ADHD in Women Checklist

Download this ADHD Checklist for Women to assist you in recognizing potential signs and behaviors.

By Wynona Jugueta on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Differentiating between the sexes: ADHD symptoms

While ADHD symptoms can appear in anyone, there are some potential differences in how they manifest between males and females. However, it's crucial to note that these are trends, not absolutes.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2012), each individual's experience with ADHD is unique, and gender should not be the sole factor in diagnosis or understanding.

ADHD tends to differ in the sexes. Here's a breakdown of some potential differences:


  • Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: Males display more externalized symptoms like fidgeting, running, impulsiveness, and disruptive behavior. Females may exhibit these less visibly but might have internal restlessness and difficulty staying still.
  • Inattentiveness: Both genders experience inattentiveness, but females may show it subtly, like daydreaming, zoning out, or having difficulty focusing on tasks. They might also struggle with organization and forgetfulness.

Emotional Regulation

  • Expressing Emotions: Males with ADHD may be more prone to outbursts of anger or frustration. Females may internalize these emotions, leading to anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem.

Diagnosis and Recognition

  • Underdiagnosis: Due to the subtler nature of symptoms, females with ADHD are often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed with other conditions like depression or anxiety.

However, it's important to remember that these are general trends, not definitive rules. Many individuals with ADHD, regardless of sex, will not fit neatly into these categories. Focusing solely on gender differences can lead to missed diagnoses and inadequate support. Moreover, a comprehensive assessment by a qualified professional is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

To identify ADHD symptoms accurately, healthcare professionals often use screening tests. These tests assess various aspects of attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. If you suspect ADHD or want to understand your risk, consulting with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive screening is recommended.

What are the signs of ADHD in women?

Recognizing the symptoms of ADHD in women is crucial for timely intervention and support. While ADHD symptoms can vary, here are common signs often observed in women:

  • Difficulty maintaining focus: Adult women with ADHD may struggle to sustain attention on tasks, leading to frequent distractions and incomplete projects.
  • Impulsivity in decision-making: Quick decision-making without thorough consideration can be a sign of ADHD in women, impacting various aspects of life, including work and relationships.
  • Emotional sensitivity and fluctuations: Many women with ADHD experience heightened emotional sensitivity, leading to frequent mood swings, mood disorders, and difficulty regulating emotions.
  • Procrastination and disorganization: Procrastination and disorganization are common signs affecting daily routines and long-term planning. Women may struggle with time management and task prioritization.
  • Restlessness and hyperactivity: While hyperactivity may not always manifest overtly, restlessness and an inner sense of constant movement can be indicative of ADHD in women.
  • Forgetfulness and memory issues: Forgetfulness and memory lapses are prevalent symptoms, impacting the ability to recall important details and stay organized. Adult women might forget appointments or household chores or even have trouble keeping things in place. Inattention symptoms and difficulty sustaining attention are also signs to look out for.
  • Challenges in completing tasks: Difficulty can arise due to inattention, impulsivity, and struggles with sustained effort.
  • Mental health implications: ADHD in women is often associated with mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression. It's essential to address both ADHD and mental health concerns simultaneously for comprehensive support.
  • Adaptation strategies: Many women with ADHD develop coping strategies, such as creating routines, using reminders, and breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Inattentive type symptoms

Difficulties in sustaining attention and focus characterize the inattentive type of ADHD. Individuals with this subtype may not display the overt hyperactivity often associated with ADHD but can face distinct challenges.

Recognizing these inattentive specific symptoms is vital for understanding and addressing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, especially in women.

  • Inability to focus: Persistent difficulties in maintaining attention on tasks, leading to frequent distractions and incomplete projects.
  • Forgetfulness: Regular lapses in memory, impacting the ability to recall important details and stay organized.
  • Disorganization: Struggles with maintaining an organized environment and managing daily tasks efficiently.
  • Procrastination: Tendency to delay tasks, resulting in time management and task prioritization challenges.
  • Difficulty following through: Challenges in completing tasks due to a combination of inattention and struggles with sustained effort.
  • Missed details: Overlooking important information in various aspects of life, affecting work, relationships, and daily responsibilities.
  • Low self-esteem: Inattentive symptoms for women with ADHD can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, especially when incomplete tasks or goals are unmet.

Individuals with inattentive type ADHD may be at an increased risk of developing related mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Seeking support from a mental health professional can help address both ADHD and associated mental health concerns.

If you identify with ADHD symptoms as mentioned above, consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial. A thorough evaluation by a mental health professional can lead to ADHD being diagnosed properly and the development of an appropriate management plan.

Hyperactive type symptoms

Overt physical restlessness and impulsive behaviors characterize the hyperactive type of ADHD. While commonly associated with children, adults, and women can also experience this subtype.

Recognizing the hyperactive symptoms is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

  • Excessive fidgeting: Ongoing restlessness and a need for constant movement, including fidgeting and tapping.
  • Difficulty staying seated: Challenges in remaining seated, often accompanied by a constant urge to be on the move.
  • Impulsivity: Quick decision-making without thorough consideration, leading to impulsive actions.
  • Talkativeness: Excessive talking and difficulty in regulating speech volume and pace.
  • Inability to wait: Difficulty waiting for turns, whether in queues or during conversations.
  • Risk-taking behavior: Engaging in risky activities without fully considering the consequences.
  • Restlessness in mind and body: An inner sense of restlessness, even when physically inactive, is often described as a racing mind.

