Hypogonadism ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

Discover the commonly used ICD-10 codes for hypogonadism, including clinical descriptions. Learn about billable codes & get clinical information on this condition.

By Wynona Jugueta on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Hypogonadism ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Hypogonadism?

Hypogonadism, a medical condition marked by insufficient production of sex hormones (estrogen in women, testosterone in men), can be primarily due to gonadal dysfunction or secondary to pituitary or hypothalamic disorders. The International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition (ICD-10) codes facilitate identification and classification.

The ICD-10 codes for Hypogonadism include:

  • E29.1: Testicular Hypofunction: This code is used for conditions such as 5-alpha-reductase deficiency (which causes male pseudohermaphroditism), defective biosynthesis of testicular androgen NOS, and nonspecific testicular Hypogonadism.
  • E29.8: Other testicular dysfunction: This code encompasses other testicular dysfunctions that aren't categorized under a different code.
  • E29.9: Testicular dysfunction, unspecified: This code is used when a specific type of testicular dysfunction isn't specified.
  • E28.39: Other primary ovarian failures: This code identifies conditions like primary ovarian Hypogonadism, where the ovaries fail to produce normal amounts of hormones.
  • E23.0: Hypopituitarism: This code signifies hypopituitarism, wherein the pituitary gland doesn't produce adequate amounts of certain hormones. It's used for conditions like pituitary Hypogonadism.
  • E23.7: Disorder of the Pituitary Gland, unspecified: This code is used when a specific type of pituitary gland disorder is not indicated.

These codes offer a reliable means of classifying, diagnosing, and managing patients with Hypogonadism. Accurate coding is crucial for understanding the disease's prevalence, its comorbidities, and the efficacy of treatment strategies. They are integral to processing health insurance claims and enable healthcare professionals to ensure patients receive the appropriate care.

Furthermore, these codes facilitate epidemiological studies, aid in allocating resources within the healthcare system, and provide a universally accepted definition of diseases. 

To better understand Hypogonadism ICD codes, check out Carepatron's explainer video and resources. 

Understanding these codes can enable better patient care, more accurate diagnoses, and streamlined healthcare administration.

Which Hypogonadism ICD codes are Billable?

The commonly used codes for hypogonadism, E29.1, E29.8, E29.9, E28.39, E23.0, and E23.7, are all billable codes. These are used in medical billing and coding to reimburse medical services related to Hypogonadism.

Clinical Information

  • Hypogonadism can result from a problem with the testicles (primary Hypogonadism) or the hypothalamus or pituitary gland (secondary Hypogonadism).
  • Conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome, hemochromatosis, mumps, and injury to the testicles can lead to primary Hypogonadism.
  • Conditions like Kallmann syndrome, pituitary gland disorders, inflammatory diseases, and the use of certain medications can cause Secondary Hypogonadism.
  • Symptoms vary based on the sex of the patient and include hair loss, muscle loss, abnormal breast growth, decreased penis and testicular growth, osteoporosis, low sexual drive, infertility in men, lack of menstruation, slow or absent breast growth, and hot flashes in women.

Synonyms Include:

  • Testicular hypofunction
  • Testicular dysfunction
  • Primary ovarian failure
  • Hypopituitarism
  • Disorder of the pituitary gland
Medical Billing and Coding Software

Commonly asked questions

When should I use a Hypogonadism ICD code?

Hypogonadism ICD codes are used when diagnosing a patient with Hypogonadism or when Hypogonadism is a significant factor in the patient's medical treatment.

Are Hypogonadism diagnoses billable?

Yes, hypogonadism diagnoses are billable. They are used in the medical billing process for reimbursement purposes.

What are the common treatments for Hypogonadism Diagnosis Codes?

The common treatment for male Hypogonadism is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). It can alleviate many symptoms of male Hypogonadism, including increased libido, improved mood, and overall quality of life.

What does a diagnosis code for Hypogonadism mean?

A diagnosis code for Hypogonadism, such as ICD-10 code E29.1, is used to categorize and diagnose a form of Hypogonadism. It helps with consistent condition documentation and is used for medical billing and reimbursement purposes.

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