RAADS-R Test Scoring

Obtain accurate RAADS-R Test Scoring results to effectively assess autistic traits and behaviors, aiding in diagnosis and personalized interventions.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a RAADS-R Test Scoring?

The RAADS-R (Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised) Test Scoring is a crucial tool in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment. Developed by Dr. Eric R. Ritvo and his colleagues, this self-report questionnaire is designed to help clinicians, researchers, and individuals better understand and evaluate the presence and severity of autistic traits and behaviors in adults.

The test consists of 80 questions that cover various aspects of social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors—core domains associated with ASD. Respondents rate their agreement with each statement on a 4-point scale. Higher scores on the RAADS-R indicate a higher likelihood of autism-related traits or behaviors. The questions are structured to assess the presence and degree of these traits, making it a valuable tool for diagnosing and evaluating the severity of ASD.

The scoring process involves summing the individual responses to each question to obtain a total score ranging from 0 to 240. Additionally, the test provides subscale scores for social relatedness, language, sensory/motor issues, and circumscribed interests. These subscales help clinicians better understand the specific areas where an individual may exhibit autistic traits.

The is instrumental in clinical practice for diagnosing autism in adults, assessing the extent of autistic traits, and monitoring changes in behavior over time. It is also used in research to study the prevalence and characteristics of ASD in various populations. The results of the RAADS-R can guide the development of personalized interventions and support strategies for individuals on the autism spectrum.

Printable RAADS-R Test Scoring

Download the RAADS-R Test Scoring to assess clients effectively.

How to use the RAADS-R Test Scoring

Access a Printable RAADS-R Form

Start by obtaining a printable RAADS-R form. You can often find official test versions online through reputable sources, such as Carepatron, academic institutions or healthcare organizations.

Review the Instructions

Carefully read the instructions provided with the RAADS-R form. These instructions typically include an explanation of the scoring process and guidance on completing the questionnaire.

Set the Environment

Choose a quiet and comfortable environment for the individual taking the test. Minimize distractions to ensure accurate responses.


The RAADS-R is a self-report questionnaire, meaning the individual being assessed will answer the questions themselves. It's essential that they respond honestly and to the best of their ability.

Rate Each Statement

The form contains 80 statements about social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. The individual should rate their agreement with each statement on a 4-point scale:

  • 0 = "Never True"
  • 1 = "Rarely True"
  • 2 = "True Often"
  • 3 = "Almost Always True"

Sum the Scores

After completing all the questions, add the scores for each response. The total score can range from 0 to 240, with higher scores indicating a higher likelihood of autistic traits.

Assess Subscale Scores

Besides the total score, the RAADS-R provides subscale scores for social relatedness, language, sensory/motor issues, and circumscribed interests. These scores can offer insights into specific areas of concern.

Interpret the Results

Interpret the scores in the context of autism diagnosis and assessment. Higher total scores and elevated subscale scores may suggest a more significant presence and severity of autistic traits.

Consult a Professional

While the RAADS-R is a valuable tool, more than a formal diagnosis is needed by a qualified healthcare professional. If the results indicate a likelihood of autism, seek further evaluation and consultation from a healthcare provider or psychologist.

Document and Discuss Findings

Document the RAADS-R scores and discuss them with the individual being assessed or their caregiver. This information can guide treatment plans and support strategies if needed.

RAADS-R Test Scoring Example (sample)

A typical RAADS-R Test Scoring involves individuals responding to 80 statements that assess various aspects of social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Respondents rate their agreement with each statement on a 4-point scale, where 0 represents "Never True," 1 stands for "Rarely True," 2 signifies "True Often," and 3 indicates "Almost Always True."

After completing the questionnaire, individuals sum their scores to obtain a total score ranging from 0 to 240. Higher scores typically suggest a more significant presence and severity of autistic traits. Additionally, subscale scores are often examined to gain insights into specific areas of concern, such as social relatedness, language, sensory/motor issues, and circumscribed interests. 

These subscale scores contribute to a more detailed understanding of an individual's autistic traits and behaviors. The results of the RAADS-R Test Scoring can be valuable for self-awareness, guiding discussions with healthcare professionals, and developing personalized intervention and support strategies when necessary.

For those seeking a printable RAADS-R Test Scoring PDF and more information, reputable sources such as healthcare institutions or autism advocacy organizations typically provide resources to facilitate standardized self-assessment and evaluation.

