Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet

Looking for a comprehensive Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet? Get your free PDF for structured healing and coping today!

By Olivia Sayson on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet PDF Example
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What is Trauma and PTSD?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a psychiatric condition that can develop in individuals who have undergone or witnessed a traumatic event or a series of traumatic events. These events are typically perceived as emotionally or physically harmful, life-threatening, or profoundly distressing, affecting multiple aspects of one's well-being, including mental, physical, social, and spiritual dimensions.

Traumatic experiences encompass various situations, such as natural disasters, severe accidents, acts of terrorism, combat or war, sexual assault, historical trauma, intimate partner violence, and bullying.

Individuals with PTSD often grapple with intense and distressing thoughts and emotions related to their traumatic experiences. These symptoms persist long after the traumatic event has concluded. Common manifestations of PTSD include flashbacks or nightmares reliving the trauma, sadness, fear, or anger, and a sense of detachment or estrangement from others.

People with PTSD may also avoid situations or individuals that trigger memories of the traumatic event and may exhibit heightened emotional reactions even to mundane stimuli, such as loud noises or accidental physical contact.

Printable Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet

Download this Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet to help clients process their emotions and thoughts.

How to use the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet:

Below are the detailed steps on how to effectively utilize this worksheet:

Step 1: Understanding the Worksheet

Before introducing your clients to the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet, take a moment to familiarize yourself with its structure and content. This worksheet is thoughtfully organized into sections, each with a specific purpose to guide the individual's self-reflection and healing process.

Step 2: Personalization

Once you've introduced the worksheet to your client, guide them through the personalization process. Encourage them to actively engage with the worksheet by filling it in with their unique experiences, thoughts, and emotions related to their trauma or PTSD. 

Step 3: Self-Reflection

As your client progresses through the worksheet, facilitate deep self-reflection. This step involves delving into their past experiences, closely examining their emotional responses, and identifying potential triggers that may have contributed to their trauma or PTSD. 

Step 4: Seek Support

Acknowledge that healing from trauma and PTSD can be arduous, and it often requires external support. Encourage your client to consider sharing the completed "Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet" with you, their trusted therapist, counselor, or a supportive individual. Based on their responses, you can offer tailored guidance, emotional support, and valuable insights to aid their healing journey. 

Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet Example

This Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet PDF is a practical illustration and template for individuals looking to understand how to use the worksheet effectively. This downloadable PDF offers valuable insights into the self-reflection process, guiding users through each worksheet section.

By reviewing this example, users can clearly understand how to complete the worksheet, ensuring they maximize its benefits in their personal healing and resilience-building process.

Download this Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet Example:

Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet Example

When Would you use this Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet?

The Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet offers significant value in various situations. It is a vital resource for individuals who have endured trauma, providing a structured platform to process their complex emotions and thoughts. Whether it's the aftermath of a natural disaster, a personal tragedy, or any traumatic event, this worksheet helps individuals navigate their healing journey effectively.

Mental health professionals can harness the power of this worksheet in therapy sessions. It becomes a therapeutic instrument, guiding clients through exploring and addressing their traumatic experiences. It proves valuable in support group settings, facilitating group discussions and collective healing among individuals who share similar traumas. 

For those embarking on a self-help path, the worksheet is an empowering tool promoting self-awareness and resilience-building. It enables individuals to take charge of their healing journey by offering a structured framework for introspection and personal growth.

What are the benefits of using this Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet?

Structured Healing 

Trauma can be overwhelming, and individuals may struggle to navigate their emotions and experiences. Our free Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet provides a systematic and organized framework for processing trauma. It breaks down the healing process into manageable sections, making it less daunting. This structure allows individuals to address their emotions and experiences step by step, promoting a sense of order and control in a chaotic emotional landscape.


Healing from trauma often begins with self-awareness. Completing the worksheet encourages individuals to reflect on their experiences in a structured manner. By carefully examining their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to trauma, individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotional responses. This increased self-awareness can be a catalyst for positive change and personal growth.

Coping Skills

One of the critical challenges of PTSD is managing distressing symptoms. The worksheet assists individuals in developing coping skills and strategies to manage these symptoms effectively. Individuals can work with therapists or counselors to create personalized coping mechanisms by identifying triggers and emotional responses within the worksheet. This proactive approach empowers individuals to handle PTSD symptoms and reduce their impact on daily life.

Why use Carepatron as your Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app?

Carepatron offers a user-friendly CBT therapy app and CBT therapy software, making it easy for professionals to manage patient records, treatment plans, and progress tracking.

The Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet offers significant value in various scenarios. It is a vital resource for recovering from trauma, providing structure for processing emotions and thoughts. Utilizing Carepatron's mental health practice management software, mental health professionals can seamlessly integrate this worksheet into therapy sessions, facilitating effective exploration of traumatic experiences.

Carepatron also offers general practice software and physical therapy EMR, streamlining practice management for healthcare professionals in different fields. These tools enhance efficiency by managing patient records and appointments. Whether you're a mental health therapist or a physical health therapist, Carepatron's therapy practice management software optimizes administrative tasks. Lastly, the worksheet empowers self-awareness and resilience-building for those on a self-help journey, offering a guided framework for personal growth and healing.

Clinical Documentation Software
How long does it normally take to accomplish the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet?
How long does it normally take to accomplish the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it normally take to accomplish the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet?

Completion times for the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet can vary significantly from person to person. Some individuals may finish it in a single session, while others may require multiple sessions to delve deeply into their trauma experiences.

How can the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet help?

The Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet is a structured framework that empowers individuals to process their trauma, cultivate self-awareness, and develop effective coping strategies. It serves as a valuable instrument for self-reflection and the journey towards healing.

When is this Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet best used?

The optimal utilization of the Six Pillars of Character PTSD Worksheet occurs after experiencing a traumatic event, during therapy sessions, support group meetings, or as part of a self-help initiative. Its versatility makes it a valuable resource across various stages of trauma recovery.

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