Diagnosing hyperactive type ADHD involves a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional, considering behavioral observations, medical history, and, in some cases, psychological testing.

Once diagnosed, various treatment options for treating ADHD. This includes behavioral therapy and medication, which may be recommended to help manage symptoms effectively.

Impulsivity-type symptoms

Impulsivity is a prominent aspect of certain ADHD presentations, impacting decision-making and behavior regulation. Understanding the specific symptoms associated with impulsivity type ADHD is crucial, especially in women. Girls tend to experience unique challenges related to impulsivity.

  • Hasty decision-making: Making quick decisions and careless mistakes without thoroughly considering the consequences.
  • Impulsive actions: Engaging in actions without sufficient forethought, potentially leading to unexpected outcomes.
  • Difficulty inhibiting responses: Challenges in restraining immediate verbal and behavioral reactions.
  • Risk-taking behavior: Participating in activities with a higher risk factor without fully considering potential dangers.
  • Interrupting others: Difficulty waiting for turns during conversations, resulting in frequent interruptions.
  • Difficulty planning: Struggles with planning and organizing tasks, often opting for immediate gratification.

Women tend to have impulsivity, which can manifest in unique ways, and its impact may extend to areas such as relationships and self-esteem. There is an observed connection between impulsivity and the increased likelihood of developing eating disorders.

Recognizing and addressing impulsivity-type symptoms is a critical step in managing ADHD. While there is no cure for ADHD, various interventions, including behavioral therapies and medication, can effectively mitigate the impact of impulsivity on daily life.

ADHD symptoms and hormonal changes

The relationship between ADHD symptoms and hormonal changes, particularly in women, is an area of growing interest. Fluctuations in female hormones can influence the manifestation of ADHD symptoms, adding a layer of complexity to its presentation.

Understanding this interplay is essential for a comprehensive approach to ADHD in women.

  • Menstrual cycle variations: Some women with ADHD report changes in symptom severity during different phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum challenges: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and postpartum periods can impact ADHD symptoms, affecting attention and emotional regulation.
  • Menopause-related changes: Hormonal shifts during menopause may influence the presentation of ADHD symptoms, with some women experiencing changes in focus and mood.
  • More women affected: Research suggests that hormonal changes may contribute to the higher prevalence of ADHD symptoms in women compared to men.
  • Impact on daily functioning: Hormonal influences can exacerbate inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, affecting daily activities and responsibilities.
  • Increased stress sensitivity: Hormonal fluctuations may contribute to heightened stress sensitivity in women with ADHD, impacting emotional well-being.
  • Careless mistakes: Hormonal change makes careless mistakes in tasks that require sustained attention and focus.

ADHD in women: next steps

Cruising life with ADHD presents unique challenges, but taking proactive steps can significantly improve daily functioning and overall well-being. Here are targeted strategies addressing specific aspects of ADHD in women:

Exercise and meditate to sharpen focus and concentration

Physical activity can enhance cognitive function and concentration. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, such as brisk walks or yoga. Meditation, especially mindfulness practices, can also improve focus and emotional regulation.

Improve your diet to control impulsivity and hyperactivity

Diet plays a crucial role in managing ADHD symptoms. Prioritize a balanced diet with adequate nutrients. Consider reducing processed foods and incorporating omega-3 fatty acids in fish and flaxseeds, which may support brain function.

Manage difficulties in the workplace

Communicate openly with your supervisor about ADHD-related challenges. Implement organizational strategies, such as using task lists and breaking down projects into smaller, manageable steps. Consider seeking guidance from an ADHD coach for personalized workplace strategies.

Mindfulness meditation for ADHD

Mindfulness meditation can enhance attention and self-awareness. Practice mindfulness exercises regularly to cultivate a present-moment focus, reducing the impact of distractions and impulsivity.

Deal with insomnia and other sleep problems

Establish a consistent sleep routine to address insomnia. Create a calming pre-sleep environment, limit screen time before bed, and consider relaxation techniques. Quality sleep positively influences attention and emotional well-being.

Prioritize Changes

Recognize the predominantly inattentive nature of ADHD in women. If you are easily distracted or talking excessively, consider prioritizing changes that align with your needs. Seeking support from an ADHD coach can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific challenges.


National Institute of Mental Health. (2012).

How common is ADHD in women?
How common is ADHD in women?

Commonly asked questions

How common is ADHD in women?

ADHD in women is more common than previously thought, with many cases going undiagnosed. Research suggests that approximately 5-8% of women may have ADHD, highlighting the importance of awareness and accurate diagnosis.

How do I know I have ADHD women?

Recognizing ADHD in women involves self-awareness and identifying common signs like difficulty focusing, impulsivity, and emotional sensitivity. If you relate to these symptoms, consulting with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment is recommended.

What are some symptoms of ADHD in women over 35?

ADHD symptoms in women over 35 may persist or emerge later in life. Look for signs like forgetfulness, disorganization, and challenges in task completion. Carepatron offers health and wellness planner templates specifically designed for women over 35, aiding in tracking and proactively managing ADHD symptoms. Explore these resources on our website.

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