Functional Oral Intake Scale

Measure your patient's oral intake capabilities with the Functional Oral Intake Scale. Download the free PDF template and example to get started.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 16, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a Functional Oral Intake Scale?

Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a disorder that affects the ability of an individual to swallow properly. It is most commonly caused by neurological damage or conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy.

Healthcare professionals use the (FOIS) to assess a patient's food swallowing capability. This tool is designed to measure the effectiveness of a patient's oral intake.

The FOIS has seven levels, each denoting a different type of oral intake ability. It provides clinicians with an understanding of how much and what types of food and liquids the patient can consume without risk of aspiration.

Functional Oral Intake Scale Template

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Functional Oral Intake Scale Example

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How does this Functional Oral Intake Scale work?

Our free Functional Oral Intake Scale template is fully digital and straightforward. Here's how to get started:

Step One: Download the template

Access the free Functional Oral Intake Scale template using the link on this page. You can also get it from the Carepatron app or our resources library.

Step Two: Input the patient’s details

Complete the patient's information section at the top of the form. This should include their name and date.

Step Three: Assess the patient’s oral intake abilities

Evaluate each level according to your patient's abilities, starting from level one and working up. Check the box of the appropriate level that best describes the patient's oral intake capabilities.

Step Four: Write any observations

At the end of the form, you can add any observations or comments relevant to your patient's assessment.

Step Five: Store the FOIS form

Once you’ve completed the template, store it in your patient's file. That way, you can refer back to it in the future.

When to use a Functional Oral Intake Scale PDF?

You can use this Functional Oral Intake Scale PDF whenever you need to assess the oral intake capabilities of your patient. Additionally, you can use the FOIS if or when:

The patient experiences difficulty or is at risk of aspiration

Using the Functional Oral Intake Scale, you can determine the best and safest intervention for a patient's oral intake capabilities. This may include changing the consistency of food or liquids, using modified positioning for feeding, or reducing the risks associated with oral intake.

The patient has a history of dysphagia

If you have a patient with dysphagia, the Functional Oral Intake Scale can help you understand their progress and assess any changes in their condition.

You need to monitor the patient's diet

The FOIS can help you monitor a patient's diet and create the best action plan to ensure they get the nutrition they need.

The patient is undergoing treatment

If a patient is undergoing treatment, such as speech therapy or other dysphagia interventions, then the FOIS can measure the effectiveness of the treatment. This can help you ensure the intervention is appropriate and effective for the patient's needs.

Who is this Printable Functional Oral Intake Scale for?

The Functional Oral Intake Scale is designed for use by healthcare professionals such as:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Dietitians
  • Speech therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Physiotherapists

You can use the template for adults and children of all ages who are at risk of or experiencing dysphagia. The tool is also suitable for use in hospitals, nursing homes, and community settings.

Practice Management Software Feedback

Benefits of free Functional Oral Intake Scale template

This Functional Oral Intake Scale template offers a range of benefits to both healthcare professionals and patients. These include:

An accurate assessment of a patient's oral intake capabilities

The FOIS is a comprehensive tool that can help you assess a patient's oral intake abilities, identify any risks, and develop an appropriate intervention plan.

A record of your patient's progress

The FOIS can help you track a patient's progress over time, allowing you to measure their improvement or deterioration. This can inform decisions about their future care and treatment.

A fully digital form

This digital FOIS template is easy to use and store, making it an efficient tool for patient assessment. You can easily access the form using any device with an internet connection, fill it out, and store it in your patient's file.

A reliable assessment tool

The Functional Oral Intake Scale has been designed by experts using evidence-based practice and research. You can rely on the information provided to make an informed decision about the best course of action for your patient.

Why is a Functional Oral Intake Scale popular?
Why is a Functional Oral Intake Scale popular?

Commonly asked questions

Why is a Functional Oral Intake Scale popular?

The Functional Oral Intake Scale is a popular assessment tool for its accuracy and reliability. It enables healthcare professionals to quickly assess the oral intake capabilities of their patients, identify any risks and take the necessary steps to ensure their safety.

How do you score on the Functional Oral Intake Scale?

The FOIS has seven levels of oral intake capability, ranging from 1 to 7. Each level describes what the patient is capable of doing regarding intake abilities.

When to use the Functional Oral Intake Scale?

The Functional Oral Intake Scale should be used whenever a healthcare professional needs to assess the oral intake capabilities of their patient. This can include regular intervals during treatment or as part of a general assessment.

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