Yocum Test
Check if your patient has subacromial impingement syndrome with a Yocum Test. Click here for a free template and guide on how to use it.

What is a Yocum Test?
The , also known as the Yocum Maneuvre, is a physical assessment done by practitioners specializing in shoulder and elbow pain, such as an orthopedic specialist or physical therapist, to check if a patient has subacromial impingement syndrome.
To check if the patient has an impingement in the shoulder rotator cuff, the patient will be asked to adduct the arm of the affected side, flex the elbow of said arm, and place their hand on the opposite shoulder. Afterward, without moving their shoulder, they will be asked to raise their elbow. A positive result is when it’s obvious that the patient is hesitating to do the test or when they experience pain.
If you're looking for other relevant resources, feel free to watch this video:
Yocum Test Template
Yocum Test Example
How does it work?
Access the Template
To access and download the template, you can do either of the following:
- Click the “Download Template” or “Use this Template” button above
- Search for the “Yocum Test” in Carepatron’s Template library on our app or website
Conduct the Test
After you complete the required basic information, such as your name, the patient’s name, and the exam date, you may conduct the test.
Though you have a copy of the instructions on the template, to help you prepare as early as now, we’ve provided the same directions below:
- Have your patient in a sitting position.
- Ask the patient to place the hand on the affected side on the shoulder of the unaffected side (opposite shoulder).
- Ask them to elevate the elbow.
Once you’re finished conducting the test, you can record the patient’s results and any additional findings you may have.
Below, you’ll find the interpretation you’ll also find on the template:
(+) Positive test if:
- The patient is hesitant to follow any of the instructions.
- The patient feels pain when the elbow is elevated.
Proceed with Further Testing
To ensure the diagnosis is accurate, aside from the test, it’s recommended that the practitioner also ask the patient to undergo further testing such as MRI scans, ultrasounds, CT scans, and X-rays.
When would you use this Template?
Practitioners, specifically orthopedic specialists and physical therapists, may use this Yocum Test template when their patients exhibit shoulder impingement or rotator cuff tendinitis symptoms.
To help you out, we’ve listed down the common symptoms of this condition are:
- Pain and tenderness from the front of your shoulder to the side of your arm
- Pain in the area when moving or at rest
- Pain with lifting and reaching
- Pain when arms are raised or overhead
- Pain when lying on the affected side
- Pain or ache at night
- Pain when reaching for something behind your back
- Weakness or stiffness behind your shoulder and/or arm
It’ll also be beneficial to conduct this test on patients who are athletes of sports that have overhead movements often whenever they complain of pain in the shoulder area.
Easy to Understand
The instructions on the Free Yocum test are written in layman’s terms, making them easy to understand and follow. Furthermore, the template is short and organized, considering the flow from gathering information to writing test results. This intuitive design was intended to make it more efficient for anyone to conduct the test.
Quick to Administer
Because the test is short, you only need a few minutes to do it, and you’ll be saving up more time by having a template, like ours, that comes complete with instructions and an interpretation guide.
Written Copies for Reference
With a template like ours, you will now have written copies you can use as a reference to avoid the risk of forgetting results. And if you save and store your completed document on Carepatron, other relevant practitioners will have written copies for reference once you provide them with limited viewing access.
Insight into the Patient’s Condition
You may use this test as a basis or jumping-off point for discussing the patient’s health and daily routine, especially if they test positive.
Research & Evidence
The Yocum Test is one of many reliable physical examination tests utilized by practitioners today. To prove its usefulness and effectiveness, here’s a finding from a journal article entitled “Accuracy of physical examination in subacromial impingement syndrome”: According to the researchers, the Yocum test “has the best sensitivity and precision” compared to other physical examination maneuvres that are used to detect subacromial impingement on a patient’s shoulder.
L. Silva and others, Accuracy of physical examination in subacromial impingement syndrome, Rheumatology, Volume 47, Issue 5, May 2008, Pages 679–683, https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/ken101
Commonly asked questions
Our Yocum Test template is designed specifically for physical therapists and orthopedic specialists, so they are most likely to use and benefit from our template.
They can use it while conducting the test to have a tangible document or record of the patient’s results.
It’s used mainly as a document to note the test results. However, it can also be used as a guide or reference on how to conduct the Yocum test.