Cervicalgia ICD-10-CM Codes

Here are commonly used ICD-10 Codes for Cervicalgia, including their clinical descriptions, billability, synonyms, FAQs, and more.

By Alex King on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Cervicalgia ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Cervicalgia

Cervicalgia, commonly known as neck pain, is a prevalent condition with various underlying causes. Here are some commonly used cervicalgia ICD-10 codes:


This is the primary code for cervicalgia, representing non-specific neck pain without specifying its cause. It is commonly used when patients experience discomfort or pain in the neck region, often described as aching or soreness.


While primarily intended for low back pain with sciatica, it can be applicable when neck pain radiates down the arm due to nerve compression. This code covers situations where cervicalgia is accompanied by radiating pain.


This code is used for unspecified back pain, including neck pain, when the cause is unclear. It is employed when the source of the discomfort is not precisely identified, or cervicalgia doesn't fit into a more specific category.


This code is used when cervical spondylosis, a degenerative condition affecting the cervical spine, is the underlying cause of cervicalgia. It indicates age-related wear and tear of the neck bones and discs.


This code covers cervical spondylosis when the specific location is not indicated. It is used when the exact cervical vertebrae involved are unspecified.


Applicable when cervicalgia is associated with brachial plexus lesions or disorders. It accounts for cases where neck pain is linked to brachial plexus nerve issues, potentially causing pain and numbness in the arm and hand.


Use this code when cervicalgia results from trauma, such as whiplash injuries, car accidents, or sports-related incidents. It signifies acute neck pain due to external forces.

Which Cervicalgia ICD codes are Billable: 

  • M54.2, M54.9, M47.812, M47.819, G54.0, and G89.21 are generally billable for cervicalgia. 
  • M54.4 should not be used for reimbursement purposes.

Clinical Information

  • Cervicalgia refers to neck pain, which can be acute or chronic.
  • It may result from various causes, including muscle strain, ligament sprains, spondylosis, trauma, or nerve injuries.
  • Common symptoms include localized pain, stiffness, and limited neck mobility.
  • Cervicalgia can be associated with headaches, shoulder pain, and radiating pain in the arms.


  • Neck Pain
  • Cervical Pain
  • Cervicodynia
  • Neckache
  • Cervical discomfort
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Commonly asked questions

When to use a Cervicalgia ICD code?

Use a Cervicalgia ICD code when diagnosing a patient with neck pain to ensure accurate medical billing and documentation.

What are the common treatments for Cervicalgia Diagnosis Codes?

Common treatments include rest, physical therapy, pain management, anti-inflammatory medications, and, in some cases, surgical interventions. The treatment plan depends on the underlying cause.

What does a diagnosis code for Cervicalgia mean?

A diagnosis code for cervicalgia signifies that the patient is experiencing neck pain. It aids in accurate billing and documentation, allowing healthcare providers to provide appropriate care.

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