Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS)

Use the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) to gauge students who may be at risk and plan interventions accordingly.

By Matt Olivares on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) PDF Example
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What is student risk?

Student risk is the probability that a student may experience negative outcomes, such as failing grades or dropping out of school. It is a multifaceted concept considering various factors that can increase a student's chances of academic failure.

For educators handling at-risk students, it's essential to focus on the different factors contributing to their problems. Examples of factors include issues within their academic journey, such as having learning disabilities or developmental disorders, having low test or assignment scores, having minimal or no academic achievement, or having limited access to educational materials.

Factors can also cover the student's social life, like if they are feeling pressure from their family or peers if their family and friends support them if they have friends, and/or if they are being bullied.

Their mental health should also be looked into because educators might be handling kids with anxiety, depression, or traumatic experiences that are weighing on them.

By focusing on these factors, educators will have the chance to develop ways to help students work through their problems and have fruitful academic journeys.

Printable Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS)

Download this Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) to assess your clients.

How to use the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS)

One way to gauge how at-risk a student is is to use assessments such as the Student Risk Screening Scale, or the SRSS for short. This easy-to-use assessment is often paired with another assessment called the Student Internalizing Behavior Screening Scale (SIBSS), which we also have a guide for.

The Student Risk Screening Scale focuses on gauging a student's externalizing behaviors. Here are the things they have to look into:

  • Steal
  • Lie, cheat, sneak
  • Behavior problems
  • Peer rejection
  • Low academic achievement
  • Negative attitude
  • Aggressive behavior

Educators or school counselors using this scale will have to rate each item with one of the following:

  • 0 = Never
  • 1 = Occasionally
  • 2 = Sometimes
  • 3 = Frequently

After rating each item, you need to add up the scores. To interpret the findings of this scale, refer to these score ranges and designations:

  • 0 to 3 = Low risk
  • 4 to 8 = Moderate risk
  • 9 to 21 = High Risk

The Student Risk Screening Scale results alone cannot determine a student's necessary actions. It is recommended to utilize additional assessments such as the Student Internalizing Behavior Screening Scale (SIBSS) and other relevant school-related data.

This may include subject scores, disciplinary records, attendance records, and reasons for absences. The implementation of interventions should be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the overall results and identification of the student's specific areas of concern.

Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) example

Now you know the basic gist of student risk, what the student risk screening scale is, what it tries to measure, how it's scored, and how the results are interpreted, it's time for you to see what it looks like.

The template we have replicates the original scale. We added radio buttons for you to select a rating. You can do so by ticking the buttons with a pen (if you're using a physical copy) or by clicking on it using a digital copy.

We also added a comments box in case you have observations worth noting. Your notes might help formulate an intervention plan for the student once you have all the other data you need.

If you like what you see and believe it'll help you assess your school's students, download our free Student Risk Screening Scale PDF template!

Download this Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) example:

Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) Example

When is it best to use the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS)?

The Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) was designed to be used twice a year, so if you're an educator or a school counselor, it's best to use this scale once per semester so you can track the changes between them.

Please note that if you use this scale, you need to do so with the mindset that you're not isolating or excluding students from anything related to their school work and life. It would be best if you approached it in a way that determines what support you can provide based on the results of this scale, other assessments, and their data (such as test scores, detention records, absence records, etc.).

The scale shouldn't be used to label or designate students as a student with special needs requiring special education. It's also not used to assess a student's personality traits. Again, the Student Risk Screening Scale determines critical areas of concern that may negatively impact a student's academic journey.

This should aid in determining how educators and the school can help create an environment that's safe for the students to learn in peace. It should assist educators in determining what resources to allocate so that the student has an equal shot at achieving academic excellence like everyone else and can graduate on time.

What are the benefits of using the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS)?

It can identify factors negatively impacting a student's academic journey.

The Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) was designed to look at the externalizing behaviors that certain students might have. By taking note of the seven items on the scale's list, educators can observe if these externalizing behaviors should be considered critical areas of concern. The additional comments box we added to the scale will allow them to elaborate on their observations of each student.

It pairs well with the Student Internalizing Behavior Screening Scale (SIBSS).

More often than not, the Student Risk Screening Scale is paired with the Student Internalizing Behavior Screening Scale because doing so can give a comprehensive look at a student. Educators who use both of these will be able to cover both externalizing and internalizing behaviors.

The results can be combined with other school data related to the student that educators or counselors assess. Doing so will help them determine the appropriate interventions and support for the student to have a better school life and fruitful academic journey.

It can be used to monitor students over time to track their progress.

The Student Risk Screening Scale was designed to be used twice a year. Given this, you can consider it both a screening and monitoring tool. Let's say that you created an intervention and support plan for the student implemented it, and the student has been following this plan for a while.

When the next semester starts, or you're in the middle of it, you can use the Student Risk Screening Scale to check for any changes to their externalizing behaviors. If there are, and they are scoring lower, they are improving! If not, you might want to tweak your intervention and support plan.

How can Carepatron help with school counseling and student therapy-related work?

If you're an educator, a school counselor, or a similar professional who usually handles students, we hope this mini-guide was a good introduction or refresher to the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS). We also expect the template to help you gauge students struggling with their academic lives.

While we have you here, we'd like to ask you for your time to check out more of our platform. We have something incredible in store for you! Yes, if you check out our platform, you will see that this is for healthcare professionals, so you will probably ask, “How can educators benefit from this?” The answer is that we have numerous assessments you can use to gauge your students for particular problems.

The Student Risk Screening Scale is one of them. We even have a template for the Student Internalizing Behavior Screening Scale we mentioned earlier. We also have other assessments, like mental health tests, that can assess them for anxiety, depression, or some other mental health problem that might be a key area of concern.

We also have worksheets that might be useful to you! The worksheets are primarily for mental health therapy, but if you have employees in your school who are experts in treatment, you can have them use these worksheets to get to know students better. How they grapple with these worksheets might illuminate other critical concerns affecting their academic journeys.

The best part about these resources is that they're all free! So, download as much as you want and need!

Counseling Software
How do student risk scales help identify a behavior problem?
How do student risk scales help identify a behavior problem?

Commonly asked questions

How do student risk scales help identify a behavior problem?

Student risk scales are designed as an initial step to highlight potential behavior issues in the classroom, allowing educators and counselors to identify students who may require further evaluation or support. By assessing various behavior patterns and assigning total scores, these scales help detect externalizing behaviors that could hinder a student's academic and social success.

What should I consider after identifying total scores on a behavior scale?

After calculating the total scores from a behavior scale, it is critical to integrate these findings with other data points such as academic performance, attendance, and disciplinary records. This holistic approach ensures that interventions are tailored to the specific needs of each student rather than just the number indicated by the scale.

Can total scores from the Student Risk Screening Scale be used alone to determine intervention strategies?

While total scores from the Student Risk Screening Scale serve as valuable indicators, they should not be used in isolation to determine interventions. It is essential to use a combination of assessments and school-related data to fully understand the student's behavior and create an effective support plan.

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