BIRP Notes Template
Download our BIRP Notes Template to enhance the quality of your notes and achieve more effective treatment outcomes.

What is a BIRP Notes Template?
BIRP notes are a form of progress notes that enable healthcare practitioners, mainly mental health professionals, to keep track of a patient's health condition. It stands for Behavior, Intervention, Response, and Plan. Writing BIRP notes not only enhances notetaking procedures, but they can also help you meet insurance and legal obligations and ensure you're developing treatments that directly address the health concerns at hand. The following are the four main components of a BIRP note format:
This involves both subjective and objective information concerning the patient's health condition. As a result, this section typically includes direct quotes, examinations, test results, and professional judgments of the physical state or client's behavior.
This section summarizes the patient's overall health condition but aims to provide goals and objectives. Strategies, such as what exercises or treatments are needed, can be developed here.
The response entails the patient's reaction or client progress throughout the session and with the interventions described in the previous section.
The final section of the BIRP format includes the patient's future course of action and the specific steps that need to be taken.
BIRP Notes Template
BIRP Notes Template Example
How does this BIRP Note Template work?
Knowing where to start can be tricky, especially if you've never used BIRP notes. However, our free BIRP Note Template is easy to use. It's as simple as following the steps below.
Step 1: Download the PDF template
The first step is to access the template within this guide by clicking on the "Use template" to open and customize it within the Carepatron platform. You can also click on "Download" to save a fillable PDF copy that you can print or use digitally.
Step 2: Enter patient information
As you write BIRP notes, it's important to begin with accurately recording basic patient information and relevant details such as the date of the session.
Step 3: Complete the 4 BIRP sections
Comprehend the corresponding client behavior, intervention, response, and plan sections. Only include what is relevant and essential to understanding your patient and their treatment plans. You can also note when the next session will be.
Step 4: Sign and date the note
Once you've completed the BIRP note, include your signature and today's date for authorization.
Step 5: Safely store BIRP notes
Store your completed BIRP notes through secure patient record software that incorporates HIPAA security protocol and procedures. This can protect sensitive patient information and ensure the longevity of your practice.
Benefits of using our BIRP Notes Template
There are many benefits to incorporating our BIRP Notes Template into your practice, including the following:
Minimizes miscommunication
Because BIRP outlines all relevant medical and health information in a transparent format that is also universally accepted and acknowledged, you can communicate evaluations more effectively. This can reduce miscommunication among clinicians, especially when you need to refer the patient or consult with another professional.
Legal and insurance requirements
BIRP notes can protect you in any legal scenarios that may arise, and they can also safeguard you when needing to file insurance claims. You can receive accurate reimbursements, with BIRP notes serving as sufficient evidence for you to refer to the exact treatments and interventions given.
Save time
BIRP notes structure all essential medical information so it can be understood at a glance, meaning you don't have to worry about formatting or what needs to go into the document. You can note all the most important information and cut down on time massively.
Increases accuracy
Similarly, you can develop a more solid framework for treating the patient by noting information according to each section and its requirements. You can be more accurate with your target areas and work towards achieving health goals much faster.
Fosters meaningful relationships
BIRP notes prioritize the patient's needs as they go through treatment, meaning that instead of working ahead, you can work alongside the patient for quicker recovery. This can strengthen professional relationships and lead to more developed evaluations.
Commonly asked questions
BIRP and SOAP notes are both common notetaking formats. However, BIRP combines the subjective and objective sections and focuses more on developing specific interventions and how patients respond in real-time.
This is entirely dependent on your practice, resources, specialty, and, of course, your client's needs. You should, however, outline all interventions used within the single session with the patient, as there is no limit.
A good rule of thumb when writing notes is to keep them within 1-2 pages. Anything beyond this is considered excessive. Remember to be succinct and concise, as this will improve your comprehension of other healthcare providers who may use or refer to your notes.