Psychosis Treatment Plan

Discover more about what psychosis is, how to support those living with these symptoms, and how to better your psychosis care plan.

By Chloe Smith on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is psychosis?

Psychosis refers to a collection of symptoms that can affect the mind. Most prominently, there has been some disconnection with reality. During a psychotic episode, individuals are often unable to differentiate between the real world and the unreal world (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020).

Psychosis typically begins in young adulthood when an individual is in their late teens to mid-20s. However, a person experiencing psychosis at a younger or older age can be experiencing many other illnesses or mental health problems (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020).

There is no one cause of psychosis. It can appear as a result of complex combinations of genetic risk, brain development, and exposure to stress or trauma. Or, it may even be a symptom of other mental health issues or psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020).

Other causes for psychosis may be:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Prescription medications
  • Alcohol misuse
  • Substance misuse

However, it's important to note that individuals who are diagnosed with psychosis may never be diagnosed with another mental health condition.

In this guide, we will explore psychotic symptoms, the complications of untreated psychosis, how it is treated, and how this Psychosis Treatment Plan can support individuals who are in therapy for psychosis.

Symptoms of psychosis

Individuals who experience psychosis will typically experience delusions. These are false beliefs that an individual has about someone or something. A good example to help you comprehend this and treat psychosis is that the patient is convinced the people on television are sending special messages. Or that others are trying to harm them (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020).

Individuals also experience hallucinations. These are when the individual sees or hears things that others do not. Often, individuals experiencing psychosis report a voice telling them to do things such as take drugs or harm themselves or others.

The symptoms of psychosis can seem scary. However, it's good to know that individuals typically show a change in their behavior before psychosis develops (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020). A few warning signs for psychotic episodes that the National Institute of Mental Health has offered include:

  • Suspiciousness, paranoid ideas, or uneasiness with others
  • Trouble thinking clearly and logically
  • Withdrawing socially and spending a lot more time alone
  • Unusual or overly intense ideas, strange feelings, or a lack of feelings
  • Decline in self-care or personal hygiene
  • Disruption of sleep, including difficulty falling asleep and reduced sleep time
  • Difficulty telling reality from fantasy
  • Confused speech or trouble communicating
  • A sudden drop in grades or job performance

Reaching out to a healthcare provider is essential if an individual in talk therapy notices these symptoms. Or even if you notice these symptoms in therapy sessions for other reasons. In some cases, individuals can behave in confusing ways and may harm themselves. With treatment, the risk of this occurring is reduced.

What complications can psychosis lead to?

Untreated mental health conditions can have a detrimental impact on an individual. Psychosis can lead to negative implications related to early psychosis in one's life and future. Individuals who are suffering from untreated psychosis may experience the following:

  • Difficulties retaining their occupation
  • Studying or academic challenges
  • Hardship and financial difficulties
  • Substance abuse
  • Social isolation
  • Poor physical health
  • An increased risk of suicidal thoughts or self-harm
  • Relationship strain
  • Legal issues
  • Hospitalization
  • Co-occurring mental health concerns

Individuals who are struggling with extended psychosis may be at higher risk for worsening mental illness symptoms. Individuals must seek treatment as soon as possible. Intervention at an early stage can support patients in managing symptoms and getting back on track.

How do mental healthcare professionals diagnose psychosis?

Diagnosing psychosis is similar to diagnosing any other mental health condition. Mental health professionals will work through the standard framework. This includes:

  • Clinical assessment
  • Observation
  • Collateral information
  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Diagnostic criteria
  • Medical examination
  • Neuropsychological testing
  • Duration and severity
  • Substance abuse
  • Collaboration with other professionals
  • Cultural considerations
  • Differential diagnosis

These are the standard steps that mental health professionals typically take when diagnosing any mental health illness. This thorough assessment ensures all of the bases and underlying medical issues are covered and supports the right decisions and treatment plan for the identified disorder.

How is psychosis treated?

