Stages Of Change Worksheets
Access our Stages of Change Worksheets to help clients work through the process of change and increase commitment to positive behavior.

What is the Stages of Change Worksheet?
A Stages of Change Worksheet is designed to guide clients through a common change model that works towards creating and reinforcing positive and healthy behaviors. The worksheet takes clients through the six stages of precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse, all of which are part of the process of incorporating change.
Stages of Change Worksheets can be used across a multitude of mental health specializations and areas. Psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, psychotherapists, life coaches, and social workers can all benefit from incorporating them into their practice.
For many clients, change is inevitable but difficult and complicated. This useful tool can benefit clients dealing with life difficulties in relationships, sleep hygiene, work, eating, university, substance abuse, recovery, exercise or training, organization, and more.
Designed to simplify and promote proactive action for improved day-to-day functioning, this worksheet supports clients to commit to improving their behavior, cognitions, and life. It also helps develop strategies for coping with and implementing change and dealing with challenges.
Stages Of Change Worksheets Template
Stages Of Change Worksheets Example
Transtheoretical model of change
This tool draws on the transtheoretical model of change, one of several psychology theories used to explain the process by which new behaviors replace old behaviors. Clients may move between stages nonlinearly, and this worksheet aims to guide clients through the various stages of this model.
The six stages begin with precontemplation. In this stage, clients are often described as being in denial and claim that their behavior or stress is not a problem.
The second stage, contemplation, is where the client becomes more aware of their stress as a problem. However, many conflicting emotions are still at play. Clients may evaluate the pros and cons of changing their behavior, and many are hesitant to move past this stage in fear of the consequences.
The third stage, preparation, is where the client begins to implement small changes to prepare for a larger one.
Next is the action stage, during which the client creates a direct-action plan to resolve the issue, taking definitive steps.
The following stage is the maintenance stage, where clients work to sustain and maintain their new behaviors by replacing old habits with positive actions.
The final stage is relapse, where clients resort to their old behaviors and face feelings of disappointment and frustration, as well as failure. Clients may or may not relapse. However, it is included as a natural part of change regardless.
How to use the Stages of Change Worksheet template
To use Stages of Change Worksheet, we recommend that you follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Download the form
Access the worksheet by clicking "Use template" for a copy you can customize via the Carepatron app. For a PDF copy, click "Download."
Step 2: Distribute the worksheet
Give the worksheet to your client and explain the objectives. It can be completed during your session or at home for quiet reflection. It is recommended that you work with the patient through their answers during sessions, as your expertise can contribute to deeper insights.
Step 3: Complete the worksheet
Prompt your client to work through each section of the worksheet. If at any point they struggle or get stuck, engage them in conversation to first to generate thoughtful answers. Focus on developing positive thoughts and behavior around change.
Not every section needs to be completed in one session; use your clinical judgment to decide when the client may benefit from pausing.
Step 4: Store
Store the document safely once completed. Stages of change worksheets contain highly sensitive information, so it is recommended that you store the worksheet within a HIPAA-compliant platform to protect and safeguard patient information at all times. This way, you can easily return to it to complete the relapse section if the client returns to old behaviors.
Benefits of Stages of Change Worksheet template
There are a multitude of benefits to incorporating stages of change worksheets. These go beyond practical uses and work towards helping you achieve your long-term goals.
Improved clinical outcomes
Stages of Change Worksheets can significantly elevate clinical outcomes within your practice. These worksheets support clients to better understand the changes that are occurring within their life, and how to manage them productively and with care. This helps clients identify their specific barriers and commit to overcoming them in recovery.
Combats stigma
These worksheets acknowledge all stages of change (not just those that are considered progress) and how relapse is a very frequent and normal occurrence. This combats stigma surrounding relapses, and helps clients understand it as a natural component of change. This helps redirect energy from negative beliefs and self-doubt to constructive plans of action.
Elevated client engagement
These worksheets allow mental health practitioners to collaborate with the client in order to create plans of action that cater directly to their needs, thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Increasing engagement allows for clearer communication, which can produce more valuable insights when it comes to treatment plans.
Promotes proactive behaviors
The worksheet focuses on making and setting goals and identifying areas of weakness to improve upon. this promotes productivity and proactive habits, enforcing healthy and positive behaviors among clients. Change is reliant on the client's approach and mindset, so these worksheets support clients to gain insights into their abilities and cognitions.
Builds confidence
Change can be an overwhelming and daunting event. These worksheets allow you to lead your client through the various stages of change in a way that feels safe, attainable, and helps them build confidence. Help clients recognize that they are not alone and that change, and its various nuances are inevitable, normal, and empowering for introducing positivity.
Enhance organization
These worksheets consist of already-made templates, meaning that all you have to do is download them to start. They do not require extensive knowledge or training to use, and no matter your experience or familiarity with these stages of change model, you can implement them right away.
Save time
Incorporating these worksheets allows mental health practitioners to save time on important business processes. These worksheets take the hassle out of your day and allow you to spend more time doing what you do best, attending to your clients and prioritizing their needs.
Commonly asked questions
The transtheoretical model is a theory within psychology about the course of change. The six stages of change within this model are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapse.
If your client does not relapse, there is no need to fill out this section. You should only fill out sections relevant to your patient. This is perfectly acceptable, and these worksheets are flexible to accommodate that everyone is different and faces unique life stresses and changes.
It is important that the client is the one completing the stages of change worksheet, however, for more effective results, it is best if a qualified mental health practitioner collaborates with the client to suggest ways that they can improve.
The Stages of Change Worksheet provides clients with the tools to recognize where they are in their journey toward change and identify how to achieve the next stage. This worksheet is valuable because it is grounded in reality while promoting self-belief and aspirational thinking. It provides an easy way for clients to engage with and integrate their therapist's advice.