Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome ICD-10-CM Codes
Read this short guide and learn about obesity hypoventilation syndrome ICD codes you can use.

What obesity hypoventilation syndrome ICD codes can I use?
If you’re looking for obesity hypoventilation syndrome ICD codes to use, there is only one: E66.2 - Morbid (severe) obesity with alveolar hypoventilation. This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have morbid/severe obesity, and they are suffering from alveolar hypoventilation as a result.
Alveolar Hypoventilation is a respiratory disorder characterized by an inadequate number of breaths per minute. Normally, the brain prompts the body to breathe at a faster rate when blood oxygen levels are below normal or carbon dioxide levels are elevated. However, individuals with Alveolar Hypoventilation do not receive these signals, resulting in a lack of respiratory adjustment.
Is this obesity hypoventilation syndrome ICD code billable?
Yes, this obesity hypoventilation syndrome-related ICD-10 code is valid and billable.
Clinical information about obesity hypoventilation syndrome:
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome is the result of being morbidly or severely obese. This type of problem is characterized by Alveolar Hypoventilation which happens when the person with the syndrome is awake and asleep.
As mentioned, Alveolar Hypoventilation is a type of breathing problem characterized by not being able to take enough breaths in a minute, and the brain doesn’t activate to send signals to make the person breathe faster whenever oxygen levels in the blood are low or if the carbon dioxide levels are high.
Obesity worsens this type of breathing disorder because the weight pushing against the chest can make breathing more difficult.
Those who have this syndrome will have the following symptoms:
- They easily become fatigued and will feel sluggish and sleepy
- They are prone to feeling dizzy and having headaches
- They will have shortness of breath
Commonly asked questions
No. The code we specified above is the one that is specific for Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome.
Healthcare professionals will measure a patient’s weight and height, calculate their Body Mass Index, measure their waist and neck circumference, conduct physical and lung exams, and even a sleep study in case the syndrome is accompanied by sleep apnea.
Some patients will have to use a CPAP machine or other breathing device at night to help keep their airways open when asleep. Some will have to undergo dietary changes and exercise to lose weight. Some professionals will prescribe weight loss medication or surgery.