Will Preparation Worksheet

Learn the ins and outs of will preparation and prepare yourself or your clients for the formation of one of the most important documents one can make.

By Harriet Murray on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a will, and what is a will preparation?

A will, often referred to as a testament, is a legal document that outlines a person's wishes regarding the distribution of their assets and the handling of their affairs after their death. It is a crucial instrument in estate planning, allowing individuals to specify how their property, possessions, finances, and responsibilities should be managed and distributed among beneficiaries and family members.

Will preparation involves several essential steps and considerations. Firstly, it requires the individual, the testator, to make decisions about their assets and beneficiaries. This involves taking stock of all belongings, properties, investments, finances, and any other significant possessions they wish to include in the will. The testator must then identify the beneficiaries to whom they want to leave these assets.

Next, the testator needs to appoint an executor, also known as a personal representative, who ensures that the instructions laid out in the will are carried out as per the testator's wishes. The executor is responsible for managing the estate, paying off debts, handling taxes, and distributing assets to the specified beneficiaries.

In the will preparation process, it's crucial to consult legal counsel or a qualified professional to ensure the will complies with state or territory laws and is legally valid. Each jurisdiction may have specific requirements regarding the drafting and executing a will, and adhering to these legal standards is essential to prevent potential challenges or disputes later on. 

The will document itself should be drafted with precision and clarity, outlining the distribution of assets in explicit terms to avoid ambiguity or misinterpretation. The testator should sign the will in the presence of witnesses, who also sign the document, attesting to its validity. This witnessing process varies by jurisdiction and must meet legal requirements to validate the will.

It is important to note that a will preparation is not a one-time task. Reviewing and updating the will periodically is advisable, especially after significant life events such as marriages, divorces, births, or substantial changes in financial circumstances. Ensuring the will reflects the testator's current wishes and circumstances helps avoid potential complications or unintended outcomes. 

Will preparation involves careful consideration of one's assets, beneficiaries, and responsibilities, leading to the creation of a legally binding document that dictates the distribution of assets and the management of affairs after the testator's death. It's a crucial aspect of estate planning aimed at ensuring that the testator's wishes are carried out and their loved ones are provided for according to their intentions.

How do you use the Will Preparation Worksheet?

A will preparation worksheet is a helpful tool to gather essential information needed to create a will. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it effectively:

Step 1: Download your worksheet 

Access a free and printable PDF copy of this Will Preparation worksheet via Carepatron’s template library’s search bar on the website or app and begin the worksheet with sound legal assistance. 

Step 2: Gather personal information

Start by collecting personal details, including your full name, address, date of birth, social security number, and contact information. Additionally, include information about your spouse or partner, if applicable.

Step 3: List assets and liabilities

Identify and list all your assets, such as properties, bank accounts, investments, vehicles, valuable possessions, and insurance policies. Similarly, note any liabilities or debts, including mortgages, loans, and credit card debts.

Step 4: Designate beneficiaries

Specify who you want to inherit your assets. List the names and relationships of your beneficiaries for each asset or category of assets. Be clear about what you want each beneficiary to receive.

Step 5: Appoint an executor

Decide who will be responsible for executing your will. This person, the executor or personal representative, will manage your estate, settle debts, and distribute assets according to your wishes.

Step 6: Consider guardianship for dependents

If you have minor children or dependents, indicate who you wish to appoint as their legal guardian(s) in the event of your death. Ensure this arrangement aligns with the best interests of the children.

Step 7: Provide specific instructions

Include any specific instructions or conditions for distributing assets. For instance, outline these details clearly if you want to donate to charity, establish a trust, or allocate funds for educational purposes.

Step 8: Review and update regularly

Periodically review and update the worksheet to reflect any changes in your assets, beneficiaries, or personal circumstances. Life events such as marriages, divorces, births, or significant financial changes should prompt your will preparation worksheet updates.

Step 9: Seek professional advice

While a worksheet can help organize information, it's advisable to consult with a legal professional or estate planner to ensure that your will accurately reflects your intentions and complies with legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

When would you use this Will Preparation Worksheet?

