Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet

Manage panic attacks with our Awareness of Upsetting Thoughts worksheet. Take control of your healthcare journey today.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What are panic attacks, and what is Panic Disorder?

Panic attacks are intense, sudden surges of overwhelming fear and anxiety. These episodes can be accompanied by various physical symptoms, such as rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, chest pain, sweating, trembling, and a sense of impending doom. Panic attacks typically last a few minutes, but their effects can be long-lasting, causing significant distress and impairment in daily life.

Panic Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. These attacks are often accompanied by a persistent fear of experiencing another, leading to continuous anxiety and worry. The fear of panic attacks can become so pronounced that individuals may start avoiding situations or places where they fear an attack might occur. This avoidance behavior can severely limit their daily activities and significantly impact their quality of life.

Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts is a critical aspect of managing panic attacks and Panic Disorder. Healthcare practitioners are pivotal in helping individuals recognize and understand the cognitive triggers and thought patterns that precede these attacks. By identifying these upsetting thoughts, individuals can work on modifying their reactions and building coping strategies to mitigate the intensity and frequency of panic attacks.

Healthcare practitioners can guide patients in recognizing the automatic negative thoughts that contribute to panic attacks, such as catastrophic thinking, overgeneralization, or personalization. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often an effective approach to address these thought patterns, helping patients reframe their thoughts and develop healthier responses to anxiety-provoking situations. Additionally, relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices can complement CBT, enhancing patients' ability to manage their panic symptoms.

Panic attacks are acute episodes of intense fear and anxiety, while Panic Disorder involves recurrent, unexpected panic attacks and the persistent fear of experiencing more. Healthcare practitioners can play a crucial role in helping patients become aware of upsetting thoughts, which is essential in managing and ultimately overcoming panic attacks and Panic Disorder.

Printable Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet

Download this Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet to help clients manage negative thoughts.

How to use the Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet:

The Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet is a valuable tool designed to assist individuals in recognizing and addressing the thought patterns that contribute to panic attacks. Panic attacks can be debilitating, but understanding the cognitive triggers behind them is a crucial step in managing and ultimately overcoming them.

Here's how to effectively use the Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet:

1. Describe the Situation:

The first step involves recounting the specific situation or circumstances that led to a panic attack. It's essential to provide context to pinpoint the triggers accurately.

2. Recognize Automatic Negative Thoughts:

In this section, individuals identify the automatic negative thoughts that raced through their minds during the panic attack. This includes thoughts like catastrophic thinking, overgeneralization, and personalization, common cognitive distortions associated with panic attacks.

3. Rate Distress Levels:

To gauge the intensity of these upsetting thoughts, individuals rate them on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 represents minimal distress and 10 signifies extreme distress. This helps quantify the emotional impact of these thoughts.

4. Challenge Negative Thoughts:

With the guidance of a healthcare practitioner, patients work on challenging and reframing these automatic negative thoughts. They explore more rational, balanced, or positive ways to interpret the situation, reducing their emotional intensity.

5. Identify Cognitive Distortions:

This section prompts individuals to explore whether cognitive distortions, like "all-or-nothing thinking" or "mind-reading," influenced their thought patterns during the panic attack.

6. Develop Coping Strategies:

Individuals collaborate with their healthcare practitioners to develop practical coping strategies. These strategies may include deep breathing exercises, grounding techniques, and cognitive restructuring to manage upsetting thoughts in the future.

7. Homework/Action Plan:

Patients outline any homework assignments or action steps they plan to take before the next session, helping them practice and reinforce their coping strategies in real-life situations.

8. Progress and Feedback:

During subsequent sessions, individuals and healthcare practitioners review progress and adapt coping strategies as needed.

This worksheet empowers individuals to identify, challenge, and reframe negative thought patterns contributing to panic attacks. With the guidance of healthcare practitioners, this structured approach helps patients gain greater control over their thought processes and, ultimately, their panic attacks. It is an essential tool for improving mental health and well-being.

Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet Example

The Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet PDF is a comprehensive tool for individuals seeking to manage panic attacks. This structured template guides users through a series of steps, helping them identify and understand the negative thought patterns that trigger panic episodes.

It encourages individuals to describe the triggering situation, recognize automatic negative thoughts, rate distress levels, challenge and reframe these thoughts, identify cognitive distortions, and develop coping strategies. It also includes sections for setting homework assignments, tracking progress, and collaborating with healthcare practitioners. 

