du scorer det, tolke resultater, og mer.
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ABC atferdskart

ABC atferdskart

Lær om hvordan man kan bruke ABC-atferdskartet for å forstå atferden til barn med utviklingshemming.
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Behandlingsplan for alvorlig depressiv lidelse

Behandlingsplan for alvorlig depressiv lidelse

Få tilgang til en gratis behandlingsplan for alvorlig depressiv lidelse og eksempel. Effektiviser din kliniske dokumentasjon med vår gratis malressurs.
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Spørreskjema for sensorisk profil

Spørreskjema for sensorisk profil

Få tilgang til et sensorisk profilspørreskjema for omsorgspersoner. Lær hvordan du scorer denne vurderingen på 125 elementer for å forstå et barns sensoriske prosesseringsmønster.
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Få mest mulig ut av møtene dine med vår strukturerte møtereferatmal, som inkluderer en møteagenda og handlingspunkter.
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Maladaptiv dagdrømmetest

Maladaptiv dagdrømmetest

Få tilgang til en maladaptiv dagdrømmetest. Bruk den som en screener eller for forskning på den maladaptive mestringsmekanismen for dagdrømming.
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Bevegelsesdiagram for kneområde

Bevegelsesdiagram for kneområde

Bruk et kneområde av bevegelsesdiagram for å vurdere pasientens kneleddområde og evner. Klikk her for en gratis malkopi!
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Poengdiagram for fullskala intelligenskvotient (FSIQ)

Poengdiagram for fullskala intelligenskvotient (FSIQ)

Utforsk hvordan fullskala IQ (FSIQ) -score tolkes ved hjelp av vårt FSIQ-poengdiagram, som fremhever intellektuelle nivåer og deres betydning i vurderinger.
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Jukseark for traumeinformert omsorg

Jukseark for traumeinformert omsorg

Lås opp medfølende omsorg med vårt Trauma-Informed Care Cheat Sheet - din essensielle guide for å fremme helbredelse og forståelse i enhver interaksjon.
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Terapibrev til retten

Terapibrev til retten

Utforsk guiden vår om å skrive Therapy Letters for Court, som tilbyr maler og innsikt for terapeuter for å støtte klienters rettssaker effektivt.
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Utforsk Autism Pattern Recognition Test for å forstå mønstergjenkjenning i autisme. Få tilgang til en gratis PDF for din kliniske praksis.
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Classical Conditioning Techniques

Classical Conditioning Techniques

Discover effective Classical Conditioning Techniques for behavioral therapy with our comprehensive template!
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Social Provisions Scale

Social Provisions Scale

The Social Provisions Scale (SPS) is a tool for measuring the perceived availability of social support. Download Carepatron's free SPS PDF template here.
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Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Handout

Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Handout

Download the handout to understand the Cannon-Bard Theory of simultaneous experience and physical reactions.
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ABC Please DBT Handout PDF

ABC Please DBT Handout PDF

Access the ABC Please DBT Handout to guide clients through distress tolerance and emotional regulation. Get it now for free!
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Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet

Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet

Help couples reflect on their relationships, identify successes, and address any challenges. Download this Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet for free.
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Use our BIS/BAS assessment, measuring behavioral inhibition and activation systems to understand reward sensitivity, affective responses, and personality traits.
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Color Your Feelings Worksheet

Color Your Feelings Worksheet

Discover how the Color Your Feelings Worksheet in art therapy helps individuals express emotions through color, fostering self-awareness and emotional insight.
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Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)

Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)

Understand the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and how to utilize it in relationship therapy to resolve conflicts, and strengthen emotional connection between partners.
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Patience Worksheet

Patience Worksheet

Use our Patience Worksheet to help clients reflect on their experiences and develop strategies to manage impatience effectively.
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Understanding Bowlby's Attachment Theory Stages

Understanding Bowlby's Attachment Theory Stages

Learn about Bowlby’s attachment theory, stages of attachment, and their impact on social and emotional development.
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Urge Surfing: Definition, Technique, Benefits, and Limitations

Urge Surfing: Definition, Technique, Benefits, and Limitations

Learn about urge surfing, a mindfulness technique that helps manage cravings, build self-control, and support relapse prevention.
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Green Therapy: How Nature Can Help Heal Mental Health

Green Therapy: How Nature Can Help Heal Mental Health

Learn how green therapy, through nature-based activities, can reduce stress, improve mood, and promote mental well-being.
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Cupping Therapy: Types, Benefits, and Potential Risks

Cupping Therapy: Types, Benefits, and Potential Risks

Learn the different types of cupping therapy and its benefits and potential risks for your patients.
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Psychedelic Therapy: Types, Benefits, and Potential Risks

Psychedelic Therapy: Types, Benefits, and Potential Risks

Explore the types, benefits, and risks of psychedelic therapy in mental health treatment—a professional guide to evidence-based therapeutic applications.
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Understanding Trauma Bonding: Signs and Recovery Strategies

Understanding Trauma Bonding: Signs and Recovery Strategies

Trauma bonding is an unhealthy emotional connection that makes leaving abuse difficult. Learn the signs and strategies to break trauma bonds and help clients heal.
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Lær hvordan reattribusjonsterapi i CBT hjelper pasienter med å overvinne negativ tenkning og følelsesmessig nød.
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Utforsk mor-datter-terapiaktiviteter for å forbedre relasjoner, adressere konflikter, og fremme følelsesmessig velvære.
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Emosjonell frigjøringsmassasje teknikker

Emosjonell frigjøringsmassasje teknikker

Utforsk effektive teknikker som brukes i Emotional Release Massasje for å frigjøre spenning og fremme følelsesmessig velvære!
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Transformer pasientinteraksjoner med transaksjonsanalysestrategier. Lær mer teknikker her!
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Menopause and Mental Health

Help your patients manage menopause and protect their mental health. Learn how hormonal changes affect mood, anxiety, and emotional well-being.
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Opening a Psychology Clinic: Essentials to Know and Have

Learn essential steps for opening a psychology clinic, including legalities, tools, and professional training to ensure success in mental health services.
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Identifying and Supporting Glass Children

Learn how glass child syndrome affects healthy siblings of special needs children and how you can offer support.
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Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset: Strategies for Patients

Learn strategies to help patients overcome a scarcity mindset, improve mental health, and shift to an abundant mindset for a more fulfilling life.
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Navigating Social Media and Mental Health: Tips for a Balanced Online Life

Learn how social media affects mental health, its risks, and strategies to help clients balance usage while promoting well-being.
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Understanding Men’s Mental Health

Learn about men's unique challenges with mental health, common signs and symptoms, and specific treatments.
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AI in Therapy: Exploring Its Benefits and Limitations for Mental Health

Learn about the potential benefits of using AI in therapy and the ethical concerns to consider before applying it to your practice.
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10 Etiske spørsmål i rådgivning

Utforsk etikkens avgjørende rolle i rådgivning, sikre tillit, sikkerhet og respekt i det terapeutiske forholdet for klientens velvære.
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10 Diskusjonsspørsmål for gruppeterapi

Utforsk 10 Diskusjonsspørsmål for gruppeterapi for å fremme åpen dialog og dypere forbindelser mellom deltakerne. Perfekt for å forbedre terapiøkter.
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Lisensiert vs. ulisensiert terapeut

Lisensiert vs. ulisensiert terapeut

Lær de viktigste forskjellene mellom lisensierte og ulisensierte terapeuter og ta informerte beslutninger for effektiv mental helsehjelp. Utforsk guiden vår nå!
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