Right Ankle Pain ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

Discover the accurate ICD-10-CM codes for right ankle pain. Ensure precise diagnosis with our comprehensive code list.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Right Ankle Pain ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Right Ankle Pain? 

Right ankle pain can be a debilitating condition that affects individuals of all ages. It can result from various causes, such as trauma, overuse, or underlying medical conditions. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate ICD-10-CM codes are crucial for effective treatment and billing. Here are six commonly used codes for right ankle pain, along with their clinical descriptions:

M25.371 - Osteophyte, right ankle:

This code indicates the presence of bony outgrowths or bone spurs in the right ankle, which can cause pain and limited range of motion.

M25.571 - Pain in right ankle and joints of the foot:

This code represents generalized pain in the right ankle and foot joints without specifying the cause.

M25.472 - Osteophyte, right foot:

Similar to the first code, this one denotes the presence of bony outgrowths or bone spurs, specifically in the right foot.

M25.361 - Effusion, right ankle:

This code indicates fluid accumulation within the right ankle joint, often leading to swelling, discomfort, and limited movement.

M25.461 - Other instability, right ankle:

This code is employed when the right ankle joint instability may result from ligamentous laxity or other structural abnormalities, leading to recurrent pain and potential ankle giving way.

M25.471 - Osteophyte, right toes:

It signifies the presence of bony outgrowths or bone spurs, specifically in the right toes, which can cause pain and discomfort.

M25.461 - Pain in the right ankle and joints of the toe:

This code describes pain localized in the right ankle and the joints of the toes without specifying the underlying cause.

S93.401A - Sprain of unspecified ligament of right ankle, initial encounter:

This code is used for documenting a sprain of an unspecified ligament in the right ankle that has occurred recently and requires initial medical attention.

M25.471 - Pain in right toes:

It represents generalized pain localized specifically in the right toe without specifying any cause.

M25.571 - Arthralgia, right ankle, and foot:

This code describes generalized joint pain affecting the right ankle and foot without specifying the underlying cause.

Which Right Ankle Pain ICD codes are Billable: 

M25.371 - Osteophyte, right ankle

Yes, this code is billable as it identifies a specific condition, namely osteophytes or bone spurs in the right ankle.

M25.571 - Pain in the right ankle and joints of the foot

No, this code is not billable as it represents a symptom (pain) without specifying the underlying cause or condition.

M25.472 - Osteophyte, right foot

Yes, this code is billable as it specifies the presence of osteophytes or bone spurs in the right foot.

M25.361 - Effusion, right ankle

Yes, this code is billable as it indicates the presence of a specific condition, namely effusion or fluid accumulation in the right ankle.

M25.461 - Other instability, right ankle

No, this code is not billable as it represents a nonspecific "other instability" condition without further detail or a specific underlying cause.

M25.471 - Osteophyte, right toes

Yes, this code is billable as it specifies the presence of osteophytes or bone spurs in the right toes.

M25.461 - Pain in the right ankle and joints of the toe

No, this code is not billable as it represents a symptom (pain) without specifying the underlying cause or condition.

S93.401A - Sprain of unspecified ligament of right ankle, initial encounter

Yes, this code is billable as it identifies a specific condition, namely a sprain of an unspecified ligament in the right ankle, and specifies that it is an initial encounter.

M25.471 - Pain in right toes

No, this code is not billable as it represents a symptom (pain) without specifying the underlying cause or condition.

M25.571 - Arthralgia, right ankle and foot

No, this code is not billable as it represents a symptom (arthralgia) without specifying the underlying cause or condition.

Clinical Information

  • Right ankle pain can have various underlying causes, including injuries, arthritis, sprains, fractures, tendonitis, and nerve compression.
  • Common symptoms of right ankle pain may include localized pain, swelling, tenderness, stiffness, difficulty walking or bearing weight, and limited range of motion.
  • A thorough clinical evaluation is necessary to determine the specific cause of right ankle pain, which may involve physical examination, medical history review, imaging tests (X-rays, MRI, CT scan), and laboratory tests.
  • Treatment options for right ankle pain depend on the underlying cause. They may include conservative measures such as rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), physical therapy, pain medication, bracing or splinting, and orthotic devices.
  • In more severe cases or when conservative measures fail, interventions like corticosteroid injections, surgical procedures (arthroscopy, fusion, tendon repair), or regenerative medicine techniques (platelet-rich plasma, stem cell therapy) may be considered.
  • The prognosis and recovery time for right ankle pain vary depending on the cause, severity, and individual factors. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial for optimal outcomes.
  • Patient education about proper footwear, stretching and strengthening exercises, and injury prevention strategies can help prevent recurrent right ankle pain.
  • Collaborative multidisciplinary care involving orthopedic specialists, physical therapists, podiatrists, and pain management specialists may benefit the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of right ankle pain.

Synonyms Include:

  • Right ankle discomfort
  • Right ankle ache
  • Right ankle soreness
  • Right ankle tenderness
  • Right ankle throbbing
  • Right ankle agony
  • Right ankle discomfort
  • Right ankle distress
  • Right ankle irritation
  • Right ankle uneasiness
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Commonly asked questions

Can I use these codes for any type of right ankle pain?

These codes cover a range of specific conditions and symptoms associated with right ankle pain. However, it is essential to thoroughly evaluate the patient's clinical presentation and consult the ICD-10-CM coding guidelines to ensure the most accurate code selection. The right ankle pain's specific cause, severity, and location should be considered when assigning the appropriate code.

Are these codes universally recognized?

Yes, ICD-10-CM codes are widely used internationally for medical coding and documentation. They provide a standardized system for classifying diagnoses, symptoms, and medical conditions, ensuring consistency and facilitating communication among healthcare providers, insurers, and other relevant parties.

Do these codes provide a comprehensive list of all right ankle pain diagnoses?

The provided codes cover several common diagnoses associated with right ankle pain. However, individual patient cases may vary, and additional specific diagnoses or rare conditions could not be included in this list. It is important to consult the ICD-10-CM codebook or seek guidance from a qualified medical coding professional for precise code selection in complex cases.

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