This downloadable PDF document is a valuable resource for enhancing mental well-being and gaining control over panic attacks.

Download this Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet Example:

Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet Example

When would you use this Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet?

The Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet is a valuable resource for individuals dealing with panic attacks and the healthcare professionals who support them. It is most appropriately used in several scenarios:

Panic Attack Episodes

Individuals can utilize this worksheet in the aftermath of a panic attack to reflect on the triggering situation, recognize the automatic negative thoughts they experienced, and assess the distress levels associated with these thoughts. This self-reflection can help individuals understand their thought patterns and emotional responses during panic attacks.

Ongoing Therapy and Treatment

Healthcare professionals, such as therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, can incorporate this worksheet into treating patients with Panic Disorder or recurring panic attacks. It allows for structured cognitive assessment and the development of tailored coping strategies.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

The worksheet aligns with CBT principles and can be effectively integrated into CBT sessions, focusing on identifying cognitive distortions and challenging negative thought patterns. CBT practitioners can use it to guide patients through cognitive restructuring.

Self-Help and Coping Strategies

Individuals who have experienced panic attacks may benefit from using this worksheet in a self-help capacity. It can help them develop self-awareness, recognize their thought triggers, and learn to manage their panic symptoms independently.

Anxiety Management Workshops

Healthcare professionals leading anxiety management or stress reduction workshops can use this worksheet in their curriculum. It provides a practical, hands-on tool for participants to apply the concepts discussed during the workshops.

Panic Attack Prevention

The worksheet can also be employed proactively to prevent panic attacks. Healthcare practitioners can use it as part of psychoeducation to help individuals identify their unique triggers and early warning signs of anxiety, allowing for timely intervention and prevention.

What are the benefits of this Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet?

The free Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet offers several significant benefits for individuals and healthcare professionals:

Increased Self-Awareness

This worksheet encourages individuals to delve into their thought patterns during panic attacks, promoting a deeper understanding of the triggers and cognitive distortions contributing to their anxiety. This heightened self-awareness is crucial for managing panic attacks effectively.

Structured Cognitive Assessment

The worksheet provides a systematic framework for recognizing and challenging automatic negative thoughts, enabling individuals to assess the emotional impact of these thoughts. This structured approach aids in breaking down complex thought patterns into manageable components.

Tailored Coping Strategies

Working through this worksheet allows individuals to collaborate with healthcare professionals to develop personalized coping strategies. These strategies are essential for managing panic attacks and preventing future episodes.

Enhanced Communication

The worksheet is a communication tool for healthcare professionals to better understand patients' thought processes and emotional responses during panic attacks. This, in turn, facilitates more targeted therapeutic interventions.

Empowerment and Control

Using this worksheet empowers individuals to take an active role in their panic attack management. It shifts the focus from feeling helpless to becoming a proactive participant in their treatment journey.


The worksheet can be adapted for various contexts, including self-help, therapy, workshops, and education. Its versatility makes it a valuable resource for different stages of panic attack management.

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Carepatron is a cognitive behavioral therapy software that offers a comprehensive solution for anger management, and various mental health therapy needs. It offers specialized programs, including panic attack therapy, designed by experts in the field to address specific mental health concerns. The platform is rooted in evidence-based approaches, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is well-established as an effective method for managing anger and panic attacks. Carepatron's intuitive and user-friendly interface allows easy integration into daily routines, saving time and streamlining the therapy process.

Data security and privacy are crucial in healthcare, and Carepatron ensures that all patient data is protected. It also provides tools for tracking patient progress, monitoring therapy effectiveness, and making timely adjustments. Beyond therapy, Carepatron facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to patient care.

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Electronic Health Records Software
What is the purpose of this worksheet?
What is the purpose of this worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

What is the purpose of this worksheet?

This worksheet is designed to help individuals become aware of the automatic negative thoughts that trigger panic attacks and to develop strategies for managing those thoughts effectively.

Who should use this worksheet?

Individuals who experience panic attacks and healthcare professionals, therapists, and counselors working with clients dealing with panic attacks and Panic Disorder.

How can I access this worksheet?

You can access the "Becoming Aware of Upsetting Thoughts Panic Attack Worksheet" as a downloadable PDF or through healthcare professionals who may provide it as part of therapy or treatment.

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