DISC Assessment

Learn about DISC assessments, their types, meanings, and how to use them for free. Download our free PDF for a practical example.

By Telita Montales on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a DISC assessment?

This is a personality profiling system developed by psychologist William Moulton Marston. The DISC personality types offer an objective and comprehensive overview of an individual's behavioral style and preferences. It's primarily used within the workplace to improve communication, productivity, and teamwork.

The DISC model categorizes behavior into four main styles:

  • Dominance (D): Individuals with a dominant style tend to be assertive, direct, and results-oriented. They are often decisive, confident, and enjoy taking charge.
  • Influence (I): People with an influential style are sociable, outgoing, and persuasive. They thrive on building relationships, inspiring others, and are skilled at networking.
  • Steadiness (S): Individuals with a steady style are reliable, patient, and cooperative. They value harmony, stability and tend to be excellent team players.
  • Conscientiousness (C): People with a conscientious style are analytical, detail-oriented, and cautious. They prioritize accuracy and precision and prefer working with data and facts.

The DISC model and DISC style involves responding to a series of questions or statements that assess an individual's behavioral preferences and tendencies. The results provide a personalized profile highlighting the individual's dominant and secondary styles, enabling them to better understand their communication style, work preferences, and potential areas for growth.

By understanding one's DISC profile, individuals can enhance their self-awareness, adapt their communication style to connect effectively with others, improve teamwork, and manage conflicts more efficiently. The DISC assessment is utilized in various contexts, including personal development, team building, leadership training, and career counseling.

Through this explainer video, you can have a visual overview of the DISC assessment:

Printable DISC Assessment

Download this DISC Assessment to assess an individual's behavioral style and preferences.

How does it work?

The Printable DISC Assessment is a questionnaire that takes around 15–20 minutes to complete. It involves the following steps:

Step 1: Secure the DISC Assessment

First, you must obtain the printable DISC assessment through your organization, a certified coach, or various reputable online platforms like Carepatron. It's essential to ensure you're using a reliable, scientifically validated tool for accurate results.

Step 2: Understand the questionnaire

Before starting, try to understand the format of the DISC assessment. It typically includes a series of statements, for which you need to indicate how much each statement applies to you. There are no right or wrong answers, only personal preferences.

Step 3: Answer honestly and quickly

Begin the free DISC personality test by answering each statement honestly. Don't overthink your responses - your first instinct is usually the most accurate reflection of your behavior. Remember, this isn't a test that needs grades; it's a tool for understanding yourself and others better.

Step 4: Complete all sections

Ensure you complete all sections of the DISC personality types. Skipping questions or sections may skew the results and not provide a comprehensive picture of your DISC personality traits profile.

Step 5: Score the assessment

After completing the assessment, you'll typically have to score your answers. The assessment comes with clear instructions on how to do this.

Step 6: Interpret your results

With the scoring complete, you can interpret your results. Some assessments may include a basic guide to understanding your scores. For a more in-depth interpretation, you may want to consult with a certified DISC practitioner.

By following these steps, the printable DISC assessment provides a detailed understanding of your unique behavior style, which can help improve communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution in your personal and professional life.

DISC assessment example (sample)

A DISC assessment typically includes a series of statements to which the respondent has to indicate how much they agree or disagree on a scale. The statements pertain to behaviors associated with Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.

For instance, some sample statements might include:

  • "I am confident in social situations."
  • "I enjoy working in a team."
  • "I prefer routines and a steady pace of work."
  • "I pay close attention to details and aim for perfection."

Upon completion of the assessment, a comprehensive DISC profile is generated. This profile provides a detailed overview of your behavioral preferences in each of the DISC domains. It's important to note that the DISC assessment does not rank or score individuals; rather, it helps understand different personality types and how they interact.

This sample would be presented in a detailed DISC assessment PDF, which includes not only these trait descriptions but also a more in-depth analysis, such as how this person might interact with others, their motivators, and stressors, and suggested strategies for communication and development.

Download this DISC Assessment Example:

DISC assessment Example (sample)

When would you use this template?

A DISC assessment can be useful in various fields and circumstances, providing key insights into personality traits and behavioral tendencies. Here are some of the situations and relevant practitioners who would benefit from using this resource:

  • Human resource professionals: HR departments often use DISC assessments during the recruitment process to determine if a candidate's personality and behavioral style align with a particular role or team dynamic. They also use it for team-building exercises and conflict resolution.
  • Business managers and leaders: Managers can use the DISC assessment to better understand their team members' communication styles and motivational needs. This understanding can lead to improved team cohesion, productivity, and job satisfaction.
  • Career counselors and coaches: These professionals use DISC assessments to help clients better understand their strengths, areas of development, and how their traits might align with different career paths.
  • Psychologists and therapists: DISC assessments can be used within therapeutic contexts to help clients understand their behavioral patterns and how these patterns might impact their relationships and personal well-being.
  • Educators: In education, the DISC assessment can be used to understand student behaviors and tailor teaching methods to meet varying learning styles.
  • Sales and Marketing Professionals: Understanding the DISC profiles of potential clients or target audiences can improve communication strategies and increase the effectiveness of sales or marketing efforts.

