Problems and Values ACT Worksheet

Use this free Problems and Values ACT Worksheet to help clients identify and work towards their desired outcomes. Download our free PDF to get started.

By Ericka Pingol on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Problems and Values ACT Worksheet?

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals explore their values and problems while learning to accept their thoughts and feelings without judgment. ACT aims to enable people to live with purpose, clarity, and acceptance.

In ACT, the therapist works with clients to identify problematic thoughts and behaviors holding them back from living their best lives. Clients learn to become mindful of their feelings and values, so they can make decisions based on these principles instead of reacting to the stressors in their lives. They also discover ways to accept themselves and practice self-compassion to move forward with purpose without being held back by fear or anxiety.

A Problems and Values ACT Worksheet is a vital tool for therapists to uncover and explore their client's values, beliefs, and needs. The worksheet contains questions that prompt open-ended conversations about the issues the client is facing. It helps clients explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe atmosphere to clarify what matters to them most.

This worksheet also helps create a stronger therapeutic relationship by deepening the understanding between the client and therapist. By helping the client unearth their core beliefs, needs, and values, they can make decisions that align with these more closely, leading to more fulfilling lives.

Printable Problems and Values ACT Worksheet

Download this Problems and Values ACT Worksheet to help clients identify and work toward their goals.

How does this Problems and Values ACT Worksheet work?

Our free printable Problems and Values ACT Worksheet lets your clients explore their values and problems comfortably. It consists of several questions that help clients reflect on their life’s purpose, identify important goals, and recognize any limiting beliefs or values that keep them from reaching them.

Here's how to use this template:

Step One: Access the worksheet

Download the Problems and Values ACT Worksheet using the link on this page. You can also get a copy from the Carepatron app or our handy resources library.

Step Two: Explain its purpose to your client

Discuss how the template works with your client. Explain the importance of digging deep into their values and how this will help them take action.

Step Three: Client completes the worksheet

Give your client ample time to finish the activity. Ensure they understand each question and provide your support if needed.

Step Four: Discuss the results with your client

Once completed, encourage them to discuss each statement or answer. Together, you can recognize any patterns in their responses and devise steps to achieve their goals.

Step Five: Review and revise

You may need to repeat this process several times. This will help your client identify any additional needs or values they didn’t consider before. It will also help them make more informed decisions that align with their core values in the long run.

Problems and Values ACT Worksheet Sample (Example)

Our team has created a Problems and Values ACT Worksheet PDF sample to illustrate using the template in your practice. You may use this as a reference when helping your client fill out the worksheet or for educational purposes. You can view the sample here or download it as a PDF.

Download the free Problems and Values ACT Worksheet Sample (Example):

Problems and Values ACT Worksheet Sample (Example)

When would you use this Problems and Values ACT Worksheet template?

You may use this handy Problems and Values ACT Worksheet as part of an acceptance and commitment therapy program. You can use it to help your client identify their core values and recognize patterns in their thoughts and behavior. Similarly, you can utilize this template to:

Set clear goals for your client

A Problems and Values ACT Worksheet can help clients set achievable goals that align with their values and personal mission statement. It can also help them recognize any cognitive distortions or unhelpful thinking patterns holding them back.

Uncover unconscious values

Sometimes, clients may not realize their core values until they are asked to identify them. This worksheet can help discover any unconscious values or needs that your client may be overlooking.

Develop an action plan

Once your client knows their core values and goals, this worksheet can help create a step-by-step action plan to pursue them. The plan should include the resources they will need, any risks or obstacles that may arise, and potential solutions for overcoming them.

Encourage personal progress

When your client completes the worksheet, it can remind them of their resilience and commitment to growth. It can also be used to track their progress and measure success.

What are the benefits of using this Problems and Values ACT Worksheet?

Here are some of the benefits of using our free Problems and Values ACT Worksheet:

It's fully digital and printable

This template is easily accessible and can be printed or used digitally, making it more convenient for your clients to participate in their therapy. You and your client can refer back to it whenever needed.

It's easy to customize

The Problems and Values ACT Worksheet can be customized according to your client's needs, allowing you to tailor it for each person. You can use this template as a starting point to create more in-depth worksheets that focus on specific areas of growth.

It helps identify core values

Using the worksheet will help bring unconscious values and needs to the surface, allowing clients to make sound decisions aligned with their true selves.

It fosters open communication

The worksheet lets you and your client have a meaningful dialogue about their values, needs, and goals. This helps foster an open and honest line of communication between the two of you.

Why use Carepatron as your ACT Therapy app?

Carepatron is the perfect ACT Therapy software for busy therapists. Our cloud-based practice management solution can help you save time and money and streamline your daily operations!

With Carepatron, you can easily create custom client profiles, manage appointments and insurance claims, generate reports, and more. Plus, our intuitive interface makes it easy to stay organized and keep track of your client's progress.

Our ACT Therapy app is designed with both therapists and clients in mind - making it easier for both parties to access the features they need. Its sophisticated features allow for personalized therapy plans, templates, and worksheets tailored to each client's individual needs. This helps therapists deliver better care while improving outcomes and ensuring patient satisfaction.

Get started today and join the thousands of satisfied practitioners who trust us with all their practice management needs!

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Who uses Problems and Values ACT Worksheets?
Who uses Problems and Values ACT Worksheets?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses Problems and Values ACT Worksheets?

Mental health professionals can use Problems and Values ACT Worksheets to help clients identify their values, needs, and goals. This worksheet can help foster an open and honest dialogue about these important topics.

What are the benefits of using a Problems and Values ACT Worksheet?

Using the Problems and Values ACT Worksheet can help bring unconscious values and needs to the surface, allowing clients to make sound decisions aligned with their true selves. It also allows you and your client to have a meaningful dialogue about their values, needs, and goals.

When would you use a Problems and Values ACT Worksheet?

You can utilize a Problems and Values ACT Worksheet during a session or as homework in between sessions to help your client identify their values, needs, and goals. Providing guidance and feedback when necessary is important since this worksheet can help your client make significant life decisions.

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