Psychiatry Interview Template

This Psychiatry Interview Template provides a structured approach to conducting a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. Download a free PDF now.

By Wynona Jugueta on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What are Psychiatry Interviews?

are standardized procedures for conducting a comprehensive psychiatric assessment of patients. These templates aim to ensure that all relevant information is collected during the interview process to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and create an effective treatment plan.

The interview usually begins with an introduction and establishing rapport with the patient. The clinician then assesses the patient's presenting symptoms, including the onset, duration, severity, and associated factors. The clinician also evaluates the patient's medical, psychiatric, and family history, including any past treatments and current medication use.

The clinician assesses the patient's mental status, including their appearance, mood, affect, speech, thought processes, and perceptual disturbances. The interview also covers the patient's social, occupational, and educational history, as well as any substance use.

The Mental Health Specialist formulates a diagnostic impression and discusses a treatment plan with the patient. The treatment plan may include psychotherapy, medication, or other interventions.

Psychiatry Interview templates aim to ensure a thorough and standardized assessment of patients to guide effective treatment planning. These templates may vary slightly depending on the clinician's training and the patient's presenting concerns, but they generally follow a similar structure.

How does this Psychiatry Interview template work?

Psychiatry Interview templates provide a structured approach to conducting a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how Psychiatry Interview templates work:

Step 1: Preparation:

Before conducting the interview, the clinician should review the patient's medical records and gather any relevant information about the patient's medical history, current symptoms, and medication use.

Step 2: Introduction:

The clinician should introduce themselves to the patient and explain the purpose of the interview. They should also obtain the patient's consent to conduct the interview and any necessary assessments.

Step 3: General Information:

The clinician should ask the patient general questions about their demographic information, family history, and social history, including any relevant information about the patient's education, occupation, and hobbies.

Step 4: Current Symptoms:

The clinician should ask the patient about their current symptoms, including the onset, duration, and severity of any psychiatric symptoms such as mood, anxiety, or psychosis. They should also inquire about any associated symptoms, such as sleep disturbance, appetite changes, or suicidal thoughts.

Step 5: Medical History:

The clinician should obtain a detailed medical history from the patient, including any past or current medical conditions, medication use, and history of drug or alcohol use.

Step 6: Psychiatric History:

The clinician should ask the patient about their past psychiatric history, including any previous diagnoses, treatments, and hospitalizations. They should also inquire about any history of trauma or abuse.

Step 7: Mental Status Exam:

The clinician should conduct a mental status exam to assess the patient's current mental state, including their appearance, mood, affect, speech, thought content, and perception.

Step 8: Diagnostic Assessment:

Based on the information gathered during the interview, the clinician should make a diagnostic assessment and provide the patient with a diagnosis.

Step 9: Treatment Plan:

The clinician should develop a treatment plan based on the patient's diagnosis, including medication, therapy, and other interventions as necessary.

Step 10: Follow-up:

The clinician should schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the patient's progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

When to use a Psychiatrist Interview template?

Psychiatry Interview templates are helpful in various instances where a comprehensive and standardized psychiatric assessment is required. These templates are beneficial for clinicians who are new to psychiatric assessments or for those who need to ensure a standardized approach across multiple clinicians or settings.

Here are some common instances when Psychiatry Interview templates can be used:

Initial psychiatric evaluation

These templates can be used for the initial evaluation of patients presenting with mental health symptoms or disorders. It ensures that all relevant information is collected during the assessment process to guide accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Follow-up evaluation

These templates can also be used for follow-up evaluations of patients receiving treatment for mental health disorders. It ensures that clinicians systematically track the patient's progress, identify any ongoing symptoms, and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Psychiatric research

These templates can be used in research studies to ensure that all participants are assessed using a standardized approach. This ensures that the data collected is reliable and valid, allowing for an accurate interpretation of study findings.


These templates can be used in training programs for psychiatric residents, medical students, and other mental health professionals to guide them on the key elements to include in a psychiatric assessment.

Who is this Psychiatry Interview template PDF for?

Psychiatry Interview templates are used by various mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, and other clinicians involved in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.

Here are some of the specific uses of these templates for different users:


Psychiatrists use Psychiatry Interview templates during the initial psychiatric evaluation of patients to guide them in collecting relevant information systematically. They can also use these templates during follow-up evaluations to track the patient's progress and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.


Psychologists can use Psychiatry Interview templates to conduct psychological assessments, which can help to diagnose and treat mental health disorders.

Mental health nurses

Mental health nurses can use Psychiatry Interview templates during the assessment of patients with mental health disorders, including screening for psychiatric symptoms, collecting a patient's medical history, and identifying any co-occurring medical conditions.

Medical students and residents

Psychiatry Interview templates can be used in training programs for psychiatric residents and medical students to teach them the key elements of a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.


Researchers can use Psychiatry Interview templates in clinical research studies to ensure that all participants are assessed using a standardized approach, allowing for accurate interpretation of study findings.

Psychiatry Software Feedback

Benefits of free Psychiatric Interview template

The benefits of using free psychiatry interview templates are numerous. Here are the specific benefits of a free Psychiatric Interview Template:

  • These templates provide a systematic approach to conducting a psychiatric interview, ensuring that all important aspects are covered in a thorough and organized manner. This can lead to more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.
  • These templates save time, as the interviewer does not have to create their own interview guide from scratch.
  • They provide consistency in the interview process, ensuring that all patients are assessed in the same way. This can be particularly helpful in research studies where standardization is crucial.
  • Using these templates can help reduce the risk of missing important details or overlooking crucial information that could impact the patient's diagnosis and treatment plan.
  • These templates can be used as educational resources for medical students and residents learning how to conduct a psychiatric interview.
  • Free psychiatry interview templates are valuable for healthcare professionals to ensure thorough and consistent assessments of their patient's mental health.
What is the purpose of a Psychiatry Interview template?
What is the purpose of a Psychiatry Interview template?

Commonly asked questions

What is the purpose of a Psychiatry Interview template?

The purpose of a Psychiatry Interview template is to ensure that mental health professionals gather all the necessary information about a patient's mental health in a systematic and standardized manner. The template helps to ensure that all aspects of the patient's mental health are assessed, and that nothing is overlooked during the assessment process.

Are Psychiatry Interview templates customizable?

Yes, Psychiatry Interview templates can be customized to suit the needs of different mental health professionals and settings. However, it is important to ensure that any changes made to the template do not compromise the ability to gather all necessary information about the patient's mental health.

What are the advantages of using a Psychiatry Interview template?

The advantages of using a Psychiatry Interview template include ensuring that all aspects of the patient's mental health are assessed, standardizing the assessment process across different mental health professionals and settings, and reducing the risk of missing important information during the assessment process. The template can also help to save time during the assessment process.

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