A DISC assessment can be used by any professional looking to enhance communication, teamwork, and productivity within their field.

Benefits of the DISC Assessment

Enhanced communication

By identifying and appreciating the DISC profiles of others, one can adapt their communication methods to foster clearer, more effective interpersonal interactions.

Strategic team building

Leveraging insights from DISC assessments allows for the creation of well-balanced, efficient teams, maximizing productivity while ensuring diverse behavioral styles are represented.

Efficient conflict resolution

Understanding individual behavioral styles, as revealed by DISC profiles, can enhance conflict resolution strategies, ensuring smoother interpersonal relationships and a more harmonious working environment.

Effective leadership development

Leaders can use the DISC assessment to comprehend their own leadership style, thereby allowing them to adapt their approach for better team management, motivation, and engagement.

Focused personal development

DISC assessments provide individuals with comprehensive insights into their behavioral tendencies and strengths, helping them identify areas for development and enabling personal and professional growth.

Research & evidence

The DISC model was developed by psychologist William Moulton Marston in the 1920s and later adapted into a behavioral assessment tool by industrial psychologist Walter Clarke. Marston's model aimed to categorize behavior and emotions into four types.

Over the years, extensive research and practical applications have supported the validity and utility of the DISC model. A study by the American Psychological Association found that the DISC assessment measures traits with high reliability, establishing it as a robust tool for understanding human behavior in various settings. Furthermore, it was also noted that DISC profiles remain relatively stable over time, suggesting that the assessment captures core traits rather than transient states.

Organizations worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, use DISC assessments due to their reliability and practical applicability in improving team performance. They have found that understanding team members' DISC profiles enables better communication, reduces conflict, and improves overall team dynamics.

Moreover, DISC test are not culture-bound, so they are effective across different cultural contexts. The scientific and anecdotal evidence supporting the DISC model underscores its value as a tool for fostering better understanding, communication, and performance in diverse contexts through identifying DISC factors. Self awareness is something the DISC assessment examines, and users can have an understanding of deeper personality conflicts to cultivate positive growth. You can get a free self awareness template with from our resource library too!

Why use Carepatron as your DISC personality test measure app?

When you're looking for DISC test software that's flexible or innovative, Carepatron answers with its simplicity. The user interface is designed to be incredibly intuitive — no need for lengthy user manuals or tutorials. You can easily conduct and interpret DISC assessments, no matter your technical expertise.

Here's why Carepatron is the best place to embark on your DISC assessment journey:

  • Integrated client management: Carepatron provides a seamless client management system, streamlining the process of organizing and accessing DISC assessment results. Users can efficiently manage client profiles and track progress with ease.
  • Effortless online scheduling: With Carepatron's intuitive online scheduling feature, users can effortlessly set up DISC assessments at their convenience. The platform's user-friendly interface ensures a hassle-free scheduling experience, promoting efficiency and flexibility.
  • Patient portal for enhanced engagement: Carepatron understands the importance of patient engagement. The platform offers a dedicated patient portal, allowing individuals to access their DISC assessment results, personalized profiles, and related resources. This fosters a collaborative and transparent approach to personal and professional development.

Carepatron is more than just a DISC assessment app — we are your trusted companion supporting you towards growth and success. So, if you're ready to explore the benefits of DISC assessments, Carepatron is the best partner you could ask for.

General Practice Software


APA. (n.d.). Speaking of Psychology: Personality tests. https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/personality-tests

DISC Profile. "What is DISC?" Retrieved from https://www.discprofile.com/what-is-disc

Tony Robbins. "What is DISC?" https://www.tonyrobbins.com/disc/

Who uses DISC assessments?
Who uses DISC assessments?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses DISC assessments?

Individuals, teams, and organizations across various industries, including corporate, educational, and personal development settings utilize DISC assessments. Professionals, managers, and HR professionals often leverage DISC to enhance communication and teamwork.

When do you use DISC assessments?

DISC assessments are employed during recruitment, team building, leadership development, and conflict resolution processes. They offer valuable insights into behavioral styles, aiding in creating more effective and harmonious work environments.

How is the DISC assessment used?

The DISC assessment is administered through a questionnaire, and the results generate a personalized profile indicating an individual's dominant behavioral traits. This profile is then used to foster better understanding, communication, and collaboration among team members or in personal relationships.

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