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Transition from Hospital to Home: Tips for Success

Transition from Hospital to Home: Tips for Success

Transitioning from the hospital to home can overwhelm patients. Read this guide to get tips for a successful transition to ensure a safe recovery process.
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An Overview of Deep Brain Reorienting

An Overview of Deep Brain Reorienting

Learn how Deep Brain Reorienting offers a transformative approach to effectively heal trauma.
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Medical Menopause: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Medical Menopause: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Learn about medical menopause, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Explore how to help clients manage hormonal changes, and reduce health risks.
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Understanding Traumatic Birth and Helping Patients Recover

Understanding Traumatic Birth and Helping Patients Recover

Gain understanding of a traumatic birth experience to help clients navigate maternal mental health and move towards recovery.
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Transmagnetic Stimulation: Uses, Benefits, and Risks

Transmagnetic Stimulation: Uses, Benefits, and Risks

Learn about transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), its mechanism, applications, benefits, and potential risks.
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Telesurgery: Definition and Impacts in Healthcare

Telesurgery: Definition and Impacts in Healthcare

Learn how telesurgery reshapes healthcare and enhances access. Discover its impact on modern medical practices.
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Intimacy Trauma: Healing from Relationship Disruptions

Intimacy Trauma: Healing from Relationship Disruptions

Learn more about intimacy trauma, its impacts, and how you can help clients navigate intimacy and relationship disruptions.
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Milieu Therapy: Help Clients Navigate Their Mental Health

Milieu Therapy: Help Clients Navigate Their Mental Health

Gain insight into the milieu therapy approach and learn how the environment can impact patients' mental health and well-being.
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Self-Care Counseling

Self-Care Counseling

Gain insights about the concept of Self-Care Counseling and its potential impact on your patients' well-being.
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Understanding Bowlby's Attachment Theory Stages

Understanding Bowlby's Attachment Theory Stages

Learn about Bowlby’s attachment theory, stages of attachment, and their impact on social and emotional development.
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Urge Surfing: Definition, Technique, Benefits, and Limitations

Urge Surfing: Definition, Technique, Benefits, and Limitations

Learn about urge surfing, a mindfulness technique that helps manage cravings, build self-control, and support relapse prevention.
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Biohacking: Definition, Types, and Tips for Patients

Biohacking: Definition, Types, and Tips for Patients

Understand biohacking, its techniques, and safety considerations to effectively guide patients in exploring health optimization.
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