Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet

Help couples move past arguments and strengthen their relationship by having them answer a Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or , developed in the 1980s by psychologist Steven Hayes, is an action-oriented psychotherapy rooted in traditional behavior and cognitive-behavioral therapy. It’s used by mental health professionals with ACT training, like licensed and experienced therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors. These professionals utilize their ACT training to address various mental and physical conditions, such as OCD, depression, anxiety, psychosis, eating disorders, chronic pain, stress, and substance abuse.

In the context of ACT, mental health professionals treat these clients by teaching them to accept instead of deny, avoid, or struggle with their feelings. Individuals are also taught that feelings are appropriate and normal responses to any experience, thought, and situation. More specifically, ACT sessions aim to help the clients develop the following core processes:

  • Acceptance: Accepting any negative thought or feeling and allowing them to happen without denying or wanting to change them.
  • Cognitive Defusion: Changing how they react to their thoughts or feelings from negative and harmful to those that are more positive and beneficial to their well-being.
  • Being Present or Mindfulness: Being more present in or observing events/thoughts without judgment or wanting to change them.
  • Self as Context: Accepting that the client is not a sum of their thoughts, experiences, and emotions and is not defined by what happens to them.
  • Values: Determining the values they strive to live for.
  • Committed Action: Taking the steps needed to improve their lives amidst difficult situations, thoughts, and experiences with the help of the information and tools provided by the referring physician.

ACT is used to improve relationships by teaching the involved parties how to accept one’s and their partner’s flaws and encourage them to take action towards strengthening their relationship, even if it’s uncomfortable or challenging.

Printable Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet

Download this Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet to help clients strengthen relationships.

How to use the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet:

Access and Download the Template

To access and download a printable, digital file of the “Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet,” you can click the “Use the Template” or “Download Template” button or search for the worksheet by entering “Creating a Forgiveness ACT Worksheet” in Carepatron’s template library’s search bar on the website or app. 

Fill Out the Template

Since our worksheet template includes instructions written in layman's terms, you may provide them with a copy when needed. 

However, if it’s their first time creating a forgiveness ritual, you may go over the different sections with the couple and explain each. Assure them they can contact you if they have clarifications or questions. You may also show them our sample template so they know what to write down. 

Discuss the Template

As soon as the client is finished filling out the template, with their consent, you may discuss the template to determine what you and the couple can work on in future couples therapy sessions. 

Securely Store

Once completed, remind your patients to store it securely or give you the digital file to store on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant EHR, which only you and them can access. 

Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet Example

We provided a sample of the filled-out “Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet” available as a printable and digitally fillable PDF file. You may use this as an educational resource or guide. Note that the answers in the example worksheet are fictional. 

Get an offline sample copy by clicking the “Download Example PDF” or viewing the document below. 

Download this Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet Example:

Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet Example

When would you use this Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet?

Therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, or any healthcare professional who has undergone additional training in ACT and specializes in giving couples therapy can use the “Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet?”. They can use it on clients who argue and need assistance with forgiveness to strengthen their relationship. They may also use it when the couple has just made up and is looking for activities to help with their bond. 

What are the benefits of using this Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet?

Encourage Self-Awareness

Answering the first part of the worksheet encourages the patient to be more self-aware of what they’ve been holding on to, identify how their words/actions have hurt their relationship, and determine the values of what they consider a better relationship. Aside from those, it teaches the client to be more self-aware and manage their feelings/thoughts no matter how painful. 

Simple to Use

Not only can they answer it as soon as you give it to them, but if you provide them with multiple copies, they can easily replicate the process of creating a forgiveness ritual without your help. 

Structure and Guidance

Creating a forgiveness ritual, especially if it’s their first time, can be intimidating. With a worksheet, they’ll have structure and guidance on how to go about creating one. 

Easily Accessible

If the client decides to use the digital file. In that case, they can complete it on a PDF editor on any gadget they have on hand and easily access the worksheets stored in Carepatron’s secure HIPAA-compliant storage for reference, guidance, etc. In addition, the referring physician can also quickly access said worksheet/s whenever they need to use it during therapy sessions.

Why use Carepatron as your Acceptance and Commitment Therapy app?

Thousands of mental health practitioners with ACT training and licensed and experienced psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists have been using Carepatron to conduct their couples therapy sessions and efficiently manage their practice. If they can benefit from Carepatron’s tools and features, you can too!

If you download the desktop software or mobile-friendly app, you’ll be equipped to automate tasks and streamline processes such as: 

Managing Your Schedule

Better manage your schedule by allowing your clients to request appointments independently for your approval. All approved appointments can be easily organized on your Google/iCal calendar and our built-in calendar with our sync feature and tags/colors.  

Remind Clients

Remind clients of upcoming appointments and payment dues by setting up a system that can send automated reminders via SMS and email. 

Create Medical Documents, Notes, and Invoices

With over 1,000 customizable and printable templates of medical documents, invoices, and SOAP notes, you don’t have to create these records from scratch. 

Storing Client Information and Essential Records

If you store your digital documents and client information on Carepatron, rest assured that your records are safe in our HIPAA-compliant EHR, only to be accessed by your client and relevant practitioners. 

Handling Payments

With Carepatron, you can now offer more accessible payment options and quickly process payments on Carepatron.

But these aren’t all you can do on Carepatron! Discover how you can improve the caliber of your practice today with Carepatron by signing up for a free account today!

Electronic Health Records Software
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet?
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet?

It usually takes the clients at least an hour to complete the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet, especially if it’s their first time creating such a ritual.

When is this Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet best used?

Clients and practitioners can use the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet during couples therapy sessions or at home after the said couple has a fight/disagreement.

Who can use the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet?

Practitioners who conduct relationship ACT sessions and couples who attend these sessions can use the Creating a Forgiveness Ritual ACT Worksheet.

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