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Få mest muligt ud af dine møder med vores strukturerede skabelon til mødereferat, som indeholder en mødedagsorden og handlingspunkter.
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Maladaptiv dagdrømmetest

Maladaptiv dagdrømmetest

Få adgang til en maladaptiv dagdrømmetest. Brug det som en screener eller til forskning i den maladaptive dagdrømmehåndteringsmekanisme.
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Snydeark om traumeinformeret pleje

Snydeark om traumeinformeret pleje

Lås op for medfølende pleje med vores Trauma-Informed Care Cheat Sheet - din vigtige guide til at fremme helbredelse og forståelse i enhver interaktion.
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Terapibrev til retten

Terapibrev til retten

Udforsk vores guide til skrivning af Therapy Letters for Court, der tilbyder skabeloner og indsigt til terapeuter til effektivt at støtte klienters juridiske sager.
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Udforsk Autism Pattern Recognition Test for at forstå mønstergenkendelse i autisme. Få adgang til en gratis PDF til din kliniske praksis.
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Self-Determination Scale

Self-Determination Scale

Access a free Arc's Self-Determination Scale template. Use this resource to assess student self-determination skills.
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Classical Conditioning Techniques

Classical Conditioning Techniques

Discover effective Classical Conditioning Techniques for behavioral therapy with our comprehensive template!
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Social Provisions Scale

Social Provisions Scale

The Social Provisions Scale (SPS) is a tool for measuring the perceived availability of social support. Download Carepatron's free SPS PDF template here.
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Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Handout

Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Handout

Download the handout to understand the Cannon-Bard Theory of simultaneous experience and physical reactions.
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ABC Please DBT Handout PDF

ABC Please DBT Handout PDF

Access the ABC Please DBT Handout to guide clients through distress tolerance and emotional regulation. Get it now for free!
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Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet

Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet

Help couples reflect on their relationships, identify successes, and address any challenges. Download this Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet for free.
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Use our BIS/BAS assessment, measuring behavioral inhibition and activation systems to understand reward sensitivity, affective responses, and personality traits.
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Color Your Feelings Worksheet

Color Your Feelings Worksheet

Discover how the Color Your Feelings Worksheet in art therapy helps individuals express emotions through color, fostering self-awareness and emotional insight.
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Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)

Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)

Understand the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and how to utilize it in relationship therapy to resolve conflicts, and strengthen emotional connection between partners.
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Patience Worksheet

Patience Worksheet

Use our Patience Worksheet to help clients reflect on their experiences and develop strategies to manage impatience effectively.
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Explore the Male Role Norms Inventory (MRNI), a tool for assessing masculinity ideologies, health behaviors, and gender role attitudes in research.
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Emotional Regulation Chart

Emotional Regulation Chart

Click to download the free Emotion Regulation Chart here and learn strategies on how to regulate emotions.
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Flourishing Scale

Flourishing Scale

Use this Flourishing Scale template to measure a client's social–psychological pros- perity. Incorporate this in your assessment toolkit for free.
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Download our WEMWBS template to assess, monitor, and promote mental well-being.
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Relationship Scales Questionnaire

Relationship Scales Questionnaire

Learn about the Relationship Scales Questionnaire, a useful psychometric tool for continuous measurement of adult attachment.
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Milieu Therapy: Help Clients Navigate Their Mental Health

Milieu Therapy: Help Clients Navigate Their Mental Health

Gain insight into the milieu therapy approach and learn how the environment can impact patients' mental health and well-being.
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Self-Care Counseling

Self-Care Counseling

Gain insights about the concept of Self-Care Counseling and its potential impact on your patients' well-being.
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Understanding Trauma Bonding: Signs and Recovery Strategies

Understanding Trauma Bonding: Signs and Recovery Strategies

Trauma bonding is an unhealthy emotional connection that makes leaving abuse difficult. Learn the signs and strategies to break trauma bonds and help clients heal.
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Lær hvordan reattributionsterapi i CBT hjælper patienter med at overvinde negativ tænkning og følelsesmæssig nød.
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Udforsk mor-datter-terapiaktiviteter for at forbedre relationer, adressere konflikter, og fremme følelsesmæssigt velvære.
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Udforsk de forskellige typer hærrådgivning, anvendte teknikker, og deres fordele ved at forbedre militær disciplin, præstation, og personlig vækst. Læs mere!
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Transformer patientinteraktioner med transaktionsanalysestrategier. Lær flere teknikker her!
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New Medical Innovations Shaping the Future of Healthcare

Learn about the latest medical innovations and breakthroughs shaping the future of healthcare, improving patient outcomes, safety, and medical treatments.
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Menopause and Mental Health

Help your patients manage menopause and protect their mental health. Learn how hormonal changes affect mood, anxiety, and emotional well-being.
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Identifying and Supporting Glass Children

Learn how glass child syndrome affects healthy siblings of special needs children and how you can offer support.
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Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset: Strategies for Patients

Learn strategies to help patients overcome a scarcity mindset, improve mental health, and shift to an abundant mindset for a more fulfilling life.
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Navigating Social Media and Mental Health: Tips for a Balanced Online Life

Learn how social media affects mental health, its risks, and strategies to help clients balance usage while promoting well-being.
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10 Etiske spørgsmål i rådgivning

Udforsk etikens afgørende rolle i rådgivning, sikring af tillid, sikkerhed og respekt i det terapeutiske forhold for klientens velvære.
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11 Engagerende ideer til rådgivning i gruppeterapi

Udforsk nogle ideer til at berige dine rådgivningsgruppeterapisessioner og forbedre klientresultater.
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