Substance Abuse Worksheet

A practical and engaging substance abuse worksheet to help keep your patients involved with their care. Improve your organization, workflow, and achieve greater clinical outcomes.

By Olivia Sayson on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Substance Abuse Worksheet?

Working with patients who are managing substance abuse can be a difficult field of healthcare. In order for treatment plans to be effective, it is often the case that patients need to be involved, interested, and determined in their own recovery. Navigating ways to guarantee this can sometimes be tricky. One of the best ways to encourage patients to remain engaged with their own health is to provide them with activities to be completed in-between sessions: including worksheets. can be distributed to patients to complete in their own time. They encourage patients to visualize their goals and focus on what they are aiming to achieve. Combined with therapy sessions, these worksheets will enable patients experiencing substance abuse to work towards improved health, ultimately leading to positive clinical outcomes. Our substance abuse worksheet is extremely easy to access, store, and distribute to patients. In this guide, we’re going to outline the steps involved with implementing the worksheet before highlighting some of its various uses and advantages. Let’s get started!

Printable Substance Abuse Worksheets

Download these substance abuse worksheets to provide better treatment outcomes for your clients.

How to Use This Substance Abuse Worksheet 

Fortunately, using this substance abuse worksheet is very simple. In order to maximize its effectiveness with your patients, you just have to follow these steps:

Step One: Access and save the worksheet

Firstly, you need to access the worksheet. We’ve included the substance abuse worksheet example as well as a link to the document further down on this page. Clicking on the link will allow your device to open the worksheet in a PDF reader, and from here you can download and save it. 

Step Two: Give the worksheet to patients 

If you are treating a patient who you think will benefit from using the worksheet, you should distribute the resource to them. Depending on both your and your patient’s preferences, you can give them an electronic or physical copy of the worksheet. Giving them an electronic copy will allow them greater flexibility, as they can either complete the form online or print it out, and the same link can be used multiple times. 

Step Three: Use the completed worksheet

After your patient has completed the substance abuse worksheet, you should encourage them to bring it into the next session. This will allow you to explore some of the issues or challenges they are being faced with, and you can adapt your treatment plan to acknowledge these where relevant. 

Step Four: Store the worksheet securely 

If you hold onto the patient’s completed substance abuse worksheets, you need to store them in a HIPAA-compliant manner. These documents contain confidential information regarding the patient’s personal details and medical history, so they should be stored somewhere that has effective safeguards in place.

Substance Abuse Worksheet Example (Sample)

Sometimes the best way to learn how to use a new resource is to see what it looks like in action. This is why we’ve created a sample completed substance abuse worksheet, based on a fictional patient. Although the specific details included in this sample will evidently differ from real-life examples, it should give you an insight into the layout and structure of the worksheet.

Download this Substance Abuse Example (Sample) here: 

Substance Abuse Worksheet Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Printable Substance Abuse Worksheet (PDF)?

This worksheet resource has been designed to be primarily used by patients who are experiencing substance abuse. As I’m sure you know, the healthcare industry is extremely broad, and there are many healthcare practitioners who may treat patients with substance abuse. Some of these providers include:

  1. General Practitioners
  2. Mental Health Therapists 
  3. Social Workers
  4. Drug and Alcohol Counselors
  5. Substance Abuse Therapists 
  6. Psychologists
  7. Psychiatrists

Why is This Form Useful for Therapists?

Implementing this substance abuse worksheet into your practice will have a range of uses for both you and your patients. Some of these include:

  • Improved organization: Figuring out ways to increase patient engagement while still operating a streamlined practice can occasionally be difficult. With our substance abuse worksheet, however, we take care of the organization for you. The template is already separated into the relevant sections, meaning you don’t have to worry about format or layout. All you have to do is access the worksheet and give it to your patients. 
  • Go paperless: While printing out the worksheet and giving your patients a physical copy is definitely an option, we recommend using the template electronically. This will help your business go paperless, which not only has a positive impact on the environment, but helps to reduce costs and workload for your practice. 
  • Saves time: The substance abuse worksheet will also help save you a lot of time. As you no longer have to worry about devising “homework” for your patients, and can instead quickly and easily access an effective template, you will likely find yourself with a bit of extra time.
Therapy software feedback

Why Use Carepatron For Substance Abuse Worksheet Software?

In today’s digital age, one of the best decisions you can make for your healthcare practice is to invest in robust software. Carepatron, a leading practice management software, is integrated with a wide range of tools that are guaranteed to improve organization and efficiency at your healthcare business. In addition to offering templates like this substance abuse worksheet, Carepatron has various other features that target patient engagement. Using the client portal, patients can access a secure platform where their appointment and payment information is displayed. The portal also provides a direct communication channel between the patient and practice, ensuring that transparency is achieved throughout the entire care delivery process. In addition to these features, Carepatron also has tools that improve medical billing, coding, mobile health, appointment scheduling, and clinical documentation. Practitioners can store all of their documents using the HIPAA-compliant cloud-based system, resting assured that their data is protected at all times.

Substance Abuse Worksheet Software
When should I use a substance abuse worksheet?
When should I use a substance abuse worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

When should I use a substance abuse worksheet?

This worksheet has been designed to be used by any patient that is experiencing substance abuse issues. Regardless of how significant the patient’s condition is, or how long they have been seeking treatment, this worksheet will have vast benefits – for both you and them.

Who completes the substance abuse worksheet?

The substance abuse worksheet should be completed by your patients. You can distribute the resource to them during a session or send them an electronic copy, and the patients can fill them in on their own time. It is a good idea to remind your patients to bring the completed worksheet to their next session, so you can collaboratively go through it together and decide on the next steps for the patient’s treatment plan.

How many substance abuse worksheets should a patient complete?

This question is difficult to answer, as it is entirely dependent on the needs of the patient. That being said, the value of the worksheet shouldn’t decrease as the patient continues towards their treatment goals. However, if you notice that the patient isn’t improving noticeably or that the answers on their worksheets have remained similar for a period of time, you may decide it is not working as effectively anymore.

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