Psychosis is often treated after individuals have experienced symptoms for more than one year (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020). Psychosis treatment is usually administered by qualified professionals, including a psychologist, psychiatrist, or a social worker who works to help develop a treatment plan. Reducing the amount of time an individual is experiencing psychotic symptoms is pivotal in ensuring a greater outcome for that individual.

Antipsychotic medications can be used within treatment and often have side effects. It's essential to work with a healthcare provider to determine the right medication to support the client (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020). Treatment often includes a mix of various treatments, both medication management and therapy sessions. Therapy approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can support individuals experiencing psychosis.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2020), substantial research supports coordinated specialty care. This is an approach to specifically treating psychosis that can promote easy access to care between specialists, the patient, and their family members. Individuals experience better outcomes when they are included in the treatment for psychosis (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020).

How does this Psychosis Treatment Plan work?

Using this treatment plan has never been easier. We've created an easy-to-follow step-by-step set of instructions that allows you to determine how to practice best using this template quickly.

Step 1: Obtain the template

You can do this by navigating the templates section on the Carepatron website or by clicking the link below. From here, download the file to your device and save it for use. If you're interested in having a paper copy, no problem; just download and print as usual.

Step 2: Talk with your client

You can build rapport with your client by initiating a conversation about their life and how they have decided to seek professional support. It's a good idea to take some time to explain and work through the template with your patient, as being open and honest about sessions can improve trust. From here, work down the sections that need filling in. Try to smoothly incorporate these sections into your conversation to allow for good conversation flow.

Step 3: Assess with your client

Taking time to ask your client any questions they may have about treatment for psychosis and any concerns they may have about certain treatments can make for a better therapeutic experience. This is also an excellent time to ask for input on what treatment for psychosis looks like to them and how they see their time going forward.

Step 4: Store the plan securely

You can do this by using the Carepatron OS system. We're big on privacy, meaning you can rest assured your completed document will be safely stored away until the next time you need it. This way, you can also record more information in later sessions and even look back on the document to identify any milestones achieved.

What are the benefits of having a Psychosis Treatment Plan?

Having a psychosis treatment plan in place for patients who are struggling is an essential resource for therapists working within this space. Developing a plan collaboratively can support building rapport and allowing the patient to feel heard. Here are a few other benefits that utilizing a treatment plan for people experiencing psychosis can have:


An essential part of dealing with any mental health condition is having education about the issue. This allows individuals to know under different psychological theories how their symptoms co-occur and how the negative symptoms can be lessened through various techniques. Understanding the psychological problem can make it less scary and help individuals make more informed decisions about their treatment plans.

Goal setting

Goal setting is an integral part of any mental health treatment plan. In the case of psychosis treatment goals, it's good to have an understanding of how long an individual and their therapist want to spend on each part of the treatment. Having a psychosis treatment plan can help patients and therapists make informed and realistic goals that can achieve the desired outcome.

Individualized care

Using this treatment plan allows goals and desired outcomes to be individualized for each patient. This template can help you tailor an approach that considers the resources available to your patient. This also helps the patient feel supported by including them in their recovery process.

Family involvement

If appropriate treatment for psychosis allows, individuals can utilize their social support circle within this treatment plan. Sections for family background and presenting issues allow patients to go into detail about family involvement in their symptoms as well as any background on family mental health conditions. Using the space available, and keeping up with family support and indicators can allow for a smooth recovery plan.

Collaboration with other mental health professionals

This template allows other mental health professionals to quickly and easily understand key information about this client. The patient can also use this to help describe their symptoms and what they need to do to remain calm. Other professionals that might be involved within the treatment may be, psychiatrists, counselors, case managers, or social workers.


National Institute of Mental Health. (2020). Understanding psychosis. National Institute of Mental Health.

What is psychosis?
What is psychosis?

Commonly asked questions

What is psychosis?

Psychosis is a mental state with altered thoughts, emotions, and reality perception.

Are hallucinations common?

Hallucinations can occur, involving false perceptions such as seeing or hearing things.

How is psychosis treated?

Treatment typically involves therapy, medication, and support to manage symptoms and improve functioning.

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