A will preparation worksheet is beneficial in various scenarios, primarily when someone plans or updates their estate plan. Below are a few situations where using a will preparation worksheet proves helpful:

Estate planning

Individuals can use a will preparation worksheet to organize their assets, liabilities, beneficiaries, and other critical information when initiating the estate planning process. It provides a structured framework to ensure all necessary details are considered before drafting a will.

Life milestones

Significant life events such as marriages, divorces, births, or acquiring substantial assets prompt the need to review and update estate plans. A will preparation worksheet is invaluable during these times to document changes in assets, beneficiaries, or guardianship arrangements.

Retirement planning

As individuals approach retirement, they often reevaluate their financial and estate plans. A will preparation worksheet assists in organizing assets, retirement accounts, and plans for the distribution of wealth, ensuring a smooth transition post-retirement.

Changes in health status

Suppose someone experiences a decline in health or receives a diagnosis that prompts considerations for end-of-life care. In that case, a will preparation worksheet helps outline healthcare directives, appoint healthcare proxies, and adjust beneficiary designations.

Family dynamics

Shifts in family dynamics, such as estrangements, reconciliations, or changes in relationships with beneficiaries or guardians, necessitate a review of the existing will. Using a will preparation worksheet aids in reflecting these alterations accurately.

Financial planning

Periodic financial assessments and re-evaluations of investments, properties, or other assets warrant updates to estate plans. A worksheet assists in documenting these changes and ensuring that the will aligns with the current financial situation.

Regular reviews

Even without major life events, routine reviews of the estate plan are advisable. Using a will preparation worksheet during these periodic check-ins helps maintain an up-to-date and comprehensive will.

What are the benefits of using this Will Preparation Worksheet?


It helps systematically gather and organize essential information needed to create a will. This structured approach ensures that crucial details are noticed and remembered.

Clarity and focus

By providing prompts and sections for various aspects of estate planning, the worksheet helps individuals focus on specific areas, making the process less overwhelming and more manageable.

Comprehensive assessment

It encourages a thorough assessment of one's assets, liabilities, beneficiaries, and preferences for distribution. This comprehensive evaluation ensures that all relevant aspects are considered during estate planning.


The worksheet is a documentation tool, allowing individuals to record changes in assets, beneficiaries, or any other critical information over time. This documentation aids in maintaining an updated and accurate will.

Facilitates communication

It can serve as a communication tool among family members or with legal advisors. Sharing the information organized in the worksheet can facilitate discussions and clarity about the individual's wishes.

Legal compliance

While not a legally binding document itself, a well-prepared worksheet can ensure that the final will comply with legal requirements. It serves as a guide to gathering information necessary for drafting a legally sound will.

Regular reviews and updates

It encourages periodic reviews and updates of the estate plan. Life changes, financial adjustments, or shifts in family dynamics can prompt revisions, and the worksheet helps identify areas that need updating.

Peace of mind

Using a Will Preparation Worksheet provides a sense of control and peace of mind, knowing that one's wishes regarding asset distribution, guardianship, and other important matters are documented and organized.


When consulting with legal professionals or advisors, having a well-prepared worksheet can expedite the process. It ensures that discussions and decisions are focused and based on a comprehensive understanding of the individual's intentions.

How long does it normally take to accomplish the Will Preparation Worksheet?
How long does it normally take to accomplish the Will Preparation Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it normally take to accomplish the Will Preparation Worksheet?

A will preparation worksheet takes time and is best completed with all information at hand, such as financial documentation, medical wishes, estate information, and the accompaniment of a legal official. 

How can the Will Preparation Worksheet help?

This worksheet helps highlight what you or your client may need to include in creating a will. This handy worksheet can help prepare you to create a will and solidify what's important to include. 

Who can use the Will Preparation Worksheet?

Anyone can use this worksheet. It is not legally binding, however, and acts as a scaffold for a legally recognized will that needs to be created following state law. 

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