Self-Esteem Worksheet for Adults

Boost your self-esteem and unleash your full potential! Explore our printable self-esteem worksheet for adults for greater empowerment, and to ignite your self-love.

By Alex King on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Self-Esteem Worksheet for Adults?

Self-esteem worksheets for adults are tools that therapists can issue to clients who feel down in the dumps or who are feeling insecure. These nifty tools were designed to help clients rediscover their sense of self and self-esteem through engaging writing prompts to help them process their emotions. The worksheets aids clients in reflecting on what they love about themselves, what they love doing, their hopes and dreams, and what they want to become.

If you want to know more about self-esteem for adults, what other activities may look like, check out our video below.

Printable Self Esteem Worksheets For Adults

Download this Self Esteem Worksheet For Adults and help your clients build their confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem.

How to Use This Self-Esteem Worksheet for Adults Example

The You Are Great self-esteem worksheet for adults was made to help remind yourself that you are great and that, no matter what you’re dealing with, that will and should never erase the fact that you are great in your own right. Rebuild confidence, and work towards a 'you' that you're confident and happy with.

Just like most self-esteem worksheet examples, this one makes use of writing prompts to help frame what clients can write about themselves. All they need to do is to complete the following phrases:

  • Something I love doing is…
  • I think I am great at…
  • I would like to be great at…
  • In order to be great at (your answer above), I will…
  • My family thinks I’m great at…
  • Others think I’m great at…
  • My greatest skill/talent is…
  • I feel good about…
  • I admire myself for…
  • What I love most about myself is…
  • I’ve had success with…
  • My future goals include…
  • I’m confident that I’ll achieve them because…
  • I’m/I’ll be at peace when…

While some self-esteem worksheets include the likes of “I’m not very good at…” in order to enable the client to reflect on themselves, this particular self-esteem worksheet rephrases this line of questioning to “I would like to be great at…” to frame it in a neutral way and to encourage goal-setting. We want to instil the belief that everyone is capable of achieving great things - because you are!

The worksheet will also help clients articulate what they want out of life and help them discover or remind them of their confidence that their goals are achievable.

You Are Great Self-Esteem Worksheet Example (PDF)

Here’s a sample of a filled-out You Are Great Self-Esteem Worksheet to help give you insight into what the resource may look like when it has been completed.

Download this Self Esteem Worksheets For Adults Example (Sample) here:

Self-Esteem Worksheet for Adults Example (Sample)

Who Can Use This Printable Self-Esteem Worksheet for Adults (PDF)?

Any adult currently taking self-esteem counseling can use this worksheet. Even if you're not undergoing counseling and you just want a simple exercise to help boost self-esteem - then simply print out this worksheet and write based on the prompts! It's free for anyone to use, and can help with elevating self-esteem at varying degrees and levels.

Additionally, this resource can be distributed by a number of different healthcare practitioners, including:

  • Counselors
  • Psychologists
  • Therapists
  • Social Workers 
  • …Or anyone who is wanting their client to focus on developing their sense of self-esteem and self-worth

Why Is This Self-Esteem Worksheet Useful for Therapists?

Talking with a client can only do so much. Sometimes, a client may not be fully honest or able to articulate what they truly want to say because of what they’re going through. However, they may be able to articulate themselves better through writing exercises in self-esteem worksheets.

Therapists can better understand their clients

Since the worksheet provides the opportunity for clients to articulate themselves in a way they might not be able to do by speaking, therapists can better assess how their clients really view themselves. Because these worksheets are self-directed, clients are more likely to share their personal thoughts without interference. Get to know the heart of your client without encroaching on their personal space.

Assists in providing directives to help clients boost self-esteem

Since parts of this self-esteem worksheet include lines like “I would like to be great at” and “my future goals include,” this could help the therapist find avenues and suggest directives to help their clients rediscover their self-esteem! The worksheet emphasises guided prompts to aid the client in reframing and shifting their perspective for the better. Goal setting could help in serving as North Stars for the client to follow!

Therapy Software Feedback

What Are The Benefits of Adult Self-Esteem Worksheets in 2023?

Aside from being a good way for therapists to get to know their clients, clients can also benefit from using this worksheet because:

  • Adults generally have a lot of things going on, whether it’s working, taking care of their family, or raising kids. This means that they might not even have the time or energy to reflect on themselves, so this worksheet gives them the opportunity to do so.
  • The goal of this worksheet is to remind people that they are, indeed, great. As a result, the process of completing the worksheet can really make individuals feel better about themselves, making it an enjoyable and productive task.
  • The “I would like to be great at” and “In order to be great at (answer above), I will” lines help inspire clients to work towards something that makes them feel great about themselves.
  • The same goes for “My future goals include” because it creates opportunities for clients to set goals, and serves as a reminder of the client's ambitions and goals in life.
  • This could lead to better conversations with their therapists and help with working out what they need to do in order to maintain and improve their self-esteem

Why Should You Use Carepatron for Self-Esteem Software?

Here at Carepatron, we care about helping healthcare practitioners improve productivity and efficiency, especially when it comes to streamlining their clinical documentation. By taking advantage of our easy-to-navigate EHR system, you’ll gain access to a wide variety of self-esteem worksheets for adults such as this You Are Great worksheet!

Using our self-esteem worksheets could help you and your client go through your counseling practice smoothly. They’re great ways of establishing rapport with clients and for clients to take a look at themselves in a more positive and uplifting light. This is especially beneficial for those who have not been able to do so for a long time.

You can even store these notes in a HIPAA-compliant manner and secure them by setting up authorized access.

Not only are our self-esteem software and worksheets intuitive, but they’re also easy to access! Whether you’re using an office desktop, a laptop, or even just your phone, you can access your self-esteem software and worksheets anytime, anywhere!

Therapy software
What is a self-esteem worksheet for adults?
What is a self-esteem worksheet for adults?

Commonly asked questions

What is a self-esteem worksheet for adults?

Self-esteem worksheets are mostly writing exercises that are designed to help adults find or regain their self-esteem. They typically include writing prompts that focus on self-evaluation in order to shift client perspectives towards a more positive light.

When does one use a self-esteem worksheet for adults?

Therapists can issue these worksheets when they think it’s time for their client to improve their self-esteem. This may be common in cases of depression, anxiety, or other prominent mental health disorders. As for clients, self-esteem worksheets can be worked on in their own time and at their own pace, whenever they are feeling low or down about themselves. Sometimes, these worksheets can also be used as a checkpoint to assess any improvements or slips in their progress towards better self-esteem. There's really no hard and fast rule when it comes to administering self-esteem worksheets for adults - use your intuition!

What do I write on a self-esteem worksheet for adults?

Self-esteem worksheets for adults normally have writing prompts to help guide you. Having something blank and entirely free-form may not be the most beneficial, so these worksheets help frame the exercise using set prompts! All you have to do is complete the sentences/thoughts that are set out on the worksheet.

How many adults struggle with low self-esteem?

You may be surprised to know that roughly 85% of adults worldwide struggle with self-esteem. It's important to recognise that you are not alone, and that self-esteem issues are very common and can be resolved overtime.

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