Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet

Give your client an Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet to help them list the fears they will aim to conquer daily and weekly. 

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

(OCD) is a mental health disorder wherein the person diagnosed experiences intense anxiety and distress. To temporarily alleviate what they’re feeling, they usually have recurring thoughts (obsessions) and participate in repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Some of these obsessions may be fears and taboo thoughts. Meanwhile, excessive handwashing and counting/repeating certain words are examples of compulsions.

Common factors that play a role in increasing the risk of one developing OCD are genetic predisposition and biological/environmental factors. Because of these, OCD is usually diagnosed by having the client undergo multiple interviews, answer questionnaires, and be observed for a while.

The most common and effective combination of treatments is medication and CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). During CBT sessions, clients will be exposed to obsession-trigger thoughts or situations and taught to resist the urge to engage in compulsive behaviors. Aside from those, they will be provided with better adaptive skills and coping strategies.

Do note that only qualified mental health professionals like therapists, psychiatrists, and psychologists, preferably one with a CBT license or certification, will diagnose the condition, conduct the CBT sessions, and formulate a treatment plan for the client.

Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet Template

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Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet Example

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How to use the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet:

Access and Download the Template

Access and download a printable and digital file of the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet by doing either of the following:

Fill Out the Template

Since the template is straightforward, your client can easily understand how to fill it out independently. However, you should tell them they can contact you if they need help breaking down the goals or setting a weekly target.

Securely Store

After they fill out the worksheet, it’s best if you and your client securely store the copy in a secure location.

Suppose you decide to use a digital file. In that case, you can save it on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant EHR that can securely store the document and give easy access only to them and you, the referring physician.

When would you use this Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet?

Practitioners who have a CBT license or certification, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists, can use the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet on their clients who:

  • Have a confirmed medical diagnosis of OCD
  • Are participating in an individual exposure and response prevention program
  • Need weekly targets that they will tackle

Ultimately, we’ll leave it up to you at what point in their healing journey you will have them answer the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet since you know them best. 

What are the benefits of using this Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet?

More Patient Insight

Although you will have asked what the client’s fears are early on, having the client answer the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet will let you know the goals they want to achieve in the long run. Furthermore, you’ll get a more detailed or in-depth idea of a vague fear.

Effective Treatment Planning

The Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet is a template that you can use to help you plan daily and weekly targets that your client can achieve. Furthermore, you can use an empty template multiple times to slowly get through all the goals they want to accomplish over time.

Improves Monitoring Process

Though it’s not explicitly stated, you and the client can use the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet to help you monitor your patient's progress. You can do so by asking the client to add a checkmark or writing down “Complete” or “Done” beside the client's goal for the day.

Easily Accessible

If you decide to use a digital file of our free Exposure Goal OCD Worksheet template, you can complete it on any PDF editor on any gadget you have on your hand. In addition, you can also make it easily accessible only to relevant people, such as yourself and your client.

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet?
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet?

It usually takes a client at least 30 minutes to accomplish the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet. It can take less time if the referring physician helps the client.

How can the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet help people?

It can help people plan out the client’s weekly targets.

Who can use the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet?

Clients with OCD in or about to participate in an exposure and response prevention program can use the Exposure Goals OCD Worksheet.

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