Lipid ICD-10-CM Codes

A comprehensive guide to ICD-10 Codes for lipid disorders. Learn about commonly used codes, their clinical descriptions, billable status, synonyms, and FAQs.

By Chloe Smith on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Lipid ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Lipid?

Understanding the specific ICD-10 codes for lipid disorders is crucial for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and medical billing. These codes help medical professionals track and treat conditions related to abnormal levels of lipids in the blood.

E78.0: Pure Hypercholesterolemia

This code is used for conditions where only cholesterol levels are elevated.

E78.1: Pure Hyperglyceridemia

This code is used when only triglycerides are elevated in the blood.

E78.2: Mixed Hyperlipidemia

This code is used when both cholesterol and triglycerides are elevated.

E78.4: Other Hyperlipidemia

This code can be used for other types of lipid abnormalities.

E78.5: Hyperlipidemia, Unspecified

This code is used when the type of lipid disorder is not specified.

Which Lipid Disorders ICD codes are Billable:

  • E78.0: Yes
  • E78.1: Yes
  • E78.2: Yes
  • E78.4: Yes
  • E78.5: Yes

Clinical Information

  • Lipid disorders are conditions with an imbalance of cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood.
  • Diet, genetic factors, or other underlying conditions can cause them.
  • Symptoms are often silent, but risks include cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diagnosis usually involves blood tests.
  • Treatment can involve lifestyle changes, medication, or, more rarely, surgical procedures.

Synonyms Include:

  • High cholesterol
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia
  • High triglycerides
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Lipid metabolism disorder
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Commonly asked questions

When to use a Lipid Disorders ICD code?

These codes are used for diagnosis, treatment, and billing related to lipid imbalances in the medical setting.

What are the common treatments for Lipid Disorders Diagnosis Codes?

Treatment generally involves lifestyle changes like diet and exercise, medications such as statins or fibrates, and ongoing monitoring.

What does a diagnosis code for Lipid Disorders mean?

A standardized code that defines and categorizes specific types of lipid disorders, aiding in medical billing, research, and patient care.

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