Anger Management Treatment Plan Template
Decrease the intensity of angry feelings, and work towards healthy cognitive functioning. Download our treatment plan for anger management, and strengthen the ability to recognize anger and track progress effectively.

What is an Anger Management Treatment Plan?
Anger management treatment plans are used to increase awareness of feelings of anger and work towards minimizing impulses and outbursts. Anger management aims to increase the quality of life for clients, and tracks progress in regards to the emotional and physiological arousal of patients. Clients can better understand their triggers, and develop a calmer approach when it comes to stressful situations. Coping skills can be examined in greater detail, with anger management holding individuals accountable for their efforts in improvement.
Anger management plans are highly effective to implement within your private practice, as you can evaluate clients holistically, and increase clinical outcomes when it comes to coping with anger. Track emotional regulation skills over time, and increase discernment when it comes to deciding whether to implement cognitive or dialectical behavioral therapy approaches. This is in addition to family and psychodynamic therapy techniques, which can also work towards identifying anger patterns and cycles.
Anger management plans can be used for anyone experiencing mild irritation to intense rage. Quite simply, if you or the client feel that there is a lack of control when it comes to anger, consider implementing this plan. If anger is linked to depression or alcohol issues, as it commonly is, make sure to note and address this in your plan.
It is important to know that you cannot ignore your feelings or help how you feel. It is perfectly acceptable to recognize and acknowledge how you feel, with these worksheets outlining a plan to help change how clients respond to anger.
Anger Management Treatment Plan Template
Anger Management Treatment Plan Template Example
How to Use This Anger Management Treatment Plan
To help make sure that you integrate the anger management treatment plan effectively within your practice, consider the following steps.
Step One: Download the PDF
Click the link to download our anger management plan PDF. This should automatically open within your PDF reader software, where you can edit the document, or print to handwrite if that’s what you prefer.
Step Two: Fill in the anger management treatment plan
The next step is to fill in all the anger management treatment plan sections, with each one being laid out simply for you. Just write concise notes under each section to complete.
Step Three: Enter your credentials
Of course, you need to authorize the document. This means that you should include the first and last name of your client at the top of the page, along with their date of birth, and the date of your session.
Step Four: Store the treatment plan securely
Anger management treatment plans contain sensitive information, meaning that you must secure the information to avoid privacy breaches. This may involve password protection, or storing the documents within a cloud-protected platform that utilizes encryption.
Who Can Use This Anger Management Treatment Plan?
Anger management treatment plans are great in the sense that they are non-specific, and can be used within the context of multiple disciplines. Anger management is a common issue that is integrated into therapy outcomes for counselors, psychologists, and more. If you fall under the mental health and well-being umbrella, as well as social, then you can benefit from implementing anger management treatment plans within your practice.
Individuals that can make the most use of this treatment plan include the following:
- Counselors
- Therapists
- Psychologists
- Social workers
- Substance abuse therapists
- Life coaches
- Addiction therapists
Keep in mind that every type of health professional will use anger management treatment plans a little differently. However, all of these professions can aid in managing anger, and helping clients find ways to effectively communicate and tolerate others in the midst of stressful situations. All can lead to productive strategies that address underlying causes of anger and can help correct negative thinking patterns.
Why Is This Template Useful For therapists
Implementing this anger management template is immensely useful for therapists, and otherwise, to ensure that patients are increasing their control and negative impulses. With this template, healthcare professionals can achieve the following:
Track progress
Using anger management templates for each session you have with clients can work towards more effective tracking over time. You can monitor clients more closely, and much more accurately.
Increase organization
With the template outlining all critical information that constitutes effective anger management plans, you don’t have to worry about spending extra time creating and drafting the most effective notes.
Comprehensive sharing
Anger management treatment plans cover standardized measurements, meaning that in the case of referrals or further support, you can easily share information with other professionals.

Benefits of Using the Anger Management Treatment Plan
Incorporating anger management treatment plans into your practice can reap many benefits, including the following.
Stronger patient connections
With anger management plans, you can work to better understand the client’s perspective from a professional point of view, without compromising on care and empathy. You can clinically acknowledge all areas of their life that may be contributing to their anger, and develop strategies that directly relate.
Produce valuable insights
Seeing patient after patient who deals with anger management issues can sometimes obscure valuable insights that may lead to better mental well-being outcomes. With this treatment plan, you can structure your information in a linear format that may highlight details that are normally missed.
Save time
Naturally, using a ready-made treatment plan can save your practice tons of time - which is always a plus! Cut corners without compromise, and work smarter. You don’t have to do any thinking beyond providing the evidence that is asked.
Increase outcomes
Treatment plans are highly specific and nail each aspect of anger management, meaning that you can develop notes that are rich in detail, and that also point out underlying causes that you can integrate within your therapy.
Legal compliance
If you need to provide evidence to demonstrate professional opinion, treatment plans are a great record to serve in legal cases. You can maintain a compliant therapy practice, without fear of hefty HIPAA fines.
Top 10 Tips to Manage Anger
To help boost the efficiency of your anger management plan, feel free to consider and integrate the following steps. These are the most common, and most recommended tips when it comes to regulating anger and inducing more calm states.
Stop and Think
Easier said than done, but thinking before speaking is incredibly important when it comes to anger management. To avoid saying the wrong things in the heat of the moment, take a step back to gather your thoughts.
Be Assertive
It’s also important to communicate feelings clearly to the other person, without hurting them. You can be direct without confronting others abrasively.
Take a Break
Too much stress isn’t good for anyone. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, angry, or high-strung, it is recommended to give yourself some breaks or a timeout. An escape can allow you to calm down and get back on track before you hurt someone.
Exercise is a great way to let off some steam. Not only is exercise good to sustain a healthy body, but it is clinically proven to de-escalate anger in stressful times.
Consider “I” Statements
“I” statements are a great way to take ownership and responsibility for your feelings. Reduce the blame on others, minimize accusatory tones, and alleviate tension by conveying what you’re feeling to the other party. “I” statements are easy to incorporate and encompass any sentence starting with “I”.
Let Go of Grudges
Although it can be hard to forgive and forget, it is a powerful way to reduce anger. Holding onto grudges can be emotionally taxing and can also induce feelings of bitterness. Forgiving allows the other person to learn and can help you move forward.
Create Solutions
If something is angering you, it is important to identify the issue at hand, and come up with some solutions that addresses the problem. Be proactive, and work to reduce anger by reducing opportunities for it to appear.
Seek Help
There is no shame in seeking help for your anger if it concerns you or others. If you feel that your anger is out of control, and you’re continually acting out behaviors you regret, consider seeking professional help.
If you feel your anger rising, take some time away from the situation by doing something you enjoy. Anything that encourages relaxation is welcome, which may include yoga, breathing exercises, affirmations or music.
Use Humor
Sometimes having a laugh is all you need.Lightening up is a great way to reduce tension and allow you to breathe again. Although, tread carefully, as humor such as sarcastic comments may not be received well.
Commonly asked questions
There are many different ways to create effective anger management plans, and it is entirely up to you and your professional opinion as to what works best. Some fill out the section with cognitive behavioral therapy in mind, but choosing any other approach is also equally valid - so long as it matches the client's needs.
This will differ depending on the practitioner and the number of issues present in the client session - however, a good rule of thumb is 1-2 pages. Anything longer is considered excessive, as you need to keep them concise.
Supporting evidence should go under the relevant heading, however, if this is too small for your supporting documents, it is completely okay to attach these at the back. This is especially useful for various types of therapies that involve worksheets and written exercises, which are quite common in anger management.