Download this RAADS-R Test Scoring Example:

RAADS-R Test Scorings Example (sample)

RAADS-R Test Scoring Interpretation

Interpreting RAADS-R (Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised), Test Scores are crucial in understanding an individual's likelihood of having autistic traits and behaviors. The interpretation process involves analyzing the total and subscale scores to gain a comprehensive understanding. Here's how to interpret RAADS-R scores:

  • Total Score: The total score on the RAADS-R can range from 0 to 240, with higher scores indicating a higher likelihood of autistic traits. Interpretation of the total score typically follows these guidelines:
  • 0-65: Generally considered within the typical range, suggesting fewer autistic traits.
  • 66-90: A score in this range may indicate mild to moderate autistic traits.
  • 91 and above: Higher scores often suggest a significant presence of autistic traits, which may warrant further evaluation by a healthcare professional.
  • Subscale Scores: RAADS-R provides subscale scores in four domains: social relatedness, language, sensory/motor issues, and circumscribed interests. These subscale scores offer insights into specific areas of concern:
  • Social Relatedness: High scores in this domain may indicate social interaction and communication challenges.
  • Language: Elevated scores suggest difficulties in understanding and using language effectively.
  • Sensory/Motor Issues: Higher scores may indicate heightened sensitivities or motor coordination challenges.
  • Circumscribed Interests: Elevated scores in this area imply a strong focus on specific, often repetitive, interests.

It's important to note that while RAADS-R scores can provide valuable insights, they should not replace a formal diagnosis by a qualified healthcare professional. The scores should be interpreted in consultation with a healthcare provider who can consider other factors, conduct further assessments, and provide guidance on appropriate interventions and support.

Interpreting RAADS-R Test Scores is a valuable tool for self-awareness and initial assessment, ultimately leading to more informed decisions regarding autism-related concerns and potential next steps in seeking diagnosis and support.


Early Detection

RAADS-R facilitates the early identification of autistic traits and behaviors in adults, allowing for timely interventions that can significantly improve outcomes.

Accurate Assessment

This standardized assessment tool ensures a consistent and precise evaluation of autism-related traits, reducing the risk of misdiagnosis and ensuring that individuals receive the appropriate support.

Personal Insight

Completing the RAADS-R questionnaire gives individuals deep self-insight into their behaviors, fostering self-awareness and understanding of their unique characteristics.

Informed Decision-Making

The test results empower individuals and healthcare professionals to make informed decisions regarding further assessments, therapy, and support services, optimizing the path to improved well-being.

Tailored Interventions

RAADS-R scores help clinicians and caregivers develop highly individualized intervention and support strategies based on an individual's specific trait profile, ensuring more effective assistance.

Support for Research

RAADS-R is an invaluable tool for researchers, providing a quantifiable measure of autistic traits in adults, advancing knowledge about autism spectrum disorders, and leading to improved treatments and interventions.

Diagnostic Aid

Healthcare professionals can use RAADS-R as a supplementary diagnostic aid, offering a quantitative assessment of autistic traits alongside clinical evaluation, contributing to a more accurate diagnosis.

Progress Monitoring

Professionals can employ the test to track changes in behaviors over time, enabling them to assess the effectiveness of interventions and adjust strategies as needed.

Increased Awareness

RAADS-R raises awareness about autism spectrum disorders and the diverse ways they manifest in adults, fostering a better understanding of this complex condition.

Reduced Stigma

By offering an objective and data-driven assessment, RAADS-R helps reduce stigma and dispel misconceptions surrounding autism, promoting a more inclusive and empathetic society.

Access to Resources

Free RAADS-R Test Scorings ensures this valuable assessment tool is accessible to a broader audience, promoting its use in diverse settings and communities.

Improved Support

Ultimately, using RAADS-R leads to improved support structures and a higher quality of life for individuals with autistic traits, facilitating their integration into society and enhancing their overall well-being.

Research & Evidence

The RAADS-R (Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised) is a well-established resource in the field of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment, backed by a history of research and evidence that supports its utility. 

The development of the RAADS-R can be traced back to the early 2000s. Dr. Eric R. Ritvo and his colleagues aimed to create a comprehensive and reliable self-report questionnaire to assess autistic traits and behaviors in adults. The initial version of the RAADS was introduced in 2008. It underwent subsequent revisions and refinements to enhance its accuracy and effectiveness. The revised version, RAADS-R, was published in 2011, incorporating feedback and insights from clinicians, researchers, and individuals with ASD.

