Stages Of Change Worksheets

Check out our stages of change worksheets to help clients recognize the six change dimensions. Increase commitment to healthy and positive behaviors, and help clients accomplish their goals in a much shorter time.

By Katherine Ellison on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What Is A Stages Of Change Worksheet?

Our stages of change worksheet help clients through a common change model that works towards creating and reinforcing positive and healthy behaviors. The worksheet takes clients through the six stages of precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse, which all contribute toward greater understanding when it comes to incorporating change. For many clients, change is a difficult and complicated process, with these worksheets designed to simplify and promote proactive action for day-to-day functioning. With this worksheet, clients can develop a committed approach to their behavior, and acknowledge that relapses are inevitable and part of every mental healthcare journey. Clients dealing with all sorts of stresses, including relationships, sleep schedules, work, eating, exercise, and more, can all benefit from incorporating the worksheet. Designed with mental health practitioner needs in mind, professionals can take advantage of the many benefits this worksheet has to offer.

Stages Of Change Worksheets Template

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Stages Of Change Worksheets Example

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How To Use This Worksheet For Stages Of Change

To use this stages of change worksheet, we recommend that you follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Download the worksheet

Although this may seem self-explanatory to state, it is important that you download the worksheet so you can incorporate it within your practice. All you have to do is click the link on this page, and the template should open automatically within your designated PDF reader. It is free, and only takes a few seconds!

Stage 2: Distribute the worksheet to your client

The next step is to give the worksheet to your client. Feel free to forward the worksheet electronically for them to complete at home, or alternatively, you can print the worksheet out. It is up to you whether it is assigned as homework, but we recommend that you work with the patient and use the worksheet as a tool to supplement your appointments. To complete the worksheet, simply work with the client to answer the questions and prompts, and offer support whenever needed.

Step 3: Store securely

The final step is to then store the document safely once completed. Stages of change worksheets contain highly sensitive information, so it is recommended that you store the worksheet within the HIPAA-compliant platform to protect and safeguard patient information at all times.

Who Can Use this Printable Stages Of Change Worksheets (PDF)?

Stages of change worksheets can be used across a multitude of mental health specializations and areas. Change is inevitable, and something that many clients struggle with across a variety of mental health challenges and well-being concerns. As a result, many different types of professionals can utilize these worksheets, including psychologists and counselors, and beyond. Regardless of how many years of experience you have, or the number of clients that you see, there's value to be had for everyone. These worksheets can be used by any professional who is wanting to help their client through a particular life stress that is a result of a change, whether this is internal or external. We have included a list of some of the following who may particularly find this worksheet useful:

- Psychologists

- Psychiatrists

- Counselors

- Therapist

- Psychotherapist

- Life coaches

- Social workers

Why Is This Form Useful For Therapists

The stages of change worksheet also has multiple practical uses that you should be aware of. These include the following:

Leads clients through change

Change can be an overwhelming and daunting event, with these worksheets allowing you, as a mental health practitioner, to lead and guide your client through the various stages of change. Help clients recognize that they are not alone and that change and its various nuances are inevitable, normal, and empowering for introducing positivity. Life can be manageable with the right tools, with this worksheet touching on all aspects that pertain to change.

Enhance organization

These worksheets consist of already-made templates, meaning that all you have to do is download them to start. They do not require extensive knowledge or training to use, and no matter your experience or familiarity with these stages of change model, you can implement them right away. Simplify your workload, and streamline your business processes so you can stay on top of your patient information.

Save time

Naturally, incorporating these worksheets that are already made means that you can save time on important business processes. At the end of the day, as a mental health practitioner, you are running a business and time is money. These worksheets take the hassle out of your day and allow you to spend more time doing what you do best, attending to your clients and prioritizing their needs.

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Benefits of Stages Of Change Worksheet Template

There is also a multitude of benefits to incorporating stages of change worksheets. These go beyond practical uses and work towards helping you achieve your long-term goals.

Higher clinical outcomes

One of the major benefits of incorporating stages of change worksheets is that they can significantly elevate clinical outcomes within your practice. With these worksheets, clients can better understand the changes that are occurring within their life, and how to manage them productively and with care to their own barriers and challenges. They are unique to every client situation and consider their perspective and values above all, which results in higher results and outcomes.

Removes mental health stigma

The great thing about these worksheets is that they acknowledge all stages of change, and how relapse is a very frequent and normal occurrence. There tends to be a bit of a stigma surrounding relapses, and many clients feel as if they are a failure and that they have let others down when in reality, this is a very natural component of change. This worksheet recognizes this and helps clients understand that it is okay to relapse, so long as they learn from it and work towards a new plan of action.

Elevated client engagement

These worksheets allow mental health practitioners to collaborate with the client in order to create plans of action that work directly to their needs, thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This is always a plus, as the client should be made aware that they are a valued patient within your clinic, and that they are not just a number. Increasing engagement allows for clearer communication, which can produce more valuable insight when it comes to treatment plans.

Promotes proactive behaviors

The stages of change worksheet also focuses on making and setting goals and identifying areas of weakness to improve upon each week. These worksheets promote productivity and proactive habits, that will enforce healthy and positive behaviors among clients. This is especially important considering that change is reliant on the client's approach and mindset, and so any support that helps patients recognize this is always of high value.

Supported by research

This worksheet is heavily supported by academic and scientific psychological research, meaning that you can have full confidence in the model and how its results manifest within clients. The stages of change instrument is widely recognized and acknowledged, meaning that you can work towards developing a robust framework that takes into account clinically proven methods and processes.

What is included in a stages of change worksheet?
What is included in a stages of change worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

What is included in a stages of change worksheet?

To go into greater detail, the stages of change focus on six components, with the first being precontemplation. In this stage, clients are often described as being in denial and claim that their behavior or stress is not a problem. The second stage, contemplation, is where the client becomes more aware of their stress as a problem, however, there are many conflicting emotions still at play. Clients may evaluate the pros and cons of changing their behavior, with many hesitant to move past this stage in fear of the consequences. The third stage, preparation, is where the client begins to implement small changes to prepare for a larger one. Within the next action stage, the client creates a direct action plan to resolve this issue, with definitive steps taken. The following maintenance stage is where clients work to sustain and maintain their behaviors by replacing habits with positive actions. The final stage is relapse, where clients resort to their old behaviors and face feelings of disappointment and frustration, as well as failure. Clients may or may not relapse, however, it is included as a natural part of change regardless.

What happens if my client does not relapse?

If your client does not relapse, then there is no need to fill out this section. You should only fill out sections that are relevant to your patient, and of course, change is relative; what may be true for some clients may not be for others. This is perfectly acceptable, and as the nature of these worksheets suggests, everyone is different and faces unique life stresses and changes.

Who completes the stages of change worksheet?

It is important that the client is the one completing the stages of change worksheet, however, for more effective results, it is best that you collaborate with the client to suggest ways that they can improve. Many clients need additional support, and as a mental health practitioner, it is important that you are there to offer a hand.

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