Wellness Check

Download our Free Wellness Check Template to streamline patient health assessments and ensure comprehensive care.

By Telita Montales on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Wellness Check Template?

A wellness check template is a meticulously crafted document that healthcare providers employ to conduct a thorough evaluation of an individual's health status. This resource is a roadmap guiding examining various health components, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care.

Central to preventative medicine, the b enables practitioners to systematically record critical health indicators, from biometric data to emotional well-being. It commences with essential patient identifiers and traverses through a comprehensive review of the patient's medical background, ongoing treatment regimens, and lifestyle practices contributing to health outcomes.

The template streamlines the data collection process during health assessments with predefined sections and prompts. It typically encompasses queries related to diet, exercise habits, sleep quality, and stress levels, alongside a detailed checklist for assessing vital signs, organ function, and other physical health parameters. It may also delve into psychological and emotional aspects, facilitating a conversation about mental health, which is integral to overall wellness.

Including a preventive screenings and vaccinations section ensures that the patient's preventive care needs are current and aligned with established health guidelines. The culmination of this evaluation is a tailored care plan featuring recommendations and health goals that align with the individual's unique health profile.

By standardizing the wellness evaluation process, the template promotes thoroughness and enhances the quality of care. It is indispensable in detecting potential health issues early, managing chronic conditions effectively, and encouraging patients to take proactive steps toward a healthier lifestyle. The data it gathers provides a foundational element for follow-up visits, tracking progress, and adjusting care strategies as needed, embodying a continuum of care philosophy.

Printable Wellness Check Template

Download this Wellness Check Template to evaluate an individual's health status thoroughly.

How Does it Work?

Utilizing our printable wellness check template streamlines the comprehensive health assessment process. The structured format guides practitioners through each crucial step to ensure no element of a patient's well-being is missed. Here are the key steps involved:

Personal and Medical History

  • Identification: Record the patient's full name, date of birth, and contact information to personalize the health record.
  • Medical Background: Detail the patient's medical history, chronic conditions, previous hospitalizations, surgeries, and any relevant family medical history that may influence the patient's health status.

Lifestyle Assessment

  • Daily Habits: Evaluate the patient's lifestyle, including diet, physical activity levels, sleep quality, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption, which can impact overall health.
  • Occupational and Social Factors: Document the patient's occupational hazards and social circumstances that might affect health and wellness.

Current Health Status:

  • Symptom Review: Record any symptoms the patient may be experiencing, even if they seem unrelated, to provide clues to underlying health issues.

Physical Examination:

  • Vitals and Physical Health: Perform and document a physical exam, noting vitals such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and Body Mass Index (BMI).

Preventative Screenings and Immunizations:

  • Screening Updates: Include the most recent screenings (e.g., mammograms, colonoscopies) and immunizations to keep preventive measures up-to-date.

Plan of Care:

  • Care Recommendations: Formulate and outline a care plan with actionable goals and health recommendations tailored to the patient's assessment findings.
  • Follow-Up Scheduling: Schedule any necessary follow-up appointments or additional tests required for a comprehensive evaluation and ongoing care.

The standardized format of a printable wellness check template facilitates a complete evaluation and promotes continuity of care by creating a comprehensive and accessible record for future reference.

Wellness Check Example (Sample)

A wellness check template PDF example would detail the structure and content needed for a thorough health assessment. It would start with identifying patient information, followed by a comprehensive medical history section. The example would then outline lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise habits, which are crucial for a complete wellness evaluation. 

Each section would have prompts and checkboxes to guide the healthcare provider through the assessment process, ensuring all critical health aspects are reviewed. This wellness check template PDF serves as an instructional guide on effectively using the wellness check template to maintain and improve patient health.

Download this Wellness Check Template Example: 

Wellness Check Example (Sample)

When Would You Use this Template?

A Wellness Check Template is an indispensable tool for healthcare professionals across various settings, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's health status. Here are specific scenarios and practitioners who would benefit from its use:

  1. Primary Care Providers: For annual wellness visits, the template serves as a guide to systematically review a patient's overall health, update medical records, and identify any changes or emerging health concerns since the last checkup.
  2. Occupational Health Services: Companies and organizations may employ the template during routine employee health screenings to promote workplace wellness and identify work-related health risks.
  3. Educational Institutions: School nurses or health officers use the template to assess students' fitness, track developmental milestones, and manage chronic conditions such as asthma or allergies.
  4. Geriatric Care Specialists: In senior care facilities or in-home care settings, practitioners rely on the template to monitor the health of elderly patients, recognizing the importance of early detection of age-related illnesses.
  5. Post-hospitalization Follow-up: Healthcare providers use the template to evaluate a patient's recovery after discharge from a hospital stay, ensuring they are on the correct recovery path and making any necessary adjustments to their care plan.
  6. Mental Health Professionals: While focusing on mental well-being, therapists may use a modified wellness check template to document factors affecting a patient's mental health and formulate a holistic treatment plan.
  7. Pediatricians: For child wellness visits, which track growth and development, immunizations, and general health.
  8. Chronic Disease Management: Providers managing chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension utilize the template to monitor key health indicators and adjust treatment plans consistently.
  9. Public Health Initiatives: Public health workers conducting community wellness programs can use the template to screen populations for common health issues and provide education on disease prevention.
  10. Telehealth Services: During virtual consultations, the template helps structure the session and ensures that health practitioners remotely cover all necessary health aspects.

