What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet

Explore the factors that cause and maintain your client’s OCD through our What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet. Download our free PDF now!

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

(OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are persistent, intrusive, and distressing thoughts, ideas, or sensations, while compulsions are repetitive behaviors a person feels driven to perform to get rid of obsessions. Individuals with OCD frequently suffer excessive anxiety and are compelled to do these compulsions to relieve their distress.

Obsessions involve fears of contamination, harm to oneself or others, or the need for symmetry and order. The person recognizes these thoughts are excessive and unrealistic but struggles to control or dismiss them. Conversely, compulsions include excessive hand washing, checking, counting, praying, or other behaviors that a person may feel driven to do to ease their unwanted thoughts or sensations. The relief these compulsions provide is often short-lived, leading to a cycle of obsessions and compulsions that can take a big portion of a person’s day.

To be diagnosed with OCD, there should be a presence of intrusive obsessions and repetitive compulsions that demand a substantial amount of time (exceeding one hour daily), result in considerable distress, and negatively affect one's ability to function in work or social situations.

It is critical to understand that OCD is a real and treatable mental health condition and that seeking help from mental health professionals can give the support and strategies needed to reclaim control of one's life and lessen the impact of obsessions and compulsions.

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What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet Template

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What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet Example

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How to use the What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet?

Treating OCD can be challenging and requires the help of other relevant resources. This is where What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet comes in; it allows clients to understand the underlying factors contributing to their OCD. Here is a guide on how to incorporate this worksheet into your treatment program:

1. Download a copy of the worksheet

Begin by securing a copy of the worksheet from the Carepatron website.

2. Ensure a safe and non-judgmental environment

Building a safe and non-judgmental environment is a part of the therapeutic process. By building this atmosphere, your clients become more open and truthful in sharing their symptoms and experiences.

3. Introduce the worksheet to your client

Explain the purpose of this worksheet to your client. The goal is to collaboratively understand the factors that cause and maintain their mental health condition. Allow them to ask and answer their additional questions about OCD and the worksheet.

4. Assist them in completing the worksheet

This worksheet can either be an activity during the session or an assignment. If given during the therapeutic session, give your client ample time to answer the questions. Encourage your client to provide more detailed responses. On the other hand, if given as an assignment, provide clear instructions to your clients. Tell them they can reach you anytime if they have questions or encounter difficulties completing the worksheet.

5. Analysis and Discussion

Analyse the completed worksheet once your client has submitted it back to you. Help them understand the connections of these factors to their OCD. Emphasize that you can help them in dealing with this.

When would you use this What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet?

This What Caused and Maintained My OCD Worksheet is typically incorporated into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) when working with individuals diagnosed with OCD.

CBT therapists employ this worksheet as a part of the assessment and treatment planning process. By incorporating this worksheet into their practice, they can explore the factors that cause and maintain their client’s OCD symptoms collaboratively.

CBT therapists and their clients gain insights into the specific OCD symptoms and triggers and how they impact the client’s daily life. Apart from that, this could also help in tapping into further details like triggers, beliefs, and personal and family history of the clients. These things may have an interactive role in developing and maintaining OCD. By systematically examining these factors, therapists can identify what perpetuates the client’s OCD.

The insights provided by this worksheet guide therapists in treatment planning. Through this worksheet, therapists can formulate a tailored approach to addressing the client’s unique challenges and experiences with OCD. Based on the information provided by the worksheet, therapists can design interventions to help the client manage and overcome their OCD.

Moreover, this worksheet can be revisited throughout the therapy to assess and track the progress of the treatment plan. It offers vital insights into the effectiveness of the treatment programs employed by the therapist, allowing them to make changes accordingly.

In summary, this What Caused and Maintained My OCD Worksheet offers a foundation in the therapeutic process, assisting therapists and their clients in their collaborative journey toward healing.

What are the benefits of using this What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet?

This What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet offers significant benefits to CBT Therapists and their clients. Here are some of them:


The What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet is a free resource that can be accessed on the Carepatron website. Its accessibility is a big advantage for therapists like you who want to improve the services you can offer and for clients who wish to understand the factors associated with their mental health condition.

Enhanced Understanding

This worksheet explores the factors contributing to developing and maintaining OCD symptoms. It offers insights into the significant facets of your client’s life that possibly trigger their OCD and maintain it, allowing an improved understanding of your client’s condition. This understanding is helpful to you as a therapist and, most importantly, to your client.

Facilitates client’s active involvement in the therapeutic process

Since this tool is designed to be completed by the clients, it facilitates their active participation in the therapeutic process. When clients are actively involved in the therapeutic process, they develop a sense of empowerment, increased motivation, and increased accountability. More so, it contributes to faster progress and prevention of relapse.

Positive Therapeutic Alliance

The worksheet requires a collaborative effort between you, as the therapist, and your client, helping you build a positive therapeutic alliance with your client. You can foster enhanced treatment engagement, client motivation and trust, and improved problem-solving, contributing to a faster and more successful therapeutic process.

How long does it normally take to accomplish the What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet?
How long does it normally take to accomplish the What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it normally take to accomplish the What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet?

The time it takes to complete this worksheet varies significantly from person to person and session to session. Several factors can influence the amount of time spent on this worksheet, including the complexity of the client's OCD symptoms, the depth of exploration required, and the client's willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection and discussion. It may take one to two sessions for clients to complete this worksheet.

How can the What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet help?

This tool can help you and your client by helping you understand the factors contributing to developing and maintaining your client’s OCD. This understanding aids in treatment planning and monitoring. It also facilitates building a positive therapeutic alliance, fostering collaboration and trust between you and your clients.

When is this What Caused and Maintains My OCD Worksheet best used?

This tool can be used in a wide range of settings. Therapists employ this in OCD assessments and treatment planning. This is incorporated into the therapeutic practice to aid therapists in understanding the OCD symptoms of their clients. Apart from that, this can also be used to track treatment plan effectiveness.

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