Os recursos de aconselhamento da Carepatron oferecem uma variedade versátil de modelos e guias personalizados para atender às necessidades de vários profissionais. Esses recursos prontamente disponíveis abrangem um amplo espectro de tópicos de aconselhamento, fornecendo suporte valioso para profissionais de diferentes origens. Os modelos para download são complementados por guias informativos, aumentando a eficácia da prática de aconselhamento.
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Atas da reunião
Aproveite ao máximo suas reuniões com nosso modelo estruturado de ata de reunião, que inclui uma pauta de reunião e itens de ação.

Teste de devaneio desadaptativo
Tenha acesso a um teste de sonhar acordado desadaptativo. Use-o como um rastreador ou para pesquisar o mecanismo de enfrentamento do devaneio mal-adaptativo.
Folha de dicas sobre cuidados informados sobre traumas
Descubra o cuidado compassivo com nossa folha de dicas sobre cuidados informados sobre traumas, seu guia essencial para promover a cura e a compreensão em cada interação.
Carta de terapia para o tribunal
Explore nosso guia sobre como escrever cartas de terapia para tribunais, oferecendo modelos e ideias para terapeutas apoiarem os casos legais dos clientes de forma eficaz.
Teste de reconhecimento de padrões de autismo
Explore o Teste de Reconhecimento de Padrões de Autismo para entender o reconhecimento de padrões no autismo. Acesse um PDF gratuito para sua prática clínica.
Self-Determination Scale
Access a free Arc's Self-Determination Scale template. Use this resource to assess student self-determination skills.
Classical Conditioning Techniques
Discover effective Classical Conditioning Techniques for behavioral therapy with our comprehensive template!
Social Provisions Scale
The Social Provisions Scale (SPS) is a tool for measuring the perceived availability of social support. Download Carepatron's free SPS PDF template here.
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion Handout
Download the handout to understand the Cannon-Bard Theory of simultaneous experience and physical reactions.
ABC Please DBT Handout PDF
Access the ABC Please DBT Handout to guide clients through distress tolerance and emotional regulation. Get it now for free!
Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet
Help couples reflect on their relationships, identify successes, and address any challenges. Download this Weekly Marriage Check-in Worksheet for free.
Use our BIS/BAS assessment, measuring behavioral inhibition and activation systems to understand reward sensitivity, affective responses, and personality traits.
Color Your Feelings Worksheet
Discover how the Color Your Feelings Worksheet in art therapy helps individuals express emotions through color, fostering self-awareness and emotional insight.
Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)
Understand the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and how to utilize it in relationship therapy to resolve conflicts, and strengthen emotional connection between partners.
Patience Worksheet
Use our Patience Worksheet to help clients reflect on their experiences and develop strategies to manage impatience effectively.
Explore the Male Role Norms Inventory (MRNI), a tool for assessing masculinity ideologies, health behaviors, and gender role attitudes in research.
Emotional Regulation Chart
Click to download the free Emotion Regulation Chart here and learn strategies on how to regulate emotions.
Flourishing Scale
Use this Flourishing Scale template to measure a client's social–psychological pros- perity. Incorporate this in your assessment toolkit for free.
Download our WEMWBS template to assess, monitor, and promote mental well-being.
Relationship Scales Questionnaire
Learn about the Relationship Scales Questionnaire, a useful psychometric tool for continuous measurement of adult attachment.

Milieu Therapy: Help Clients Navigate Their Mental Health
Gain insight into the milieu therapy approach and learn how the environment can impact patients' mental health and well-being.
Self-Care Counseling
Gain insights about the concept of Self-Care Counseling and its potential impact on your patients' well-being.

Understanding Trauma Bonding: Signs and Recovery Strategies
Trauma bonding is an unhealthy emotional connection that makes leaving abuse difficult. Learn the signs and strategies to break trauma bonds and help clients heal.
Terapia de reatribuição
Saiba como a terapia de reatribuição na TCC ajuda os pacientes a superar o pensamento negativo e o sofrimento emocional.
Atividades de terapia mãe-filha
Explore as atividades de terapia mãe-filha para melhorar os relacionamentos, resolver conflitos e promover o bem-estar emocional.
Aconselhamento militar
Explore os vários tipos de aconselhamento militar, as técnicas usadas e seus benefícios no aprimoramento da disciplina militar, do desempenho e do crescimento pessoal. Leia mais!
Análise transacional
Transforme as interações dos pacientes com estratégias de análise transacional. Aprenda mais técnicas aqui!

New Medical Innovations Shaping the Future of Healthcare
Learn about the latest medical innovations and breakthroughs shaping the future of healthcare, improving patient outcomes, safety, and medical treatments.

Menopause and Mental Health
Help your patients manage menopause and protect their mental health. Learn how hormonal changes affect mood, anxiety, and emotional well-being.

Identifying and Supporting Glass Children
Learn how glass child syndrome affects healthy siblings of special needs children and how you can offer support.

Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset: Strategies for Patients
Learn strategies to help patients overcome a scarcity mindset, improve mental health, and shift to an abundant mindset for a more fulfilling life.

Navigating Social Media and Mental Health: Tips for a Balanced Online Life
Learn how social media affects mental health, its risks, and strategies to help clients balance usage while promoting well-being.
10 questões éticas no aconselhamento
Explore o papel crucial da ética no aconselhamento, garantindo confiança, segurança e respeito na relação terapêutica para o bem-estar do cliente.

11 ideias envolventes para terapia de grupo de aconselhamento
Explore algumas ideias para enriquecer suas sessões de terapia em grupo de aconselhamento e melhorar os resultados dos clientes.
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