By integrating a Wellness Check Template into their practice, healthcare providers can ensure a thorough and consistent approach to patient care, aligning with best practices and enhancing the quality of health evaluations.

What do the Results Mean?

Interpreting the results of our Free Wellness Check Template is a key step in the healthcare journey. The information captured during the check can reveal several crucial health indicators:

  1. Baseline Health Status: Initial results offer a baseline that helps track changes over time, highlighting trends or deviations that may indicate emerging health issues.
  2. Lifestyle Impact: Details about diet, exercise, and habits provide insights into lifestyle influences on health, often prompting recommendations for improvements or changes.
  3. Risk Factor Identification: The presence of risk factors for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular conditions can be flagged, enabling early intervention strategies.
  4. Preventative Measures: Immunization statuses and screening results indicate whether a patient is up-to-date on preventative care, guiding further action if needed.
  5. Management of Existing Conditions: For those with known conditions, the template helps monitor the effectiveness of current management plans, indicating whether treatment adjustments are necessary.
  6. Mental and Emotional Well-being: A comprehensive wellness check also includes mental and emotional health assessments, with results that may prompt referrals for counseling or support services.
  7. Goal Setting: Results can be used to set or reset health goals, whether losing weight, improving fitness, or managing stress.
  8. Actionable Health Plans: Ultimately, the template results in a personalized health plan with recommendations tailored to the individual's unique health profile.

Results from our Free Wellness Check Template are a crucial factor in the decision-making process for both healthcare providers and patients. They form the foundation for a proactive health plan, focusing on prevention, early detection of illnesses, and optimizing overall well-being. Regular wellness checks, interpreted through these templates, are vital for maintaining good health and making informed, proactive lifestyle and medical choices.

Research & Evidence

The inception of wellness check templates can be traced back to the broader movement toward preventive medicine. By formalizing the approach to regular health assessments, these tools encapsulate a commitment to early detection and intervention, a principle strongly supported by research.

Studies have consistently shown that regular wellness checks can lead to the early identification of risk factors and conditions, which is critical for effective treatment and improved outcomes (Smith, J. D., & Thompson, S., 2019). For example, a wellness check that records blood pressure over time can be instrumental in preventing hypertension-related complications through timely management (American Heart Association, 2021).

Research has also demonstrated the cost-effectiveness of such preventive strategies. In one landmark study, it was found that systematic use of wellness check templates in primary care settings was associated with a reduction in hospital admissions for preventable conditions (Davis, K., Collins, S. R., Doty, M. M., Ho, A., & Holmgren, A. L., 2005).

Advancements in medical understanding have guided the evolution of the wellness check template. New screening guidelines and health maintenance recommendations are regularly integrated into these templates, ensuring they reflect the best practices (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2018).

Standardized wellness checks have further enhanced patient-provider communication, leading to increased patient engagement and adherence to recommended lifestyle modifications and treatments (Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S., 2013).

Wellness check templates stand on a robust foundation of evidence advocating their role in promoting health, preventing illness, and optimizing healthcare delivery. A significant body of research underscoring the value of preventive health measures reinforces their continued adaptation and use in practice.

Why Use Carepatron as Your Wellness Check App?

Carepatron stands out as an exemplary Wellness Check Template app and software, offering a comprehensive, intuitive, and powerful platform. It transforms the complexity of wellness checks into a simple, streamlined process, allowing practitioners to dedicate more time to patient care rather than administrative tasks.

With a focus on user experience, Carepatron's platform is designed for effortless navigation, ensuring that no training is necessary to master its features. This ease of use extends to its practice management software, simplifying scheduling, record-keeping, and patient follow-ups.

Security and compliance are non-negotiable in healthcare. Carepatron's globally compliant electronic health records meet the most stringent standards, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST, safeguarding sensitive data with the highest encryption and security protocols.

The platform is built to foster collaboration, functioning as a global practice management system that’s trusted by healthcare providers worldwide. With features like a patient portal software, healthcare teams can efficiently coordinate care, share information, and engage with patients as if they were in the same room.

Additional functionalities include:

By choosing Carepatron, healthcare providers can access an all-encompassing wellness check solution that delivers a beautiful, efficient, and compliant daily user experience.

Practice Management Software


  1. Smith, J. D., & Thompson, S. (2019). The role of primary prevention in health care. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, 46(3), 407-418.
  2. American Heart Association. (2021). Guidelines for Blood Pressure Monitoring at Home. Retrieved from https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure
  3. Davis, K., Collins, S. R., Doty, M. M., Ho, A., & Holmgren, A. L. (2005). Health and productivity among U.S. workers. Issue Brief (Commonwealth Fund), 856, 1-10.
  4. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2018). Procedure Manual. Retrieved from https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org
How do you create a Wellness Check template?
How do you create a Wellness Check template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Wellness Check template?

Creating a wellness check template involves understanding the standard health assessment needs, incorporating sections for personal information, medical history, lifestyle factors, and screening results, and aligning it with current clinical guidelines.

When are Wellness Check Templates used?

Wellness Check Templates are typically used during routine annual physical exams, corporate health screenings, student health services, and senior care assessments, among other situations.

How are the Wellness Check Templates used?

Healthcare providers use the Wellness Check Template to record and monitor various health parameters, provide a comprehensive assessment, and develop a personalized care plan.

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