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Carepatron의 상담 자료는 다양한 실무자의 요구에 맞게 맞춤화된 다양한 템플릿과 가이드를 제공합니다.쉽게 이용할 수 있는 이러한 자료는 광범위한 상담 주제를 다루며 다양한 배경을 가진 전문가들에게 귀중한 지원을 제공합니다.다운로드 가능한 템플릿은 유용한 안내서로 보완되어 상담 실습의 효율성을 높입니다.

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회의 의사록

회의 의사록

회의 안건과 실행 항목이 포함된 구조화된 회의록 템플릿을 사용하여 회의를 최대한 활용하세요.
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부적응 백일몽 테스트

부적응 백일몽 테스트

부적응 백일몽 테스트를 이용할 수 있습니다.스크리너로 사용하거나 부적응적 백일몽에 대한 대처 메커니즘을 연구하는 데 사용하세요.
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트라우마 인포메이션 케어 치트 시트

트라우마 인포메이션 케어 치트 시트

모든 상호작용에서 치유와 이해를 촉진하는 데 필수적인 가이드인 트라우마 정보 치료 치트 시트로 자비로운 치료를 받으십시오.
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법원을 위한 치료 서신

법원을 위한 치료 서신

치료사가 고객의 법적 소송을 효과적으로 지원할 수 있도록 템플릿과 통찰력을 제공하는 법원을 위한 치료 서신 작성에 관한 가이드를 살펴보세요.
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자폐 패턴 인식 테스트

자폐 패턴 인식 테스트

자폐증의 패턴 인식을 이해하려면 자폐 패턴 인식 테스트를 살펴보세요.임상 실습을 위한 무료 PDF를 이용할 수 있습니다.
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Self-Determination Scale

Self-Determination Scale

Access a free Arc's Self-Determination Scale template. Use this resource to assess student self-determination skills.
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Classical Conditioning Techniques

Classical Conditioning Techniques

Discover effective Classical Conditioning Techniques for behavioral therapy with our comprehensive template!
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Social Provisions Scale

Social Provisions Scale

The Social Provisions Scale (SPS) is a tool for measuring the perceived availability of social support. Download Carepatron's free SPS PDF template here.
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Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Handout

Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Handout

Download the handout to understand the Cannon-Bard Theory of simultaneous experience and physical reactions.
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ABC Please DBT Handout PDF

ABC Please DBT Handout PDF

Access the ABC Please DBT Handout to guide clients through distress tolerance and emotional regulation. Get it now for free!
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Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet

Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet

Help couples reflect on their relationships, identify successes, and address any challenges. Download this Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet for free.
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Use our BIS/BAS assessment, measuring behavioral inhibition and activation systems to understand reward sensitivity, affective responses, and personality traits.
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Color Your Feelings Worksheet

Color Your Feelings Worksheet

Discover how the Color Your Feelings Worksheet in art therapy helps individuals express emotions through color, fostering self-awareness and emotional insight.
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Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)

Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)

Understand the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and how to utilize it in relationship therapy to resolve conflicts, and strengthen emotional connection between partners.
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Patience Worksheet

Patience Worksheet

Use our Patience Worksheet to help clients reflect on their experiences and develop strategies to manage impatience effectively.
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Explore the Male Role Norms Inventory (MRNI), a tool for assessing masculinity ideologies, health behaviors, and gender role attitudes in research.
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Emotional Regulation Chart

Emotional Regulation Chart

Click to download the free Emotion Regulation Chart here and learn strategies on how to regulate emotions.
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Flourishing Scale

Flourishing Scale

Use this Flourishing Scale template to measure a client's social–psychological pros- perity. Incorporate this in your assessment toolkit for free.
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Download our WEMWBS template to assess, monitor, and promote mental well-being.
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Relationship Scales Questionnaire

Relationship Scales Questionnaire

Learn about the Relationship Scales Questionnaire, a useful psychometric tool for continuous measurement of adult attachment.
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Milieu Therapy: Help Clients Navigate Their Mental Health

Milieu Therapy: Help Clients Navigate Their Mental Health

Gain insight into the milieu therapy approach and learn how the environment can impact patients' mental health and well-being.
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Self-Care Counseling

Self-Care Counseling

Gain insights about the concept of Self-Care Counseling and its potential impact on your patients' well-being.
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Understanding Trauma Bonding: Signs and Recovery Strategies

Understanding Trauma Bonding: Signs and Recovery Strategies

Trauma bonding is an unhealthy emotional connection that makes leaving abuse difficult. Learn the signs and strategies to break trauma bonds and help clients heal.
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리어트리뷰션 테라피

리어트리뷰션 테라피

CBT의 리어트리뷰션 테라피가 환자가 부정적인 사고와 정서적 고통을 극복하는 데 어떻게 도움이 되는지 알아보십시오.
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어머니-딸 치료 활동

어머니-딸 치료 활동

관계를 강화하고, 갈등을 해결하고, 정서적 웰빙을 증진하기 위한 모녀 치료 활동을 살펴보세요.
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육군 상담

육군 상담

다양한 유형의 군대 상담, 사용되는 기술 및 군사 규율, 성과 및 개인적 성장을 향상시키는 데 미치는 이점을 살펴보십시오.더 읽어보세요!
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트랜잭션 분석

트랜잭션 분석

트랜잭션 분석 전략으로 환자 상호작용을 혁신하세요.여기에서 더 많은 기술을 알아보세요!
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New Medical Innovations Shaping the Future of Healthcare

Learn about the latest medical innovations and breakthroughs shaping the future of healthcare, improving patient outcomes, safety, and medical treatments.
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Menopause and Mental Health

Help your patients manage menopause and protect their mental health. Learn how hormonal changes affect mood, anxiety, and emotional well-being.
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Identifying and Supporting Glass Children

Learn how glass child syndrome affects healthy siblings of special needs children and how you can offer support.
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Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset: Strategies for Patients

Learn strategies to help patients overcome a scarcity mindset, improve mental health, and shift to an abundant mindset for a more fulfilling life.
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Navigating Social Media and Mental Health: Tips for a Balanced Online Life

Learn how social media affects mental health, its risks, and strategies to help clients balance usage while promoting well-being.
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상담의 10가지 윤리적 문제

상담에서 윤리가 내담자의 웰빙을 위한 치료적 관계에서 신뢰, 안전 및 존중을 보장하는 데 있어 윤리의 중요한 역할을 살펴보세요.
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상담 그룹 치료를 위한 11가지 매력적인 아이디어

상담 그룹 치료 세션을 풍부하게 하고 내담자의 성과를 개선할 수 있는 몇 가지 아이디어를 살펴보세요.
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