
Explore deeper insights with our Iceberg Template, which is ideal for uncovering hidden factors in business, psychology, and education.

By Telita Montales on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is an Iceberg Template?

An Iceberg Template is a strategic and analytical tool designed to visually represent the underlying layers or factors of a visible situation or problem. This template, often used in business, psychology, education, and other fields, consists of two main parts: the tip of the iceberg, visible above water, and the larger, submerged section beneath the surface. The visible tip represents the known, observable aspects of a topic or issue, while the vast submerged part symbolizes the deeper, often hidden layers and contributing factors.

In practice, the Iceberg Template serves as a metaphor for understanding that what is seen on the surface of any issue is just a small part of a much larger whole. It is an effective tool for uncovering hidden elements influencing visible outcomes or behaviors. 

For instance, the template can help dissect the deeper organizational culture or market dynamics influencing observable business trends in a business context. Similarly, in psychology, it can be used to explore underlying beliefs or experiences shaping an individual's behavior or emotional state.

The adaptability of the Iceberg Template to various scenarios makes it a valuable asset for encouraging deeper thinking and analysis. Prompting users to identify and consider the less apparent elements of a situation facilitates a more comprehensive understanding and informed decision-making process.

How Does it Work?

Steps involved in using/filling the Iceberg Template:

Identify the Topic

Start by clearly defining the central topic, issue, or situation you want to explore using the Iceberg Template. This could range from a specific business problem to a personal psychological challenge.

Fill in the tip

In the visible section of the iceberg, jot down the evident, known aspects or symptoms of the topic. This should include what is immediately observable or recognized about the issue.

Explore Underlying Layers

In the submerged part of the iceberg, delve into the underlying causes, hidden factors, or less visible elements contributing to the surface situation. This step involves deep analysis and exploration beyond the obvious.

Analysis and Insights

Utilize the filled-in template to dissect and understand the relationship between the visible aspects and the deeper underlying layers. This comprehensive analysis can provide valuable insights into the issue's root causes and help formulate effective strategies for addressing it.

Our Printable Iceberg Template can be a practical tool, offering a clear and structured format for this exercise.

When Would You Use This Template?

Iceberg Templates are versatile tools used across multiple disciplines and contexts. In business, they are instrumental in strategic planning and organizational problem-solving. By uncovering underlying factors such as company culture or market forces, they assist in addressing performance issues or guiding future strategies.

In psychology, Iceberg Templates are valuable in therapeutic settings or self-reflection exercises. They help individuals and therapists explore beneath the surface of behaviors or emotions, uncovering deeper motivations, fears, or experiences.

Educators also find these templates useful in academic settings, particularly in developing critical thinking and analytical skills among students. By applying the Iceberg Template to complex subjects or social issues, students learn to look beyond the obvious and understand many factors contributing to a situation.

Overall, the Iceberg Template is a powerful tool for anyone seeking a deeper, more holistic understanding of any issue or topic.

What do the Results Mean?

The insights gained from our Free Iceberg Template offer a comprehensive and multifaceted understanding of a given topic. The juxtaposition of the visible and submerged sections of the iceberg highlights that what is evident on the surface is often just a tiny representation of a much larger and complex reality.

Analyzing the deeper, submerged layers provides crucial information about the visible issue's root causes, underlying factors, or unseen drivers. This depth of understanding is essential for effective problem-solving, decision-making, and strategic planning. It allows individuals and organizations to address the symptoms of a problem and its core foundations.

In practical terms, the results of an Iceberg Template analysis can lead to more informed and sustainable solutions, strategies, and interventions. It promotes a thorough and thoughtful approach to tackling challenges, ensuring that solutions are not superficial but address the underlying complexities of the situation.

Research & Evidence

The development of the Iceberg Model is deeply rooted in the principles of systems thinking and psychology. This model operates on the premise that, like an iceberg, only a small portion of many systems is immediately visible or apparent. This concept has been reinforced through various studies and theoretical frameworks within organizational behavior and psychology, highlighting the necessity of delving beyond surface-level observations to comprehend phenomena' underlying causes and effects.

In organizational behavior, the Iceberg Model is used to understand organizational culture and behavior, positing that observable behaviors and processes are just the 'tip of the iceberg.' Underlying this visible tip are deeper layers of organizational values, beliefs, and assumptions that drive these behaviors (Schein, E. H., 2010). In psychology, the model explores individual behavior, suggesting that conscious thoughts and actions represent only a small part of mental processes, with the majority being subconscious or unconscious influences (Freud, S., 1923).

The model's efficacy in comprehensively understanding various issues has made it a staple in academic research and practical application. Its ability to facilitate a deeper analysis of complex systems and behaviors has proven invaluable in business management and personal development.


Freud, S. (1923). The ego and the id. W. W. Norton & Company.

Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.

How to Create an Iceberg Template?
How to Create an Iceberg Template?

Commonly asked questions

How to Create an Iceberg Template?

To create an Iceberg Template, divide it into two main sections: the tip and the submerged part. The smaller and visible tip represents a topic's surface-level or immediately obvious aspects. Below it, the larger submerged section illustrates deeper, underlying factors or causes that aren't immediately visible. 

This template can be adapted to various topics by identifying the visible outcomes or issues (the tip) and then exploring the hidden causes or influences (the submerged part). The template should be clear and spacious enough to allow detailed descriptions in both sections.

When are Iceberg Templates Used?

Iceberg Templates are particularly useful in scenarios that require deep analysis or understanding of complex issues. In business, they are used for strategic planning and organizational analysis, helping to uncover underlying factors that influence visible business outcomes. 

In psychology, they assist in therapy or self-reflection by exploring subconscious or less apparent influences on behavior or emotions. Educational settings use these templates to teach students critical thinking skills, allowing them to delve deeper into the underlying causes of historical events, scientific phenomena, or literary themes.

How are the Iceberg Templates Used?

To use an Iceberg Template, start by identifying and writing down the obvious, visible aspects of the issue or topic at the tip of the iceberg. Then, list the less visible underlying factors or causes in the larger submerged section. This process encourages a comprehensive view of the issue, promoting an understanding beyond the surface. 

By filling out both sections, users can visualize and analyze the relationship between the visible outcomes and the hidden influences, leading to more insightful conclusions and strategies.

Who Creates an Iceberg Template?

Individuals across various professions can create and use Iceberg Templates. Business analysts and managers may use them for organizational assessments, psychologists to understand behavioral motivations, and educators to teach complex concepts. 

The template’s simplicity and versatility make it a valuable tool for anyone interested in exploring the depth of a subject, whether for professional analysis, educational purposes, or personal insight.

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