M79.675 – Pain in left toe(s)

The ICD Code M79.675 diagnoses pain in the left toe(s). Read this guide to discover the code’s clinical information, synonyms, and similar codes.

By Nate Lacson on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Code
M79.675  – Pain in left toe(s)

M79.675 Diagnosis Code: Pain in left toe(s)

The ICD-10 code M79.675 represents pain in the left toe(s) and is used to classify this condition for accurate medical coding purposes. Here is a clinical description of this code:

  • Pain localized in the left toe(s).
  • Discomfort or distress is experienced in the toes of the left foot.
  • Sensations of throbbing, aching, or sharp pain in the left toes.
  • Pain may be constant or intermittent.
  • The intensity of pain can vary from mild to severe.
  • Other symptoms, such as redness, swelling, or difficulty walking may accompany pain.

Is M79.675 Billable?

Yes, the code M79.675 is billable. The code is specific and represents a distinct diagnosis of pain in the left toe(s). It provides valuable information for medical coding, reimbursement, and statistical purposes. Proper documentation and medical necessity must be met to support the billability of this code.

Clinical Information

Consider the following clinical information related to M79.675:

  • Pain in the left toe(s) may arise from various causes, including but not limited to:
  • Trauma or injury to the left foot.
  • Inflammatory conditions affect the toes.
  • Nerve compression or entrapment.
  • Osteoarthritis or other degenerative joint conditions.
  • Infections or fungal conditions in the toes.
  • Proper evaluation, including medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests, is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Treatment options may include pain management, physical therapy, medication, orthotics, or surgical intervention, depending on the symptoms' underlying cause and severity.

Synonyms Include:

  • Left toe pain
  • Pain in toes, left foot
  • Left hallux pain
  • Left great toe pain
  • Left lesser toe pain

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Toe Pain

Here are several commonly used ICD-10 codes for toe pain besides M79.675:

  • M79.676 - Pain in right toe(s)
  • M79.671 - Pain in unspecified toe(s)
  • M79.674 - Pain in bilateral toe(s)
  • S90.85XA - Injury of left great toe, initial encounter
  • S90.85XD - Injury of left great toe, subsequent encounter
  • S90.85XS - Injury of left great toe, sequela
  • M20.17 - Hallux rigidus (acquired)
  • M20.37 - Other hammer toe(s) (acquired)
  • M25.77 - Other specified joint disorders, ankle and foot
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Commonly asked questions

Can pain in the left toe(s) be caused by arthritis?

Yes, various forms of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, can cause pain in the left toe(s) due to joint inflammation and degeneration.

Is there any specific treatment for pain in the left toe(s)?

Treatment options for pain in the left toe(s) depend on the underlying cause and may include pain management, physical therapy, medication, orthotics, or, in some cases, surgery.

When should I seek medical attention for pain in my left toe(s)?

It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional if the pain in your left toe(s) is persistent, severe, or accompanied by redness, swelling, or difficulty walking. Proper evaluation is necessary for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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