Metabolic Acidosis ICD-10-CM Codes

Read this short guide and learn about metabolic acidosis ICD codes you can use. Learn clinical information and billing details here.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Metabolic Acidosis ICD-10-CM Codes

What metabolic acidosis ICD codes can I use?

Here are four metabolic acidosis ICD codes to use for certain patients:

  • E87.20 - Acidosis, unspecified

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have acidosis. In the case of this ICD-10 code, it is not specified if it is acute or chronic. If all you know is that the patient has acidosis, you can use this code, but if you’re able to determine if it’s acute or chronic, use a more specific ICD-10 code.

  • E87.21 - Acute metabolic acidosis

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have an acute metabolic acidosis.

  • E87.22 - Chronic metabolic acidosis

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have chronic metabolic acidosis.

  • P74.0 - Late metabolic acidosis of newborn

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a newborn patient confirmed to have late metabolic acidosis.

Are these metabolic acidosis ICD codes billable?

Yes. All four of the metabolic acidosis-related ICD-10 codes listed above are valid and billable.

Clinical information about metabolic acidosis:

  • Metabolic acidosis is a serious condition characterized by an imbalance in the body's acid-base, resulting in excessive acidity in the blood.
  • It occurs when the body produces too much acid or when the kidneys cannot remove enough acid from the body.
  • Common causes include chronic alcohol use, kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, and certain poisonous ingestions.
  • Symptoms may include rapid breathing, confusion, fatigue, headache, sleepiness, lack of appetite, or increased heart rate.
  • Diagnosis often involves blood tests to check bicarbonate levels and arterial blood gases.
  • Treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying cause and may include intravenous fluid administration, medications to balance pH levels, and in severe cases, dialysis.
  • Left untreated, metabolic acidosis can lead to shock or death. Regular monitoring and early treatment are crucial to prevent serious complications.

Synonyms include:

  • Metabolic acidosis due to diabetes mellitus
  • Metabolic acidosis due to ethylene glycol
  • Metabolic acidosis due to grain overload
  • Metabolic acidosis due to ingestion of drugs AND/OR chemicals
  • Metabolic acidosis due to methanol
  • Metabolic acidosis due to paraldehyde
  • Metabolic acidosis due to salicylate
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Commonly asked questions

Are there other ICD codes specific for metabolic acidosis?

No. These are the only ones that specifically mention metabolic acidosis in their names.

How is metabolic acidosis detected/diagnosed?

Blood tests and urine tests.

How is metabolic acidosis treated?

That depends on what’s causing it. Metabolic acidosis can be caused by diabetes and kidney problems, so if your patients are dealing with such problems, they must be addressed.

For treatment not necessarily tied to underlying problems, people can purchase over-the-counter medicines like sodium citrate and sodium bicarbonates, which are good choices because they can help with balancing the amount of acid in the body.

Professionals may prescribe inotropes because it can help boost the amount of oxygen your body gets and lower the amount of acid in the body.

Dietary changes can also help. Patients should consult with dietitians.

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