The RAADS-R has undergone extensive psychometric testing to ensure its reliability and validity. This involved assessing its consistency, repeatability, and its ability to measure autistic traits accurately. Numerous research studies have used the RAADS-R to explore the prevalence and characteristics of ASD in various populations. This has contributed to a deeper understanding of how autism presents in adults.

The questionnaire's scores have been correlated with other established measures of autism, demonstrating its convergent validity. In other words, it aligns well with existing diagnostic criteria and assessments. Clinicians and researchers have utilized the RAADS-R as part of comprehensive diagnostic evaluations for adults suspected of having ASD. Its effectiveness in aiding diagnosis and guiding interventions has been documented in clinical practice. The availability of free RAADS-R Test Scorings online has made it a widely accessible resource for individuals and professionals, further promoting its use and the collection of valuable data for research purposes.

Why use Carepatron as your RAADS-R Test app?

Choosing Carepatron as your RAADS-R Test app and software provider offers numerous advantages, making it the ideal platform for this vital work. Here are compelling reasons why Carepatron stands out:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Carepatron offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface for individuals and healthcare professionals. This simplicity ensures that completing the RAADS-R assessment is straightforward, enhancing the user experience.
  • Security and Privacy: Carepatron highly emphasizes data security and privacy. When dealing with sensitive information related to autism assessment, a secure platform is crucial. Carepatron employs robust security measures to protect user data.
  • Accessibility: Carepatron makes the RAADS-R app readily accessible online, allowing individuals to complete the assessment from their homes. This accessibility increases the reach of the assessment, making it available to a broader audience.
  • Customization: The platform allows the RAADS-R assessment process to be customized. Healthcare professionals can tailor the software to meet the specific needs of their clients, ensuring a personalized experience.
  • Data Management: Carepatron offers robust data management features. Users can securely store and retrieve their RAADS-R scores and related information, facilitating ongoing assessment and progress monitoring.
  • Integration: Carepatron can integrate with other healthcare systems, streamlining the assessment process and ensuring that RAADS-R scores are seamlessly incorporated into a patient's health record.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The software provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools, enabling healthcare professionals to gain valuable insights from RAADS-R data. This supports evidence-based decision-making and intervention planning.
  • Support and Resources: Carepatron offers excellent customer support and resources. Users can access guidance on the RAADS-R assessment process and get assistance when needed, ensuring a smooth experience.
Electronic Health Records Software


Anthony, J. (2023, July 20). RAADS-R Autism Testing | Questions - Answers | ABA Centers of America. ABA Centers of America. https://www.abacenters.com/raads-r-test-for-autism/

Hegarty, D. (2023, February 27). Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale – Revised (RAADS-R). NovoPsych. https://novopsych.com.au/assessments/diagnosis/ritvo-autism-asperger-diagnostic-scale-revised-raads-r/#:~:text=Scoring%20and%20Interpretation,65%20are%20consistent%20with%20Autism.

Jones, N. E. E. S. &. K. (2020). RAADS–R. Embrace Autism. https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/

Jones, S. L., Johnson, M., Alty, B., & Adamou, M. (2021). The effectiveness of RAADS-R as a screening tool for adult ASD populations. Autism Research and Treatment, 2021, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9974791

RAADS-R Autism Online Test questionnaire & PDF | AutisticHub. (2023, June 21). AutisticHub. https://www.autistichub.com/raads-r-autism-online-test-questionnaire-pdf/

Ritvo, R. A., Ritvo, E., Guthrie, D., Ritvo, M. J., Hufnagel, D., McMahon, W. M., Tonge, B. J., Mataix‐Cols, D., Jassi, A., Attwood, T., & Eloff, J. (2010). The RITVO Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R): A scale to Assist the diagnosis of autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults: an International Validation study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(8), 1076–1089. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-010-1133-5

Zauderer, S. (2023). RAADS-R Test: RITVo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised. www.crossrivertherapy.com. https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/autism/raads-r-test

Who typically scores a RAADS-R?
Who typically scores a RAADS-R?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically scores a RAADS-R?

Individuals themselves or healthcare professionals can score a RAADS-R.

When is a RAADS-R Scored?

A RAADS-R is typically scored after an individual completes the self-report questionnaire, which assesses autistic traits and behaviors.

How are RAADS-R Test Scorings used?

RAADS-R Test Scorings are used to evaluate the presence and severity of autistic traits in adults for diagnostic, research, and intervention purposes.

How can a RAADS-R Score help?

A RAADS-R score can assist in the early detection of autism, inform treatment decisions, guide personalized interventions, and support research in autism spectrum disorders.

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